You want to see biased news reporting? Come and look at this BS (42 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
I found it funny, especially since you coped my thread title. :D
That was the whole point. I also copied another thread title and made a dumb thread but no one seems to have caught on. hehe


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

I still think those locks look like little beds with little kids tucked in and asleep. :dazed:
Its a reusable graphic. :D

Nothing is original these days (oh crap ive been listening to Nick to much)

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Sergio ] ++
You had me at "Robert of Padua" :howler:

A new religion: Padovanism. Sounds like a plan.

ROBERT OF PADOVA is coming in glory to judge the living and the dead, with a shoe in one hand and his schlong in the other. No . . . wait . . . maybe later, he needs a nap at the moment.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
In tribute to you, oh great ROBERT OF PADOVA, I have shaved my chest hair into the shape of a sheep, so that when judgement day comes, I can be seated at the right hand of the great one, with 67 virgins, 10 bottles of Grey Goose, and an XBox.

I await the day, my sweet Lord.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
I have no back hair to speak of, however, I COULD shave my legs and glue "2" and "Ferrara" on my back.

Would that suffice, my benevolent and omnipotent one??
Dec 27, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
I know this is not much of an insult to you Libero, but go to hell. :D
"Qu'est-ce que la vie? Sortir d'un trou pour terminer dans un autre trou." Or something along those lines - Isidore Ducasse, comte de Lautréamont.

Repudiate the Abrahamic God and the madness of its three death cults that are Yahwism, Christism and Muhammadism and you will begin to see the light of reason.

Robert of Padova is the only true risen messiah. Nostradamus had foreseen his advent. The Bible predicts it. Mayan prophecies predict it. The Koran predicts it. Moggi insinuates it. Robert of Padova shall avenge Ashera, consort of YHWH, banished to ignominy and never again to be adored by her people:(.
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