American Juve (1 Viewer)

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
'Sup all my fellow compatriots from the US of A? Whatz goin' on y'all? I know there is a few of you, so here we are, our own thread. I'll give a shout out to all the people here I know located in the States: sup Majed, XNeo, BigIzz, Vinman, (Serge, Josh, and Vicky if ur still here :down:), and last but not least, my flamingly homosexual friend Pado. 'Sup my homies?

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Not much going on here. Good idea on an American thread. We can all litter, eat cheeseburgers and discuss why the rest of the world sucks. None of those other languages, were only gonna speak American in this here thread :D


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #5
    Thats what I'm talking bout man. Also we can discuss the political mess we have here in the states.

    Fabiana- Sorry, but I mean people from the U.S.A. :stuckup: But, I'll make a special exception for you and Jess, because I like you and you are almost "American" yourself. So come and join the party, Fabi. :D

    Gray- Since you are now a mod, I will withhold my very disrespectal statement. :D


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #6
    BTW Fabi, my computer crashed, and I haven't been able to setup my MSN Messenger stuff yet. My name is still on the friend's list, right?


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    Thats what I'm talking bout man. Also we can discuss the political mess we have here in the states.

    Fabiana- Sorry, but I mean people from the U.S.A. :stuckup: But, I'll make a special exception for you and Jess, because I like you and you are almost "American" yourself. So come and join the party, Fabi. :D

    Gray- Since you are now a mod, I will withhold my very disrespectal statement. :D
    I want to take part in this thread because I want to see how you American people think about the political elections, Ill be there in november when all this stuff takes place so I wanna know a little more about whats going on.

    And its OK Andy, its enough for me to be part of the Most Replied and Most Viewed thread on :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    BTW Fabi, my computer crashed, and I haven't been able to setup my MSN Messenger stuff yet. My name is still on the friend's list, right?
    Yes :D

    I was wondering why I hadnt seen you online for a long time!


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #9
    Yeah Fabi. I'm on my dad's stupid Mac Laptop, which for some reason I can't load MSN on this damn computer. :groan: But I'm ordering a new Laptop, so I will be hooked up in the next week or so.

    And Fabi, are you talking about this Thread when you say Most Replied thread? :D Or will be.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    Maybe I should be here. I am moving to florida for a while at the end of the month.

    I need advice. Where can I find some healthy enough fastfood, other than subway, that tastes good?


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    What kind of food do they serve there?

    I am more or less looking for a low fat and low carb sort of fast food place which probably is impossible.

    Gotta loose like 10 pounds and America isn't the place to do that. All that damned alcohol I drank is paying off now.


    Alex Del Mexico
    May 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by K10 ] ++
    What kind of food do they serve there?

    I am more or less looking for a low fat and low carb sort of fast food place which probably is impossible.

    Gotta loose like 10 pounds and America isn't the place to do that. All that damned alcohol I drank is paying off now.

    toasted sandwiches (its a better version of subway)
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