Windows Problem (1 Viewer)


Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #3

    theyre good. and its a catch 22 thing cuz my pc's ****ed thru every hole its got and to fix it i need to save my stuff. problem is now i cant even save anything.

    i wanna buy my computer a chastity belt.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #5
    yeah with Mr McAfee that hasnt been updated for [48] months now ;)

    This is what im gonna do:
    1. Try and salvage everything I have and put it on cds
    2. Format my 4gb piece of trash(in fact I just used scandisk and defragged it last night after 2 years)
    3. Install my 60gb
    4. Steal my dads motherboard
    5. Go to sleep

    Geez dont u wish u had personalised servants who fixed these things and made espresso while they were up?

    life is so dumb :down:


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Yes, I do. Or rather I have lots of times, I hate hardware issues, especially when I have to retun parts by mail and it takes up to a month to replace them. :wallbang:

    Anyway, update your virus scanner, that could be a problem solver of sorts.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #13
    a brand that make comps specifically for gaming. a friend checked the top of the line for last year and it came in at around 11,000 bucks.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    I haven't heard of it. You got any links for that?

    Either way I don't think I'd be interested if it's optimized for gaming, I hardly do that.


    Formerly known as Ali
    Jul 15, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Guerillaurbano ] ++
    a brand that make comps specifically for gaming. a friend checked the top of the line for last year and it came in at around 11,000 bucks.
    Why would someone shell out that kind of money for a PC? :eek: And for what gaming? :shocked:
    I'd rather buy a console .... :D
    Well thats just me.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Yikes, that one hurts my eyes, you really can pick em, Tommy :p

    I put together one at a bargain of $2,800 for myself. Now I'm looking for sponsors. :D

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