You want to see biased news reporting? Come and look at this BS (12 Viewers)

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The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++

1) This religion was created by their own, you cannot call it a religion dude, in egypt and palastain they had jeudism and christians wich they claimed that they were send by god and ( this is something i don't believe either ) while the arabs in the ( Jazira al arabeya ) they had no religion send from a god they had a religion created by their own just for the money... i recomand you not to listen to people BUT to study history :)....
Are you sure you are Muslim?? NOW your not only offending muslims but also christians and jews alike....good going dude

2) The most simple example is ( El hjab ), if you really know in Quraan, read about the Hijab and you'll see that it's not obligatory but Omar el khatab made it so...
Unlike you I read Quran tens of times during my life and I know that Hijab is obligatory, (Surrat Al-Noor aya 31)

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed.

And there are other verses from both Quran and Sunnah...but you dont believe in all that so why bother

3) Arabs never lead the world, you can compare any two nations to each other no matter what cultures they had or they got cuz Europe was ruled by religion as the Arab world is so now-adays so this is the doesn't matter to seperate the religion from the power and from politics and it doesn't matter the ideas or the culture....
I dont really know who needs to take history lessons Miss Dubai or you!!

Trust me us arabs are not ruled by religion, in fact it is anything but religion, I think we are ruled by opressors in the name of Islam.

and you still didnt answer me..we Muslims are getting separated farther away from our religion each it getting any better?? Let me tell you when you loose your identity and dont know who you are anymore, everything seems to be a lie! just like the Quran

On a final note would you please stop talking about things that you obviously have no idea about. from what I read so far, I would recommend religion (and not only Islam) and history.

to conclued I would like to say: "lakom deenokom wa liya deen"

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++
Am back!!...



I don't know if you really know the history of the profit Mohammad....

It All started with Mohammad's Grand-father "Qusay Ebn Kilab " who Himself was the first in Mohammad's Family to Claim that he is a Profit But it didn't reall work because circumstances didn't help him and he wasn't Smart Enough Unlike the Profit Mohammad...

So it was Something Like a project in the family and the Profit Mohammad was the one to acomplish it...The Profit was a very patriotic man and one of the smartes People a planet have known, Some say that he ignorant and this is Completly foolish, because he knew how to right and read FOUR languages...
Zambrotta pretty much said enough, thank you, but i'll highlight your false claims.

- Mohammed PBUH's grandfather was Abd-Almuttalib bin Hashem.
-You're assumption that this was a family project negates your own belief that Mohammed PBUH was indeed a prophet.
- I don't understand the last statement quite well. Anyhow, Mohammed PBUH was illiterate. He could not read or write. Before his revelation, he was well respected by everyone. The pagans even used to call him "Al9adg" and "Alamin" meaning the truthfull and trustworthy.
I'd really like for you to name those other three languages that he supposedly spoke.

Profit Mohamad Lived in a time when Arabs where the only ones in the area ( Middle East ) without a religion and they where in a big need of a religion because they felt real week without it...
There were Jews in Makkah and Al-Madinah (was called "Yathrib" at that time)

The Profit god married to { Khadija } who was 13 years older then him, but she was a very rich woman and she was the one who helped him with her Money to make this project to be accomplished.
I'm pretty sure she was 15 years his senior.
Again, you speak of this is as if it was his plan all along.
Please explain how her money helped him in anyway with his message. Mohammed PBUH was persecuted till he had to leave his home...
and again, you say that he was a prohet sent by Allah, then you make these assumptions like it's a family plan?! explain!

There were 2 arabic tribes ( Al kaws and Al khazraj ) those trabs were Formed by 2 brothers but in time some Problems took place between them and ever since they were having bloody wars and there wasn't any chance for them to make it up and what made it worse those tribs Lived Near the Jewss whom always told them that an arab profit will appear and he will be send for the jews not for the arabs, So when the Profit started his message only 32 people believed in him at the begining!!

But then he went to one of the tribs ( Al khazraj ) and told them abouthis message the new religion so they thought it was their chance to take this Profit before the Jews do because they believed in the Profecy of the Jews, So ( Al khazraj ) and ( Al kaws ) Agreed to take the Islam as a religion for them and this is when the number of muslims Really Increased as those Tribs where really Big.....
It's "Al-Aws" not "Alkaws.," and they along with Al-khazraj were in Yathrib.
No, The Jews THOUGHT/ASSUMED that the prohet will be sent to them in a desert with many palm trees (which matched Yathrib).
the people who believed in him at the begining were firstly from Makkah. People like his wife Khadijah, his uncle's son Ali bin Abi Talib, and Abu Bakr. The part about the Jews had nothing to do with the small number who believed in him. Like you said later, his message of one god and no pagans would harm trade in Makkah.

Only after years of abuse by his people in Makkah did the prophet make the emigration to Madina/Yathrib. He chose Madina because word of his message had already spread there and he knew that he would be welcomed. That's because he first met with a group from Al-Khazraj, then he met with more groups from Yathrib. Indeed, when he did arrive at Yathrib, they welcomed him and shared their homes the prophet PBUH and his companions from Makkah. He then made peace with the fighting tribes. What's important to know is that the Jews were also devided between both Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj tribes.
There's no such thing as they "wanted to take this prophet before the Jews." Upon Mohammed PBUH's arrival to Madina, peace treaties were set between all.

An After that all Arabs Started to Take this new religion because they had no one, and the only ones who fought against The Profit where People of his Trib ( Quraish ) cuz they knew what Profit came up with is nothing but a Lie ! and they thought this will harm their Business....
Nothing new here... though i think you mean "they thought.." not "they knew.."

So what The Profit Mohammad came with was really good, it was something that united all the arabs and it prevented them from Living a retard Life they had before and gave them a new challenge in a new way of Living...
Yes, the prophet Mohammed PBUH successfully united many devided tribes and he spread his message.

Anyhow the QURAAN is a great book that can be considered as a Low book based on reality and on good morals but unfortunatly once The Profit Passed away it was not the QURAAN Leading the religion anymore it was not the islam the Profit wanted it, After his death his " Kholafe2o " Ruled as they want it to, they applied their own ideas, to the religion and made the people believe that this is part of religion so what we trying to say now, " No Matter If Religion Is truly sent by god or not, It's not the religion you find in the Quraan....
Here's were we disagree with the Shia belief.
What these caliphs have applied is within the boundries of the Quran and the prohet PBUH's actions.
Please don't forget that these 4 caliphs are among the 10 whom were promissed heaven and they were the prophet's best, clostest and longest companions.
Don't confuse past and presant. The caliphs' reign was the best and most closest that Islam has ever been followed (after the prophet's time of course).

Like Zambrotta said, please give example with full proof and evidence and explanations, of so called "new ideas" that the caliphs have applied that contradict The prophet's messasge and teachings.

What we are following Now is nothing but what the ( Political men ) after the Profit had left for us so wethear you wanna believe in Islam or Not, IT IS NOT THE ISLAM OF NOWADAYS....It is the Islam that the Profit came up with But Nothing of the so-called Islam of nowadays....
This is half true, because it's no secret that governments, politics and individuals have influenced what is called Islam. However, all is not lost. You have the Quraan, and Hadith to be your guide. no excused. Allah promissed that his message will be preserved till the end of time.
If you read the Quraan and try to understand it your own withtout anyone's opinion or influence you will find the real meaning of Islam which is a message of Love and Peace to all of us as all other religious....and it doesn't matter at all if those religious where men made or sent from extraodrinary power lets say , what matters is that we could use those religions for the good NOT FOR THE WORST
Who said anything about Islam being a message of War and hate?!
We read the Quraan... we understand the message.
It seems like you still confused Islam with culture.
We know what the definition of Islam is.
Yes, we should live in harmony and peace. Where's your point?

.... and i only want to give you a simple example the European Countries back in the 16th centruy were ruled by religions and it was at that time when Europe was at it's WORST period of time in it's all History... So what the french did was the French Revolution the 1689 ( if am not mistaken ) and that was to take the power and the charge from the church and Make the ordinary ppl rule their countries and took away any kind of influence the chruch could have....
you fail to admit though that the church then was currupt and made terrible descisions.
Please note the difference between having a currupt non-applied religion as the head of state and having an applied religion as the head of state.
I highly doubt that while Europe was ruled by church, the governments applied the church's teachings.

So when Religion in Europe was Limited Europe started to get better and better and ever since Europe started to be one of the greatest Continents on earth, So i guess Arabs should do the Same and Isolate the Religion from the Power...
You guess wrong. First of all, Islam isn't just a religion. It's a way of life. Secondly, The middle east has never been so prosperous and influential to the world till Islam united their people and the place advanced. Durring the Ottoman empire, when curruption spread and Islamic teachings were put aside, the whole region slumped. You fail to mention that in Omar bin Al-Khattab's time, poverty did not exist in the whole Arabian Paninsula. They had to look for neighboring countries to pay their yearly obligatory cherity!

So whoever wants to be a good Muslim and wants to believe and to do all the conditions they are asked to is free to do that But no one has the right to rule in the name of religion and ( this is when it will get better )....
It's well known in Islam that there shall be "no compulsion in religion." Having Islam as a nation's official religion does not contradict that. For years, Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in harmony. Look at how they lived together i in Spain under Muslim rule!

anyhow i've talked too much, am kinda sleepy now...... Hope you guys got my point....
You definately did Talk a lot, but sorry, I don't see a valid point.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
nice posts Majed and Zambrotta19..

you, both, have summed it up really nice..

@Azzuri7: get your facts correct before you throw them at people's faces.. you clearly have no idea about Islam, other religions or history.. you were talking about some guy and a project and claimed that it is about Muhammad PBUH and Isalm..!!! what are you on..?? and you claim that you are a muslim..!!! then, obviously you don't have any idea about what or who you are..

one advice.. go read some books and get your facts straight..
Dec 27, 2003
WW 3 will be the clash between the "christist" West and the "muhammadist" East and Middle East.

WW 4 will be the clash between salvationists and those who believe humanity has the wit and wherewithal to govern its own destiny free from the cumbersome yoke of primitive agrarian deities.

I spit on YHWH, shit on Paul's plagiarised Christ, vomit on Allah and wipe my ass with the Torah, Bible, Koran and Book of Mormon!

Deists of the world, let us join forces now and rid the world of the judeo-islamo-christist scourge!


Doctor Asma
Oct 21, 2003
++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++

Am still waiting.....
i chose not to go further in this cuz its haram to discuss religion with someone like YOU !it makes me feel sick ,sorry.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
WW 3 will be the clash between the "christist" West and the "muhammadist" East and Middle East.

WW 4 will be the clash between salvationists and those who believe humanity has the wit and wherewithal to govern its own destiny free from the cumbersome yoke of primitive agrarian deities.

I spit on YHWH, shit on Paul's plagiarised Christ, vomit on Allah and wipe my ass with the Torah, Bible, Koran and Book of Mormon!

Deists of the world, let us join forces now and rid the world of the judeo-islamo-christist scourge!
It is one thing to state your opinion, and a whole different thing to pretty much offend everybody in this world....I am not gonna even dignify what you said with an answer...So just shut up and dont speak unless spoken to!
Dec 27, 2003
Witness the fruits of Abrahamic Culticism!

See what terrors and atrocities the putrescent stench of Yahwism and its bastard children - Christism and Muhammadism - leave in their wake!

All three cults breed ignorance, fear, and guilt - the triumvirate cornerstones of any succesful religion of mass-control!

Everywhere the hand of YHWH, God, Allah and their misled "people" is felt there is overwhelming evidence of bigotry, racism, elitism, discrimination, greed, deceit, and carefully crafted lies and half-truths!

Perhaps we ought to loose all adherents of such cults into a vast "theatre" of war and let them annihilate one another, then the rest of humanity can carry on in peace!

Amen, children:angel:


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
WW 3 will be the clash between the "christist" West and the "muhammadist" East and Middle East.

WW 4 will be the clash between salvationists and those who believe humanity has the wit and wherewithal to govern its own destiny free from the cumbersome yoke of primitive agrarian deities.
Really? I never got the memo?
I spit on YHWH, shit on Paul's plagiarised Christ, vomit on Allah and wipe my ass with the Torah, Bible, Koran and Book of Mormon!
Kaiser, you're a fine poster. I honestly don't know what you were smoking when you posted this.
If this isn't a direct insult to billions of people, I don't know what is.
How is showing disrespect going to add anything to your "argument?" If it even is one.
Deists of the world, let us join forces now and rid the world of the judeo-islamo-christist scourge!
Brilliant... If this is some sort of joke that I'm not getting, try again, because i don't think anyone else got it because nobody's laughing.
If there's even a hint of seriousness in this, then I'm sorry but you've seem to hit a loop here. You're call to war against this "scourge" sounds a lot like ignorance, fear, and guilt....which is what you claim you're against later on.

++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
Witness the fruits of Abrahamic Culticism!

See what terrors and atrocities the putrescent stench of Yahwism and its bastard children - Christism and Muhammadism - leave in their wake!
Wrong choice of words. Try again.

All three cults breed ignorance, fear, and guilt - the triumvirate cornerstones of any succesful religion of mass-control!
At least this post, you seem to have some sort of direction. Anyhow, the only ignorance I see, is yours.

Everywhere the hand of YHWH, God, Allah and their misled "people" is felt there is overwhelming evidence of bigotry, racism, elitism, discrimination, greed, deceit, and carefully crafted lies and half-truths!
That might be because these messages have spread throughout the world.
It's in human's nature to make these mistakes.
Sorry, but you need to lookup the "false cause" fallacy.

Perhaps we ought to loose all adherents of such cults into a vast "theatre" of war and let them annihilate one another, then the rest of humanity can carry on in peace!

Amen, children:angel:
Peace? What peace? How naive of you to think that greed, bigotry, ignorance, and so forth is a product of religion.

Joke? Not funny.
Serious? Try again.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Country.. no..
religion.. yes.

though i think of it more as correcting or clearing up misinterpretations than just "defending."


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
It just seems that every thread that entails world events eventually turns into a religious battle of some kind.

What better way to aleviate that anxiety than with some good ol' Camel humpin'.

Did your license get revoked???


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Sergio ] ++
It just seems that every thread that entails world events eventually turns into a religious battle of some kind.

I know what you mean. I'm kind of tired myself having to jump in to right wrongs.

What better way to aleviate that anxiety than with some good ol' Camel humpin'.

Did your license get revoked???
Naah.. Samatar put me out of business :down:

I currently sell pet rocks.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
My offer still stands to buy out the rest of your assets and make you a partner.

A minority partner, but a partner nonetheless


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Sergio ] ++
My offer still stands to buy out the rest of your assets and make you a partner.

A minority partner, but a partner nonetheless
That's very kind of you, but all my assets are gone... They've all become frequent customers for Samatar's goats Now, they're too busy to provide service! :D


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

Zambrotta pretty much said enough, thank you, but i'll highlight your false claims.

- Mohammed PBUH's grandfather was Abd-Almuttalib bin Hashem.
-You're assumption that this was a family project negates your own belief that Mohammed PBUH was indeed a prophet.
- I don't understand the last statement quite well. Anyhow, Mohammed PBUH was illiterate. He could not read or write. Before his revelation, he was well respected by everyone. The pagans even used to call him "Al9adg" and "Alamin" meaning the truthfull and trustworthy.
I'd really like for you to name those other three languages that he supposedly spoke.

There were Jews in Makkah and Al-Madinah (was called "Yathrib" at that time)

I'm pretty sure she was 15 years his senior.
Again, you speak of this is as if it was his plan all along.
Please explain how her money helped him in anyway with his message. Mohammed PBUH was persecuted till he had to leave his home...
and again, you say that he was a prohet sent by Allah, then you make these assumptions like it's a family plan?! explain!

It's "Al-Aws" not "Alkaws.," and they along with Al-khazraj were in Yathrib.
No, The Jews THOUGHT/ASSUMED that the prohet will be sent to them in a desert with many palm trees (which matched Yathrib).
the people who believed in him at the begining were firstly from Makkah. People like his wife Khadijah, his uncle's son Ali bin Abi Talib, and Abu Bakr. The part about the Jews had nothing to do with the small number who believed in him. Like you said later, his message of one god and no pagans would harm trade in Makkah.

Only after years of abuse by his people in Makkah did the prophet make the emigration to Madina/Yathrib. He chose Madina because word of his message had already spread there and he knew that he would be welcomed. That's because he first met with a group from Al-Khazraj, then he met with more groups from Yathrib. Indeed, when he did arrive at Yathrib, they welcomed him and shared their homes the prophet PBUH and his companions from Makkah. He then made peace with the fighting tribes. What's important to know is that the Jews were also devided between both Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj tribes.
There's no such thing as they "wanted to take this prophet before the Jews." Upon Mohammed PBUH's arrival to Madina, peace treaties were set between all.

Nothing new here... though i think you mean "they thought.." not "they knew.."

Yes, the prophet Mohammed PBUH successfully united many devided tribes and he spread his message.

Here's were we disagree with the Shia belief.
What these caliphs have applied is within the boundries of the Quran and the prohet PBUH's actions.
Please don't forget that these 4 caliphs are among the 10 whom were promissed heaven and they were the prophet's best, clostest and longest companions.
Don't confuse past and presant. The caliphs' reign was the best and most closest that Islam has ever been followed (after the prophet's time of course).

Like Zambrotta said, please give example with full proof and evidence and explanations, of so called "new ideas" that the caliphs have applied that contradict The prophet's messasge and teachings.

This is half true, because it's no secret that governments, politics and individuals have influenced what is called Islam. However, all is not lost. You have the Quraan, and Hadith to be your guide. no excused. Allah promissed that his message will be preserved till the end of time.

Who said anything about Islam being a message of War and hate?!
We read the Quraan... we understand the message.
It seems like you still confused Islam with culture.
We know what the definition of Islam is.
Yes, we should live in harmony and peace. Where's your point?

you fail to admit though that the church then was currupt and made terrible descisions.
Please note the difference between having a currupt non-applied religion as the head of state and having an applied religion as the head of state.
I highly doubt that while Europe was ruled by church, the governments applied the church's teachings.

You guess wrong. First of all, Islam isn't just a religion. It's a way of life. Secondly, The middle east has never been so prosperous and influential to the world till Islam united their people and the place advanced. Durring the Ottoman empire, when curruption spread and Islamic teachings were put aside, the whole region slumped. You fail to mention that in Omar bin Al-Khattab's time, poverty did not exist in the whole Arabian Paninsula. They had to look for neighboring countries to pay their yearly obligatory cherity!

It's well known in Islam that there shall be "no compulsion in religion." Having Islam as a nation's official religion does not contradict that. For years, Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in harmony. Look at how they lived together i in Spain under Muslim rule!

You definately did Talk a lot, but sorry, I don't see a valid point.

(Abd el-Mutallib bin Hashim) it's true he was the grandfather of the P-Mohammad, But His grand grand father before was (Qusay bin Kilab) (thats why king of jordan they keep on calling him ( Men Sulalat Al hashimiin ) due to Hashim Grand Grand father of the Profit Mohammad..

P.s Someone who is smart like P Mohammad when you say that he is illiterate your insulting him, because the P Mohammad was a man who loved to had a big knowledge and to had an idea about everything....

2- It is True there were Jews but they were very few and real arabs the big arabic tribs didn't have no religion..

3- His wife helped him to buy weapons to Fight (Quraish) who had alot of money and she by her money she simply attracted people into him INSTEAD of joining the ( Quraish ) group..

4- Did you watch ( Al-Resalla ) Movie?? and your just writing what you saw in that movie?? False information anyhow....

5- ( Quraish ) Knew exactly what P mohammad plans was, it's not a matter of doubt....

6- Sena and Shia were at ( Imam w Ali's time ) and the sena's name was (Al khawaresh)...Your trying to say that Shia said that El Khulafa changed the religion eventhough they had Al Imam w Ali who made the Shia and created this Group...So am not saying if (EL-Khulafa) is Sina or Shia, what am trying to say is that these 4 didn't had the religion ideas that The Profit had......P.s Shia never said that they changed the religion, am talking for myself not for the Shia...

7- Our Basic Quraan only, and i don't think there is someone who is using the Quraan to understand the Islam religion....Muslims listen to what Sheikh says and just PRACTICE what they say....The 1st ( 7adis ) that was written it was 100 years after the Profit's death... So i don't think it had remain the same Mr. Majed, and i wanna give you a simple example of that (Put 10 person together and let them stay in a line and tell the 1st person to transmit a message you give him to the other person who's next to him and so on till the 10th person) what the 10th person will get will be 90% diff of what YOU said... and this is a happening in a same period of how about the 100 years Mr. Majed??

8- When you give ANY religion the power to Rule, you will BE corrupted in a religion and this is the point..

9- National Team of Saudi in Soccer, they didn't allow Romanian Coach to train the team Because he's Christian and he didn't enter Saudi Arabia....

( Is there Anyone in Saudi can eat in RAMADAN at street ) ??? I guess you know what am talking about:)..

Can the Saudi Women hang out without ( el Hijeb ) on her head???

Adios ! (Rab)


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++
nice posts Majed and Zambrotta19..

you, both, have summed it up really nice..

@Azzuri7: get your facts correct before you throw them at people's faces.. you clearly have no idea about Islam, other religions or history.. you were talking about some guy and a project and claimed that it is about Muhammad PBUH and Isalm.. !!! what are you on..?? and you claim that you are a muslim..!!! then, obviously you don't have any idea about what or who you are..

one advice.. go read some books and get your facts straight..

This is what you guys will always be up to , CLOSE MINDED, your one of them....It's a shame if we talked about the Profit???? or we shouldn't discuss this because ALLAH will punsih us...grow up kid!

Just like MISS DUBAI, Mr. Gandalf you just prove me how retard you are instead of CORRECTING my informations your just asking me to correct what i say before throw them at people's face,,,, damn how Logic this can be.....

Thanks for the advice anyhow, but i bet you didn't understand Nothing, and if you wanna start the chapter of history book of Islam, am here:).... I may not be ( Mo2men ) Like you but 1 thing for sure Gandalf, God hates RETARD people....
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