Recent content by JUVESUPPORTER


    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    We can only hope.

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I am pointing fingers at the boy who told Dai that he didn't have to change his despite it being longer than mine. God your posts actually make me sleepy. How can someone be so boring?

    Summer Mercato Thread 2018

    I've said it before but its amazing how many are discounting Matuidi. He was amazing in the world cup and part of a world cup winning midfield. If he returns with that sort of form then he is like a new signing.

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I lose respect for all those who don't treat everyone fairly. Just because Dai is your punk tranny on the side doesn't give him special privileges to encroach on the rules. Laugh all you want but my day will come - - - Updated - - - The only problem with Nordic countries is they are so...

    The Mod Thread ("because for some reason,you think we actually care")

    I haven't been contacted about the potential modship that was offered to me. Could someone look into it?

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    You've been asked to change your silly sig, I suggest you change it. Now.

    Massimiliano Allegri

    It is not nonsense because guess what? It blew up at half time in the Champions League final and had a huge factor in the outcome of the game. There is no love lost between them and it was Bonnuci or Allegri at the end of last season. bringing him back is an insult to Allegri and an insult to...

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Hmmmm well I am pretty sure she is originally from Buenaventura a town that is 90 minutes away from Cali for more information on Buenaventura please see this lovely informational video. Not sure that I want to end up in one of their chophouses being dismembered alive by some stoned teenagers...

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    There it has been changed. It is now much smaller than DaiDevil's signature which I hope to see changed very shortly.

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    No problem but I have measured both sigs and DaiDevil is equally as long so once he removes his as well I will do similar.

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    That's a front mohawk though No worries haha

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Pretty standard haircut mate, short back and sides and top parted to the left.

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    So boring :sergio: - - - Updated - - - Are you trying to be funny again? You made disgusting jokes about the Greek families who were burnt alive recently that went down like a lead balloon. Now you are just making terrible jokes that aren't remotely comedic. Typical German 'humor' i.e...

    Sergej Milinkovic-Savic - M C - Lazio

    You can look it at that way, negatively. Or you can look at it another way. Ronaldo came here to help us win the CL. He knows what it takes to win the CL and is giving his opinion that we are short of a world class MF to win (something a lot of posters here agree with). He is standing up...

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Who are you referring to? If its me I would reconsider who you talk down to. Ask AfghanJuve and PirlosBeard what happened when they crossed me? Oh wait you probably won't get a response, AfghanJuve closed his account in tears and PirlosBeard fears to even show his face. Even Kyle has come...