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  1. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

  2. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    :lol: so surprising...
  3. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    If Ranieri wins it with leicester after he failed with chelsea is even more great. If conte next season fails to get CL then I'm oficially a fan of this league.
  4. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Well they would seek new enviroments, cos being raped isn't going to be cool with the old gang, maybe they'll see the light and start looking for a change, maybe join better communities that are focused on doing good in the world like some kind of church with god.
  5. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    For an objective guy you sure are confusing. Yes, castrate and lynch him.
  6. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Wild wild west was a comment not to a legal system. But to the criminal activity that was going on at that time. If anything the system back then worked wonders, everybody got away with everything.
  7. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Tbh, he's an expert in every area.
  8. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    You're fun, definitely fun :D
  9. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Never assume, that's very unlike you Mr. Objectivity. And who talked about women, I was talking about him being raped, hopefully.
  10. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Whoah there cowboy. Context, context, the country just splitted from USSR, I'm very surprised you're so ignorant in your pursuit of objectivity. - - - Updated - - - No, some change. But it's not the jail that is the problem, but the surroundings they grew up accostumed to and the surroundings...
  11. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Now you're just being too objective thinking that everybody has your view when they see a good looking lady walking alone on the street.
  12. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Shit hole? Isn't that a bit emotional of you? Despite your beautiful writings here and like everywhere you post, it doesn't represent reality.
  13. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    I just love this new trend of objectivity :D It's all fine and good looking when you are observing it as some theoretical situation. But once you get into the situation where some old grown men diddled your daughter... And big LOL at the system, criminals walking off with nothing or just slap...
  14. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Well I have few people that were in prison, lithuanian prison mind you, not some pussy belgian one. One for a double murder even. Know quite a few guys that were in prison for smaller things, not murder but theft or assaults. One of my friends was in austrian prison for half a year (Well it was...
  15. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    I kind of dislike people who are near 30 to try to have sex with 15 year old, but that's just me, I'm not really know for being objective. And this is not some kind of loser who has no options, this is a man who has all the options to have sex and with the money he has been getting he could...
  16. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    Yeah... I'm all up for destroying his career and life.
  17. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    I could say the same for your very easy going approach to borderline pedos.
  18. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

  19. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    That is one more reason for penises in his butthole.
  20. Raz

    [ENG] Premier League 2015/2016

    No it should be a bag of prison dicks, and none of them mine.