Alberta Tampona Aquilani (171 Viewers)

How many matches will we get out of Aquilani this season?

  • Less than 5

  • 5 - 8

  • 9 - 12

  • 13 - 16

  • 17 - 20

  • More than 20

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Jun 7, 2003
he is surely very concerned about what to do if he does not stay in italy.... after all it is very difficult to make a living with the few millions he get's paid, right ?
he is a professional footballer and if such things as you mentioned prevent him from playing good he simply is not a professional.

i can not go to work do crap and say "i am so concerned about my private life and my future" ... in any job you would even get kicked out earlier if you act like that and if you blame the system or the others on his performance he should as well be shot to the moon. he is a little pussy for not maning up and fighting the odds and just laying down and spreading the legs when the going gets tough... the straight opposite to melo imho...
yeah thats the point, they are professionals. dont expect from them to care where this club lands next season because he wont be here anymore. he just thinks : ok fuck it, no cl for juve? fuck it i will be at liverpool next season or milan who cares for juve, this shitheads. its exactly what i would be thinking haha. last week i had a project in another city i was there to help the team out there, i just wanted the day to end, just filming all the motherfuckers we had to film and if the materal was good or not good was not my problem, because my work is in vienna where i care what to film because i have to edit it. i was also payed very good haha fuck that, its just human not to care for somebody else's stuff and problems. thats the biggest problem with this loan shit, half of team yesterday knew they probably wont be here next season, why should they run for somebody else. and thats also a pro for youth department like barca the players love barca in our team we have just marchisio who runs like a motherfucker because he loves this club.


Footballing Hipster celebrating 4th place with Tuz
Sep 21, 2008
Use this drop in form to negotiate a sweet deal with Liverpool. For 8M, it's a done deal for me. When this Juve learns how to play proper football again Aquilani will be useful. It's hard for a playmaker that relies on passing and not sheer force or dribbling to do much when his team plays so statically. And of course, he's pretty weak mentally but you can put up with those players if they are just fringe players on your team, not leaders. Aquilani will not pull anyone out of a fire but if you start playing proper football he will fit right in and look good.


Sep 3, 2006
so so far we have:

- he's worried about his contract and where he will be playing next season.
- he has to look for a house with a big nursery for his impending child.
- he has a pregnant wife.
- he has never played so many matches in a single season.
- his teammates are too static.


Footballing Hipster celebrating 4th place with Tuz
Sep 21, 2008
so so far we have:

- he's worried about his contract and where he will be playing next season.
- he has to look for a house with a big nursery for his impending child.
- he has a pregnant wife.
- he has never played so many matches in a single season.
- his teammates are too static.
Last 2 points are legit. First 3 are retarded.
Jun 7, 2003
i dont see many players around who are playing for a big club on loan as a starter, not just a starter but in the heart of the team. i cant really support this loan system. dont misunderstand me i saw yesterday that he played wrong passes and i dont try to excuse aquilani but its a explanation. he is a player who is good for a offensive minded team not for a team who plays at home against a relegation threatened and we were playing for cl and we are defending and for that i blame del neri. look at fucking bayern how the fucked st pauli. he is not supposed to play that defensive fuck when he has the ball he doesnt know where to play because all the players are behind him. do you really think nur sahin would do better?? we played really shit but not only against chievo also against lazio.

it seems im repeating myself haha. i wouldnt read my posts anymore. i will just stop to defend him. actually im not even saying that he should stay, the team or del neri to be precise needs obvously other kind of players.
Apr 17, 2009
I just look at cost efficiency.

Aquilani ain't coming for cheap. Kenny Daglish knows he can sell him to another club, he'll wait for us to pony up 16m or ship him elsewhere. Daglish is not stupid. Then we have the issue of his wages. 3.5m per annum not including the tax.

Marchisio on the other hand cost us nothing to acquire, is much more versatile, and is on less wages.

I'm not saying Marchi is some kind of all around super consistent beast but lets be objective. Look at what we get from each player and how much it costs the club.

Also, I don't believe Aquilani is as much of a play-maker as some on this board would have people believe. His passing range seems rather limited at times and on top of that his accuracy is pretty bad. Sure if we had a team full of superstars his shortcomings would be masked but we don't, and Aquilani is not what this Juve needs.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Not a good excuse.

These last games are really changing my opinion about his staying. Now I'd even want Montolivo instead of him.
hey...hey..whoah...whoah...settle down now,you don't mean that....

step away from the comment before it comes back to humiliate you...come on....


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2010
16 mil is really a prize that could make you laugh repeatedly in time , 6 mil is even too much for a player who cannot pass a an accurate short pass on 3 metres when he's free (not to mention on pressure) ..

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