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  1. Martin

    A present day Moses

    You only have these theories because when we tell you straight up why we have a problem with religion you ignore it and pretend the flaws being mentioned don't exist. Then you have to come up with some other explanation for yourself.
  2. Martin

    A present day Moses

    It doesn't contradict it. It's just that your idea of evolution is that of a 30 second commercial, I'm sorry to say. What you think of evolution is only the most crude caricature. I'd encourage you to read up on it instead of making misleading statements about it, but knowing you I doubt that's...
  3. Martin

    A present day Moses

    If there's one thing you guys do, it's this. Patient to the last with our incredulity :D
  4. Martin

    A present day Moses

    Well that's what his disciples were for.
  5. Martin

    A present day Moses

    Cursing your parents merits the death penalty? Yeah, you're right, nothing wrong there.
  6. Martin

    A present day Moses

    Here's a whole list: You really don't need to ask me for these examples, they're all a single google search away.
  7. Martin

    A present day Moses

    They are not facts, just your opinions. You have already said that everything religion does is good, and everything bad that comes out of religion isn't really religion. So in your head religion is a synonym for "good". As you can imagine, I completely reject that definition.
  8. Martin

    A present day Moses

    Who cares if it's universal? The fact is the VATICAN ie. the top commander is saying condoms are evil. And this is causing AIDS to spread even more than it would have otherwise. Is religion harmful? On this point there is absolutely no doubt that it is. Feeling is mutual then :cool:
  9. Martin

    A present day Moses

    Please do us the favor to inform yourself a bit before you set off.,2144,1979145,00.html
  10. Martin

    A present day Moses

    The Bible does not instruct the Catholic church to preach the evil of condom use in Africa, a contributing factor to the AIDS epidemic. The Catholics made this up themselves.
  11. Martin

    A present day Moses

    That's where you're wrong. It is because religion is made by man that it is tarnished, impure, evil, manipulating, hypocratic.
  12. Martin

    A present day Moses

    Believing that drunk driving is awesome probably makes a lot of people feel good. It can't possibly harm anyone, right? Believing that unprotected sex is risk free isn't harmful. Believing that drinking water from a polluted stream isn't harmful. I could go on for days.. You're right...
  13. Martin

    A present day Moses

    Last I recall I was debating Juve Rev on whether religion is harmful. Then you come in, seemingly not having actually read it (since you say you were replying to me) and go on a long diatribe about wars and the salvation army and lord knows what else. Since the post was directed at me...
  14. Martin

    A present day Moses

    Bullshit of the highest order. The whole modus operandi of religion is to make people surrender their faculties of reason. Here's a choice quote from the good book: This is the big message of Christian doctrine. Believe without seeing. And the more you start doubting, and still stubbornly...
  15. Martin

    A present day Moses

    For the millionth time, yes it does. It is religion's rules that people not think for themselves that is the harmful part. How many times do you need to hear this? As for anth_nenna, he can figure out what he wants to say and then open a thread with his message. Rather than do 10 minutes of...
  16. Martin

    A present day Moses

    So no, because religion is by definition exonerated of all blame by the religious apologists. According to them, because there were non-religious motives to a war as well, it means the war had nothing to do with religion. Just like Northern Ireland, nothing to do with religion whaaaatsoever...
  17. Martin

    A present day Moses

    a printer
  18. Martin

    A present day Moses

    more than you know :D it's from a movie
  19. Martin

    A present day Moses

    That's an easy answer. It was religion itself. We get exposed to a lot of messages and ideas in our lives. Simple or complicated, those that make sense and those that don't. Sometimes you're faced with something both complicated and deceitful. Something that makes sense in one way, but actually...
  20. Martin

    A present day Moses

    :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: