++ [ originally posted by gray
] ++
I dunno about this man. It's a life we're talking about here, and if you're gonna say that a 'mother' has the right to decide if her would be easier without the child, how far does that extend? If I decide that my life would be easier without my pet cat (I don't have a cat), would it be okay for me to chop it up with a kitchen knife?) If I decide that my life would be easier with some extra moolah, why shouldn't I be allowed to burgle someone's house or mug them on the street? Your answer may be that this shouldn't be allowed because it comes at the expense of others, but doesn't abortion come at the cost of an
unborn baby's life?
I think abortion is an easy way out; people need to start taking responsibility for their actions. Sex was designed so people could have babies, so if you're gonna have sex (unprotected or not),
be prepared for the chance of pregnancy. I'm not saying that abortion is an easy decision to make, I mean of course it's a difficult process and stressful on the mother too, but it's still a 'convenient' escape route from the consequences of people's actions.
I leave you with an image of what abortion is really like. I think the baby is around 5-6 months old at this stage