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  1. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    ya i really dont care wat u say rami u still have no life cuz every other day of the week your still prolly online you huge homo
  2. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    is your mind stuck in the stone age, good one man good one you almost made me cry. Your still a nerd
  3. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    rami man you have no life your sitting in on a saturday nite on the internet. HUGE faggot
  4. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    ahahah self help books, i know you have self help when you jerk urself off every nite you piece of shit, and whats making me upset is peoples stupid saracism. These messages are aimed at certain people not to all. You have a happy trigger finger? wow ur SO gonna kill me if you block me. Thats...
  5. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    WOW your gonna block me i care SOOOOO much. I cant about formations and tactics with u guys Boo ****in Hoo...Block me all you want your still a jumbo loser
  6. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    sorry to people who actually wanna buy this stuff, cuz these ****in gay people who havent prolly even seen a pair of tits in person and the only ***** theyve gotten is petting their cat ruined it for you. Seriously i dont care if you ban me cuz it doesnt change the fact that your prolly still 40...
  7. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    you guys use emoticons...WOW you have NO lives at have to show emotion on a stupid forum. Theres somthing outside called the sun and fresh air, maybe you guys should try n get some of each you bunch of Internet Losers.
  8. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    hey rami ur so funny, when did your mom stop breast feeding you ,when you were 12. And Zlatan the way i know your on 24/7 is cause you put your two cents into everything, when i dcome to read stuff here your always online, buddy you have almost 18,500 posts you live on this thing. And i do have...
  9. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    n seriously man get a girlfriend or sumthing your on this thing 24/7
  10. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    the logo is the real logo for the 4th time, just it does not have the felt part
  11. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    im not wasting my time anymore forget it go buy your shit somewhere else. Good luck during World Cup when your paying an arm and a leg for your teams jersey.
  12. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    im starting to think you have selective hearing or sight or whatever. Its the same jersey, its only the Juventus ones not any other team. The jerseys are real and official with tags and everything.
  13. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    To everyone in here, i may have said some things to start problems, but i only tried to hook up fellow soccer fans with official products for less cost. Thats all, i dint need a debate or anything and yes people may not believe me and yes they probably have been ripped off before, but again im...
  14. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    i understand people have been ripped off, but im not here to rip anyone off. Paying would be through a secure website and also i will give you all my information for any returns. I will give you your money back besiudes the shipping.
  15. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    For the last time, there is no such thing as an Original jersey. Original means the first. These jerseys are OFFICIAL products not ORIGINAL products, theres no such thing as original products.
  16. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    for people in canada more specifically toronto, you cannot find jerseys with names any where. The jerseys you do find here are 100+ taxes. I dont know about Europe and Asia, but here in North America they r very expensive
  17. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    to rami: Like i said man you wanna go pay full price for a jersey you can get for cheaper by all means go rite ahead
  18. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    depends where you live, i can have it shipped straight from the supplier to your house.
  19. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    and no shipping is no more then 15$ canadian.
  20. Soccer Jerseys for Sale

    there is no such thing as an original jersey. Original means the first, do you plan on getting the original juventus jersey for this year cuz im pretty sure someone already has it.