Winamp 5 (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
I know winamp has been improving in terms of features, but ever since winamp 3 came out, i've stuck with version 2.81.

2.81 is the best version IMO. I only need the basic operations and it's the fasted running winamp. i've never had any problems with it. WA3 seems very slow compared to winamp 2, specially when adding to the playlist.

i'll have to check out sounds kewl, but if it isn't as solid as WA2.81, then screw the features :D


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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    Winamp 3 was a complete failure. It was bloated and it crashed all the time. Winamp5 is like v2 on speed, works mostly the same but it has some new stuff, sadly it's a little slower.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    I know winamp has been improving in terms of features, but ever since winamp 3 came out, i've stuck with version 2.81.

    2.81 is the best version IMO. I only need the basic operations and it's the fasted running winamp. i've never had any problems with it. WA3 seems very slow compared to winamp 2, specially when adding to the playlist.

    i'll have to check out sounds kewl, but if it isn't as solid as WA2.81, then screw the features :D
    Agree in everything..

    and yeah martin... the winamp 3 was a crap maximus!!

    I remember that i donwloaded it and i erased it in minutes!!!

    Winamp 2.81 da best!!


    Senior Member
    Oct 22, 2003
    i just installed the thing and feel somewhat undecided. this is definately better than 3.xx but i feel like it's been filled with features. in some ways it's cool but some feats need development.
    but i'm not yet feeling like i have to change back to 2.91, time will tell..


    Senior Member
    Oct 22, 2003
    damn, i just noticed WA5 don't know how to read musepack-tags. it shows only song title but not artist. any tips anyone?


    Senior Member
    Mar 26, 2003
    i was a dedicated winamp2 user for the longest time. i got winamp3, but was soo dissapointed. i gave 5 a shot, and badabing badabam badaBOOM it was just what i was looking for. the same simple intereface as 2 (still can use same skins) yet the powerful audio capabilites of the latest media player! its great!

    whatever happened to 4? never saw it up for download...

    about the speed problems, thats no problemo for me, just built myself a new computer ;) :D


    Junior Member
    Jul 27, 2002
    you guys better get itunes...

    i don't know the latest winamp, but i've had my experiences with previous versions and i can tell u that itunes is simply better to manage one's library...
    you can also rip cds - (mp3 and AAC) - create playlists that are all displayed at the left of the app... you can burn cds and dvds (normal cds and mp3cds) direct from itunes... you can rate your songs... you can create intelligent playlists ("show me the 10 songs I have most listened to...) - itunes can also manage your library (once you open a file in itunes it wil be automatically be copied to the itunes music folder and will be managed) - you can share your library (including your playlists) with other people in a network.... you also have radio stations... - also if u're not interested in using the built-in itunes music store you can use it to browse through the world of music and get some impression by listening to the previews....

    well that's all that comes to my mind at the moment
    i think you really should give this app a try...

    it can be downloaded at

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