Arrogant Zlatan (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
I have earlier said that Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a nice guy but I take it back now. I have had my doubts about his capabilites on the field, he can do fantastic dekes (perhaps that is only the hockey word) but usually they only work against opponents who aren't all that good. San Marino is not a very good team to say the least so yesterdays game was perfect for him. He made two assists and two goals, can't complain about that. It was other things that pissed me off.
His elbows, always those god damn elbows. Can't someone cut them off? Once again he attacked a player with his elbows, lucky for him the ref didn't see it. If the San Marino player would just have been a few inches shorter he would have had a blue eye today. This was not the first time, we all remember his elbow against Rosenborg. He was suspended for five games last season for something which I don't remember in Holland. He has got to get control of his temper.
The worst thing he did yesterday was that he stole the penalty kick that was ment for Kim Källström. Zlatan was tripped in the penalty area and was awarded a penalty. Kim was supposed to take the penaltys. If Zlatan would have asked if he could take it I would not complain now this was something completely different. Kim told Zlatan that he supposed to take it, Zlatan didn't say a word, he just looked straight forward and layed up the ball with his teammates yelling at him. Zlatan scored on the penalty and cheered with two hands in the air, but he was the only one who cheered. All the Swedish players just turned their back on him and walked away. A very clear sign from the players. Zlatan tried to steal a penalty last week but Tomas Galazek made it very clear that he was supposed to take it.
After the game Zlatan just made his silly laugh, Kim and the coaches didn't seem to enjoy it as much.
I have had my doubts about Zlatan for a long time but this was just too much. As I feel now he can go back to Yugoslavia. No matter how good he is his attitude problem is causing too much trouble.

I have had some serious trouble with seeing the potential in his play, I think he is the extremely overrated. His goal against Lyon last year was class, but he never runs if he doesn't have the ball and he is only good in one-on-one situations.

Buy on
Jul 12, 2002
I think that Zlatan is a fine player, but you are right, he should not have stolen that penalty. Zlatan is certainly to blame there, but also, I think that Sweden's coaching is very poor and that was a contributing factor.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
There's nothing I disagree with from what has been said, he has a really bad attitude and I've been saying that for a while now.


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2002
forget about the elbows thing, he's so god damn selfish :groan: and very arrogant as well.

but he can learn to be a better sportsman while Koeman is his manager.
not easy to have a so arrogant player at your team


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Phew, when I saw the title I thought you were reffering to me :D :angel:

And if you dont want him, Bosnia (not Yugoslavia :fero: ) will gladly take him. I agree he has an attitude problem and is extremely cocky, but we really would take him back.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
The coaching had nothing to do with it, Kim was number one and Zlatan knew it.
Well, you may be proven right, it depends on whether or not Zlatan plays next match, or ever again. If I were the coach, he would never play on my team again.


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
I just wonder how the whole thing would had been like if Zlatan
was the teams PK taker, scored one goal on penalty and
Källström the one that scored a 'real' goal and was behind the other goals...

I can imagine comments , praising words that he wanted to end a perfect day with 2 Goals. He is up for greater responibility, he is hungry for success!

The game was 4-0, a penalty during the last minutes!
If I was the coach I would had let MVP of the game or the
2nd man on the list of PK takers take it so U can train more players
for such things!!!

Arrogant Zlatan?
NO! Arrogant pathetic Swedish Media!


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Juventino ] ++
I just wonder how the whole thing would had been like if Zlatan
was the teams PK taker, scored one goal on penalty and
Källström the one that scored a 'real' goal and was behind the other goals...

I can imagine comments , praising words that he wanted to end a perfect day with 2 Goals. He is up for greater responibility, he is hungry for success!

The game was 4-0, a penalty during the last minutes!
If I was the coach I would had let MVP of the game or the
2nd man on the list of PK takers take it so U can train more players
for such things!!!

Arrogant Zlatan?
NO! Arrogant pathetic Swedish Media!
If a certain player is assigned to kick the penalties then why should another player kick it? Just so that he can get his second goal? Don't you think that Kim Kallstrom might have liked to get his second goal as well? Zlatan should have missed! :(


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
I have earlier said that Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a nice guy but I take it back now. I have had my doubts about his capabilites on the field, he can do fantastic dekes (perhaps that is only the hockey word) but usually they only work against opponents who aren't all that good. San Marino is not a very good team to say the least so yesterdays game was perfect for him. He made two assists and two goals, can't complain about that. It was other things that pissed me off.
His elbows, always those god damn elbows. Can't someone cut them off? Once again he attacked a player with his elbows, lucky for him the ref didn't see it. If the San Marino player would just have been a few inches shorter he would have had a blue eye today. This was not the first time, we all remember his elbow against Rosenborg. He was suspended for five games last season for something which I don't remember in Holland. He has got to get control of his temper.
The worst thing he did yesterday was that he stole the penalty kick that was ment for Kim Källström. Zlatan was tripped in the penalty area and was awarded a penalty. Kim was supposed to take the penaltys. If Zlatan would have asked if he could take it I would not complain now this was something completely different. Kim told Zlatan that he supposed to take it, Zlatan didn't say a word, he just looked straight forward and layed up the ball with his teammates yelling at him. Zlatan scored on the penalty and cheered with two hands in the air, but he was the only one who cheered. All the Swedish players just turned their back on him and walked away. A very clear sign from the players. Zlatan tried to steal a penalty last week but Tomas Galazek made it very clear that he was supposed to take it.
After the game Zlatan just made his silly laugh, Kim and the coaches didn't seem to enjoy it as much.
I have had my doubts about Zlatan for a long time but this was just too much. As I feel now he can go back to Yugoslavia. No matter how good he is his attitude problem is causing too much trouble.

I have had some serious trouble with seeing the potential in his play, I think he is the extremely overrated. His goal against Lyon last year was class, but he never runs if he doesn't have the ball and he is only good in one-on-one situations.
thats like the most arrogant piece of shit i ever heard.....


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++

If a certain player is assigned to kick the penalties then why should another player kick it? Just so that he can get his second goal? Don't you think that Kim Kallstrom might have liked to get his second goal as well? Zlatan should have missed! :(
I agree, I hate when players try to steal other players' goals. They just look like idiots and selfish bastards. I remember once when the ball was rolling towards the goal, and Batistuta (this was early on in his Roma days) ran his heart out and tried to slide tackle the ball into the net. If the goal had been awarded to him, fair enough...he gets a goal next to his name... but the worst part is, he looked so selfish and the ball had already gone in, so he didn't get awarded the goal :howler::wallbang:

The order for penalty kicks shouldn't change, no matter what the circumstances of the game are. Of course Kallstrom would want to score aswell.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by G_O_A_T ] ++
Phew, when I saw the title I thought you were reffering to me :D :angel:

I like when players aren't selfish e.g. in WC98, when Argentina was playing against Jamaica, Ortega and Batigol were on 2 goals each. Ortega was fouled in the box and was awarded a penalty, but he let Bati take it. Sure, maybe Bati was the preference PK taker, but I'm sure Ortega could have asked to take it, since Bati had already experienced a WC hat-trick against Greece in '94... I like that kind of sportsmanship


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2002
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

I agree, I hate when players try to steal other players' goals. They just look like idiots and selfish bastards. I remember once when the ball was rolling towards the goal, and Batistuta (this was early on in his Roma days) ran his heart out and tried to slide tackle the ball into the net. If the goal had been awarded to him, fair enough...he gets a goal next to his name... but the worst part is, he looked so selfish and the ball had already gone in, so he didn't get awarded the goal :howler::wallbang:
the best example is Tommason against Ajax :D
someone here in the forum (I don't remember who) had a very funny signature about it.

He thought he was the hero of Milan, and they wouln't win the CL witout his goal :LOL:


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I didint kenw that zlatan thing.....

Hey he is a real bastard!!.

Not a good example for an athlete


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by G_O_A_T ] ++
Phew, when I saw the title I thought you were reffering to me :D :angel:
I thought the same in the first moment :howler: but I also thought: arrogant :confused: but why this topic in in football forum? :wth::D


I knew about elbows, and I really dislike players playing in such way towards the others, it's unacceptable.

I dont know anything about Swedish NT, so I dont know if they can do the same as that Irish coach, McMarthy ( I dont remember his name now - I think sth like that) did just before WC 2002: he get rid of Roy Keane, when he became a troublemaker and in the Irish team was bad atmosphere.
Or maybe the situation with penalty in last match was only a exception and he is doing well with teammates?


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
As I feel now he can go back to Yugoslavia. No matter how good he is his attitude problem is causing too much trouble.
Very Rich....
Zlatan the Sweden born but yet not swede stood against a 'real one' and
that is the problem here!!!!


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++

If a certain player is assigned to kick the penalties then why should another player kick it? Just so that he can get his second goal? Don't you think that Kim Kallstrom might have liked to get his second goal as well? Zlatan should have missed! :(
did I say I'm OK with him taking the penalty just so he could get his
2nd GOAL!!!!!!!!!!?????

let me help U out so U won't think to much, NO, I didn't!
All I say is when U have a 4-0 lead and U R awarded with a
2nd penalty there shouldn't be big deal who takes it...

The whole thing got a bad twist b/c baby KIM reached for the ball
and Zlatan said I wan't to take it and gave him a "low five",
then KIM stood behind him and U could almost see the tears coming from
his eyes!!! then it got worst when the whole team turned their back
on Zlatan while he celbrated the goal!

Zlatan has apologised for taking the PK that was ment for KIM!
So end of story!!!!


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
zlatan just reeks man.

i saw that episode and thought it was perfectly disgusting, i mean come on, your team is winning by four goals, you got one so just sit back and let someone else do it if you're not supposed to. does that goal really mean all that to you?so much so that you have to do something like that?


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Well I didn't see the whole penalty discussion and I know zip about the Swedish national team so I won't comment on that but as far as the Dutch league I say Zlatan is ok. No defender ever accused him of hitting them for no reason.

Last weekend for example, Gérard de Nooijer from Feyenoord said at a talkshow that he too had been hit by Zlatan once but he didn't blame him, saying: "I had been pulling his shirt, giving him little pushes and tackling him with on the edge-tackles all match round, every forward would retaliate, be it through an elbow, a violent tackle or a schwalbe."

Zlatan isn't arrogant for as far as I can see, he's a great team player for Ajax and I believe he was once even a mediator in a fight between two other players.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Juventino ] ++
Very Rich....
Zlatan the Sweden born but yet not swede stood against a 'real one' and
that is the problem here!!!!
That's actually a very good point, one that even I had overlooked. But, nationalism runs deep, it's a hard thing to overcome...

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