You want to see biased news reporting? Come and look at this BS (47 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
It's interesting to see that you pop in here and act as a commentator.
..That joke was not up par...You two are like brothers... :)

Don't get me wrong, i'm not offended or annoyed, but I've noticed that you do that often. :)
Actually I thought that was kinda lame but thanks for your support. :D


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
I just watched two reports, one on NBC, the other on CNN, and it was rather disturbing. The report was about how many television stations in the Arab world have took a "stance" that the United States and Israel created the Tsunami disaster, that has killed hundreds of thousands of people in Asia. The report said that some Arab stations and news outlets say that the USA was testing nuclear weapons with Israel, or even to the extent of saying that this was Bush's way of retalliating for the 9/11 attacks. They said that Bush decided to put nuclear weapons in the Indian Ocean as "his scientists knew it would cause mass casualties from the outgoing Tsunami." What a crock of horse shit.

I do not think I have ever heard such bull shit in my life from any news sources. You people say that CNN is biased.....maybe so. But at least it does not make up outlandish accusations that are out-right stupid. I stick with my arguement that some Arab news stations try to influence hatred towards the USA, and that is now a fact more than ever. But the lengths at what some of these stations do to create hatred towards us is quite retarded, for lack of a better word.
I might go little bit far here, But it's not the 1st time where Arabs put the blame on the USA, for stupid reasons....This is what i call Retard...

It doesn't make Any sence saying that Bush had to do something with it or the USA itself, i agree, this is one of the Most bullsh!t ever...

The day before this Syrian President came out to say that the Tsunami earthquake proves that "God" can do whatever he wants, so it's like as if God is a murder and he hates us all, i mean WTF, no offence to anyone here in this Forum, am muslim, but i really Hate and am tired of what this Eslam people invent everyday, they can only say Bullsh!ts, you can never expect something logic from them....


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Vinman ] ++
Your full of crap !!!

Keep this anti-American propaganda out of here !!!

btw- we didnt lose in Vietnam, we left

If they wanted communism, then they can have it !!!

They all regret that decision today
I agree, United states didn't lose in Vietnam they left...


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

That was 30 minutes after they started taking donations. :lazy:
Its just you and someone were saying how proud you where at how much people were giving, I was curious to know how much it was.

I was expecting it to be huge. Smaller nations like the UK raised like 50million GBP in a day, so 2.6GBP from americans considering the size of the damn nation seemed kinda low. Thats not being generous :D
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Emma ] ++

Its just you and someone were saying how proud you where at how much people were giving, I was curious to know how much it was.

I was expecting it to be huge. Smaller nations like the UK raised like 50million GBP in a day, so 2.6GBP from americans considering the size of the damn nation seemed kinda low. Thats not being generous :D
We are greedy, and Republican led. :)
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

Oh... sorry... didn't know this was "quote and ignorant, destructive, and sensless post" day.

Please, if you feel the need to reply on behalf if Burke, make sure you find one that contains content usefull to the argument (good luck with that expadition).
Shut up, seriously.

Nothing good ever came out of the Middle East.

Oil. That is it.


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Bürke ] ++

Shut up, seriously.

Nothing good ever came out of the Middle East.

Oil. That is it.
I don't think Oil is something good coming from the middle East, It's something found there, thats it!

Nothing good will come out from Middle East (unless) there is Certain people out there should Disappear or die...
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
what does the word "biased" mean?
If you were a Ref who used to play professial football for, say Milan.

Then you reffed a game of Juve against Milan, and Milan got all of the calls, and Juve got called for fouls, and yellow cards all the time, then you might say the ref was biased against Juve.
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++

I don't think Oil is something good coming from the middle East, It's something found there, thats it!

Nothing good will come out from Middle East (unless) there is Certain people out there should Disappear or die...

Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
what does the word "biased" mean?

1. A line going diagonally across the grain of fabric: Cut the cloth on the bias.
1. A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.
2. An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.
3. A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.
4. Sports.
1. A weight or irregularity in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in lawn bowling.
2. The tendency of such a ball to swerve.
5. The fixed voltage applied to an electrode.


Slanting or diagonal; oblique: a bias fold.

tr.v. bi·ased, or bi·assed bi·as·ing, or bi·as·sing bi·as·es or bi·as·ses

1. To influence in a particular, typically unfair direction; prejudice.
2. To apply a small voltage to (a grid).


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Bürke ] ++

Shut up, seriously.

Nothing good ever came out of the Middle East.

Oil. That is it.
Dude what u just posted doesn't prove anything except how ignorant you are!! True, that the Middle East is'nt much now, but if you just know what inventions, theories, discoveries...etc came out from there, you will realize how wrong you are!! From the middle of Arabia came out the fastest growing religion in history, and it is still growing. when u think about it seriously, there must be a reason for this growth that makes this religion more than merely a religion. It is the virtues that it brings into this world. If you really want to know, dig deep and study it, you will be amazed!! I could go on and on but lets keep it at this if you want more you will get more!!

I understand why you said that, and in some weird sense I guess you have the right. It is not your fault, it is the fault of first of all, the way us Arab act and behave, our actions give the world the idea that we are uncivilized and barbaric! But mark my word all of this will change if not in this generation, then in the generation after us!!second of all the media, exaggerates, falsify, and lie about us more than any other nation or race in the world.

It is not oil that us Arabs are proud about. In fact, I for one Don't want it take all of it I just wish we never had it! It just made us in a 50 years or so into lazy consuming bastards! So take all the oil and to hell with it!!
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by zambrota19 ] ++

Dude what u just posted doesn't prove anything except how ignorant you are!! True, that the Middle East is'nt much now, but if you just know what inventions, theories, discoveries...etc came out from there, you will realize how wrong you are!! From the middle of Arabia came out the fastest growing religion in history, and it is still growing. when u think about it seriously, there must be a reason for this growth that makes this religion more than merely a religion. It is the virtues that it brings into this world. If you really want to know, dig deep and study it, you will be amazed!! I could go on and on but lets keep it at this if you want more you will get more!!

I understand why you said that, and in some weird sense I guess you have the right. It is not your fault, it is the fault of first of all, the way us Arab act and behave, our actions give the world the idea that we are uncivilized and barbaric! But mark my word all of this will change if not in this generation, then in the generation after us!!second of all the media, exaggerates, falsify, and lie about us more than any other nation or race in the world.

It is not oil that us Arabs are proud about. In fact, I for one Don't want it take all of it I just wish we never had it! It just made us in a 50 years or so into lazy consuming bastards! So take all the oil and to hell with it!!

Obviously that is one of the biggest jokes I have ever posted. Algebra came out of the Middle East, it was the "Cradle of Civilization," Geometry(more out of Egypt), Most main religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism).

I posted that because I was trying to piss of Majed.

It was an empty-ended threat.
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