Religious symbols and signatures on the forum (1 Viewer)

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Jun 8, 2005
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"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God"
Translated signature of user Yasor17.

This shit, in advance sorry for the expression, needs to be removed from his signature. I'm not trying to pull a seven here, but I find these letters, which I can't understand and even when I find out the translation, quite disturbing. I don't mind you people, christians and muslims both, discussing religion and politics or whatever on this forum, but keep it in appropriate threads, which I have no interest in opening. There's a religion subforum, so take it all there, all of us don't need to see these writings on the whole freaking forum. Same goes for Chinese scribblings as well.

I already asked this kind of stuff to be implemented in the rules, but to no avail, so I'm asking again. The rules state this is a English speaking forum and that should go for not just posts, but signatures and avatars as well.

Please discuss, or better yet, get busy mods.

Buy on


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Jun 8, 2005
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    Because I said so. As Muslims find charicatures of Mohammed offensive, I find them funny. We're all different. If you wanna preach about your religion, do it in the appropriate place where I don't need to see it. I'm not much of a believer but I'm still a catholic and I don't wear Jesus as my avatar and writings from the Bible in my signature.


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    Jun 8, 2005
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    It's a forum, it's not a classroom, it's not a public office. We can only be religious in our own house now?
    It's a public forum with rules and everything. I'm asking this to be implemented in the rules so there are less conflicts and fights over this touchy subject.


    May 27, 2007
    Because it's racist.
    Racist? I don't think so.

    Religion discussions are usually not allowed on any football forum. But here, when it comes to it, people just get warned, banned and insulted.

    Keeping or removing signature that guy has won't change anything unless religion discussions gets closed once and for all.


    Senior Member
    Jun 8, 2005
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    It was to be expected. You ban a member for blasphemy, you have others who will want to censor religion. My take? Let them both be.
    Great, let me sport this flashy avatar and see how every Serb that comes along, that doesn't know me, feels about it.

    It doesn't need to be censored but it needs to be in the appropriate thread.
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