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  1. R.I.P

    Did you guys notice that on strike day (tuesday), when the Lebanese anthem was playing, nobody were singing it,cause they don't know the words.. how come? hmmm makes me think know btw we are expecting a very huge one next monday,now it's time for Lebanese to move their asses to prove...
  2. R.I.P

    the whole Lebanon knows that since nahar showed it ;)
  3. R.I.P

    yep , I just saw them now
  4. R.I.P

    My pleasure ;) I am glad you liked it :)
  5. R.I.P

    who do you mean by this guy? this guy ? or this guy's this guy ? :P
  6. R.I.P

    I think the whole world cares about this, and who the hell is this guy? this guy was a father figure for a country that all he wanted and did good things to that country.that fought for democracy and freedom of the same country,and to live in peace.because of him Muslims and christians gathered...
  7. R.I.P

    anything organized from hizb-allah is scarey IMO
  8. R.I.P

    you think it will be a big one?
  9. R.I.P

    you think they will take "mukhabarat" back with them?I doubt. and those who protested calling like "bil roh bil dam naftik ya basshar" wasn't that silly, after all those years suffered from syrian governmen :undecide:
  10. R.I.P

    Are you guys following the news?
  11. R.I.P

  12. R.I.P

  13. R.I.P

  14. R.I.P

  15. R.I.P

    This is the place where Harriri Killed :frown:
  16. R.I.P

    Try this tell me if it is working,it's .3gp file (video) maybe works with quicktime player
  17. R.I.P

  18. R.I.P

  19. R.I.P

  20. R.I.P
