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  1. Buck Fuddy


  2. Buck Fuddy


    Why? I don't think people who tend to believe the usual Fox fairy tales would care much about the outcome of such a trial. According to them, it would be rigged anyway. Just like the elections. :lol: Whereas every one with at least a few working brain cells already knows how reliable Fox is...
  3. Buck Fuddy


    I've read that they're up to about 130 mass shootings this year so far. That's basically one every day, give or take. Insanity.
  4. Buck Fuddy


    I've gotten the wrong idea, it seems. I was in Turin in April and noticed 2 Starbucks that weren't there during my previous visit (apparently, Turin has 3 locations), so I figured they must have started popping up everywhere.
  5. Buck Fuddy


    I'm not sure if Starbucks are still failing though. More & more of them seem to be popping up.
  6. Buck Fuddy


    Unless you're talking about women's rights. Or children's rights, for that matter.
  7. Buck Fuddy


    Their freedom > your freedom. It's that simple.
  8. Buck Fuddy


    I never realised you were only 5 years old. :snoop:
  9. Buck Fuddy


    I'd say teaching kids about general health is a substantial part of a decent education. But yeah, parenting will obviously have an ever bigger impact.
  10. Buck Fuddy


    Well, they do their own research after all. :boh:
  11. Buck Fuddy


    Vaccine for me, not for thee! No wait, that doesn't work this way. :sigh:
  12. Buck Fuddy


  13. Buck Fuddy


    It's a sign of great intelligence.
  14. Buck Fuddy


    You have to ask? :grin:
  15. Buck Fuddy


    I can confirm this. And yes, I would know. I am people after all.
  16. Buck Fuddy


    It's more than just conspiracy theories, but people just believe what they want to believe these days. Whether something is true or not is entirely besides the point. Media outlet A, B, C, D, E, & F is reporting that there was no fraud: Pfff, I don't trust those guys. That just has to be fake...
  17. Buck Fuddy


    :agree: If they are not trustworthy, no one is! That much is obvious. I have to say, there are some absolutely brilliant/bonkers posts in this thread. You may have very good reasons to like or vote for either candidate, but it's strange how extremely gullible people tend to be at times.
  18. Buck Fuddy


  19. Buck Fuddy


    That's true. He's able to convince a large number of people of anything & everything. Doesn't matter if it's true, unlikely or completely false.
  20. Buck Fuddy


    That's just a slip of the tongue. What he means to say is "if we only count votes for me, I won. Bigly."