Buck Fuddy
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  • Maandag zal ook nog wel goed zijn.
    Doe jij da dan? Ik moet wa minder internetten v/d baas.
    Kun jij van het weekend de reminders sturen voor matchdag 14 v/d prediction cup?
    Of ben jij ook niet hier van het weekend?
    We zullen de pessimisten (aka Bianconero81) nog eens wat depressiever maken in the wishlist thread :D
    Yeah I didn't get it right away either, don't worry.

    I once spent a week on vacation with a French guy (well Belgian to be specific). We spoke English and his English was fine, but it did have that adorable French word stress and accent. After that week I could speak English like that too. :cool:
    Ah yeah I hope so, I should be starting Uni in march & turning 18 in April :D Acceptances for courses come out in 6 days.

    Yeah concerts and the like are expensive I know....

    I love vinyl. It sounds better and the whole vinyl experience is better. Everything like the packaging, just watching the record spin and listening to the music, it's so cool :D
    I have Super Acid on vinyl :D

    I really don't like Aeroplane. From what I've seen and heard Richie Hawtin is shit these days. A couple of my friends were telling me that at a festival (I don't which one or if it's upcoming or been done - I don't remember) he is/was appearing all around the festival on tv screens or something so like he's everywhere but not there. That's idiotic shit. Oizo is awesome although his new album isn't that great. I much prefer Lambs Anger and that era stuff. Another friend told me that Simian MD sucks these days.

    I've never been clubbing though, since I'm only 17...Although I did just go to a Justice (live - not DJ) Concert a few days ago. It was fucking nutcase. Busy P played a mental opening DJ set too.


    Most of the time I was one person back from the very front person on the barrier and infront on the right stack of (empty) marshall cabs/light props.
    You should check out Super Acid properly, it has some great stuff on there.

    BPitch is awesome, I don't know Get Physical & Gigiolo and I'm not reall the biggest fan of Minus. Plus 8 on the other hand...

    Well musical taste does change as you get older :D What kind of music while partying do you mean? Like mainstream stuff? :inter:
    Most of Ed Banger's stuff is pretty good. But you know who produces a lot of absolute horse shit these days? Boys Noize Records. I'm pretty sure he's Alex is trying to go mainstream or just more $$$ in general but a lot of the stuff recently has been horse shit. I don't think I've really checked out a lot of stuff from BNR recently but last year they went down the fucking drain. They started off pretty good with Super Acid which is incredible, Shadow Dancer's Muder Room is pretty good & Miami Noize 2011 is alright but the rest sucked. Have you heard Jan Driver's album? Probably the biggest piece of shit I've ever heard. I'd rather listen to brostep and that's saying a lot.
    Da klopt, maar ik merk dat ik de laatste tijd niet zoveel slaap meer van doen heb als vroeger dus dat komt wel goed, heeft de vriendin geluk, kan ik de nachtshiften voor mijn rekening nemen.
    Alles prima ja, nergens last van tot nu toe.
    15 mei ongeveer zal onze dochter (weten we sinds maandag), geboren worden.

    En ik deel eveneens nooit zijn mening, en wordt mottig van zijn negativiteit.
    No way, you've like uncovered this whole field of quirky jokes, there'll be a statue to you somewhere. :D
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