A present day Moses (4 Viewers)



Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #164
    The western media.:D

    But seriously, I really do believe that the media has a profound effect on how and what we think.
    To tell you the truth no tv station or newspaper or magazine that I've seen has ever made any kind of statement pro or anti religion. So as far as I'm concerned your media theory is completely mistaken.

    Il Re

    -- 10 --
    Jan 13, 2005
    martin, you still don't see my point, i really think you need to stop listening to the media, and really find out about religeons yourself, everyone has free will at the end of the day, religeon promotes good things


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #168
    Your whole idea of religion and god is bad came from what? Apples and Bannanas?
    I know it's gonna sound silly, but noone has to tell me what to think before I start. I just do it on my own, it's not because of media influence or teachers or anyone. Just me.
    Jun 13, 2007
    I know it's gonna sound silly, but noone has to tell me what to think before I start. I just do it on my own, it's not because of media influence or teachers or anyone. Just me.
    I understand that. My point is that even so, there must have been something that triggered your thought. Something must have obviously portrayed a bad image of god for you, the most logical explanation I think is the media.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #173
    I understand that. My point is that even so, there must have been something that triggered your thought. Something must have obviously portrayed a bad image of god for you, the most logical explanation I think is the media.
    That's an easy answer. It was religion itself. We get exposed to a lot of messages and ideas in our lives. Simple or complicated, those that make sense and those that don't. Sometimes you're faced with something both complicated and deceitful. Something that makes sense in one way, but actually doesn't when you think about it. When people tell you to trust something without being able to explain or justify it, we get suspicious. Religion is deeply mystifying, hard to explain, makes lots of promises it can't possibly deliver. What more encouragement could you possibly need to examine it?


    Koul Khara!
    Aug 30, 2002
    The hilarious picture perfectly illustrates the tediousness of this fucking repetetive topic.

    But yeah, the movie is great too :D What were they smashing again?

    But yeah, thanks Ze and Alen for making this thread interesting for a short while, you got me, even if it was uncharacteristic I seriously thought you guys suddenly turned into totally vindictive amateurs that have open childish conflict about mod appointment, sold it well :D
    Jun 13, 2007
    That's an easy answer. It was religion itself. We get exposed to a lot of messages and ideas in our lives. Simple or complicated, those that make sense and those that don't. Sometimes you're faced with something both complicated and deceitful. Something that makes sense in one way, but actually doesn't when you think about it. When people tell you to trust something without being able to explain or justify it, we get suspicious. Religion is deeply mystifying, hard to explain, makes lots of promises it can't possibly deliver. What more encouragement could you possibly need to examine it?
    Well, yes, religion is not like science. It does not lay down the facts and the proof for everyone to see, it's not that simple. However, it does have evidence of its validity. One of which is something as simple as the Moral Law. Perhaps that subject is for another day. At the end of the day, I think it's pretty accurate to say that the human mind itself is very limited in that context. We cannot possibly know of anything we do not experience every day. That's where religion comes in.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    The Media certainly has its effects and can be blamed for portraying a misleading perspective on religion.
    This is absolute horse cock, if you want to beat to it.

    The Western media, at least in the United States, is entirely pro-Christianity.

    Grow up and Live a little before throwing around absurd arguments.


    Senior Member
    Apr 17, 2008
    Another thread full of atheists babbling on a bunch of absolute bullshit with sweeping negative statements regarding religion, its effects and causes.
    Ah duhh those people are fucking idiots. They're are Christian fundamentalists. FUNDAMENTALISTS!! Just like the Islamic fundamentalists who blow innocent people up and the anti-religious fundamentalists who wiped out millions of practicing Christians (and of course other religions).
    My point is, its not Christianity or religion that is entirely to blame for all these injustices in the world. Its the nature of human beings. There is no where in the bible that preaches this practice of faithful healing or what have you.
    You're all so selective. Never stopping to appreciate the work that christian welfare groups like st vincent de paul, the salvation army and many more do to unconditionally and selflessly help people in need.
    While you're posting on the net your ridiculous misconceptions on religion, these people are on the street in soup vans feeding the poor, they're giving drug addicts housing and putting them on paths to better themselves.
    If you read the bible you'd see in the second testament that this is what is preached. Selflessness, reconciliation. Its not religion that is the enemy, its the superstition, the idiot, the psycho that's unfortunately inside of all of us.

    Don't give me that "religion is the cause for most of history's wars" bullshit. The last purely religious driven war was the Crusades. All other wars that involve religion (including the war on terror) since have unfortunately used religion as a persuasive tool to rally the masses targeting one of their weak points. French and Russian revolutions both used religion to their advantage using anti religious means to justify their political ends. Wiping out any one who practiced religion in their path to have their revenge for years of tax evasion by the clergies.

    The War On Terror is an interesting one. It all goes back to the late 1980's when the Cold War was still thriving. The USSR had invaded Afghanistan in order to further enhance its huge geo-political advantage in Asia and Europe. The USA jumped on this chance to weaken the USSR without being directly involved in tangible conflict. They funded Afghan militia and trained several Afghans to lead them in their battles with the USSR. One of these people the USA trained was Osama Binladen.

    After the US funded Afghans had defeated the USSR their country was in ruins, without infrastructure for hospitals and schools, they lacked the bare necessities needed to get back on their feet. This was something the US would not fund, after the USSR had been defeated the US wouldn't touch Afghanistan (you can thank supposedly one of your best presidents Ronald Regen for that). This is where the US now became an enemy of the newly formed Taliban. Since then the Taliban has been recruiting young men to partake in their terror. Men who had not seen or had been directly affected by the US "cut n' run" job they did on Afghanistan. How do you think Osama Binladen has recruited such loyal soldiers? Through means of religion. Telling them this is a "holy war" and that the Western way of life is contradictory to the values of the Koran. What? You think Osama Binladen is dumb enough to tell them the real reasons behind this war? How could he expect to have half the unconditional following he has? Bush has done the same, targeting Christians to build anti Islamic sentiment and therefore build a higher approval for the war on terror (avoiding another vietnam), which worked very well for a few years.

    Unfortunately Bush and Binladen go down in history joining the handful of world leaders misusing religious means to reach their own political ends.

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