You Dont Have To Look At This, Heartbreaking...(dp Fans) (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
We're just talking in general, Z ;) don't take it personally

There's too many photoshop kiddies out there who only use the filters menu

IMO the only thing you need in PS are the Image and Layer menus, and the default tools. That gets about 95% of all photoshop work done.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Z- ] ++
Are you talking to me Anders???
No. :)

++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

IMO the only thing you need in PS are the Image and Layer menus, and the default tools. That gets about 95% of all photoshop work done.
Yup, and don't forget the channel/paths... extremly important.
Some filters are good for small details, but when they're blasted all over the image it's fugly.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
Yup, and don't forget the channel/paths... extremly important.
Some filters are good for small details, but when they're blasted all over the image it's fugly.
*Pssst* channels/paths = default tools :p Since paths are made with the pen, and i'd classify layers and channels as default ;)

It's frustrating whenever i watch people who think they're elite graphics artists. I give them an image to retouch, and they start drawing all over the original image, without using layers or anything :wallbang:

Personally, my favourite features in PS are adjustment layers and masks :thumb:


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

*Pssst* channels/paths = default tools :p Since paths are made with the pen, and i'd classify layers and channels as default ;)
Oh well, excuse my crappy english, but I thought you meant the "toolbox". ;)

++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
It's frustrating whenever i watch people who think they're elite graphics artists. I give them an image to retouch, and they start drawing all over the original image, without using layers or anything :wallbang:
Yup, that's just stupid. If I'm working on a... whatever, I always use like 20-50 layers if not more.

++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Personally, my favourite features in PS are adjustment layers and masks :thumb:
Well, there's alot of brilliant features in PS, it's actually quite impressive what you can do with a "simple" piece of software. I don't know why anyone would wanna use something else :undecide:

uh.. Reminds me, I'm gettin' the new edition soon. CS... wohoo, can't wait.

Anyways, that's off-topic

Uhmm, nice pic :)



Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++

Yup, that's just stupid. If I'm working on a... whatever, I always use like 20-50 layers if not more.
I learned the hard way on one certain project, that i should name all my layers logically :wallbang:

++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
uh.. Reminds me, I'm gettin' the new edition soon. CS... wohoo, can't wait.
Hmm I dunno when i'll upgrade. I've had many opportunities to, but i'm just too comfortable with what i'm used to, and it's not like there's anything in the new versions that make the older ones obsolete. I used PS4 for a long time, and it was slighlty uncomfortable adjusting to PS6, but now I'm at home with that.

Which reminds me of another newbie complaint. Photoshop should come with a warning, ala cigarette boxes, saying "WARNING: NEWER PHOTOSHOP VERSIONS WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR SKILLS"

++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
Anyways, that's off-topic

Uhmm, nice pic :)
Yeah nice pic



Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Which reminds me of another newbie complaint. Photoshop should come with a warning, ala cigarette boxes, saying "WARNING: NEWER PHOTOSHOP VERSIONS WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR SKILLS"
Indeed they won't. I've tried many a new ps released hoping it would make my life easier and make me a decent designer but I've always failed. :D

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