Why we're glad we aren't American..... (2 Viewers)

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Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
OK, before you start insulting me of discrimination and prejudices; the title's main purpose is to draw attention. :)
Besides, what you are about to read is merely the opinion of ONE American and not the entire people... Remember that!

There are times when we support the Americans and there are times we laugh at them. The latter occurs more often and in particular when it concerns the yankee experts who can completely sum up the pros and cons of all players in all sports.

Or not, as the case may be.

From Raymond J. Keating in The Washington Times.

“Let me add that prior to this year's World Cup, I could never really figure out why I disliked soccer. It's not the pastoral nature of the game...Maybe my problem with soccer arose from my political and economic conservatism...It had been my suspicion that socialist nations embraced soccer because the game amounted to 90 minutes of boredom broken up by a few fleeting moments of excitement, and that probably reflected life under socialism. However, I like to think of myself as a more independent thinker than to spurn soccer without more of a reason than that my fellow conservatives have done so and lefties embrace it.”

“Alas, though, the World Cup did not win over this sports fan in the end. Nor, I suspect, will soccer ever win over a large swath of the American public. But I have finally figured out why apparently most other Americans and I find soccer so boring.”

“It became clear to me that soccer offers neither speed nor strategic thinking. Soccer is not much of a mental game at all. It is more than just simple - after all, there are interesting simple sports, like horse racing. Soccer is simplistic. In particular, play development in soccer proceeds at a glacial pace and then rarely culminates in anything terribly interesting.
That soccer is simplistic goes a long way in explaining why soccer is so widely played by young children in the United States.”

“Can the rest of the world be wrong about soccer? Of course they can, and they are. We Americans do not turn away from soccer out of some kind of jingoism or xenophobia. Our rejection of soccer lies in America's exceptional pursuit of interesting challenges.”

I'm speechless.....

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Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
LOL, now you see what I have to put up with? I could literally posts hundreds more articles like this...some alot worse actually.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I go to a forum which is more for American fans and durring the WC, people would post 2 or 3 articles like this from various papers around the country every day. The hatred some have is amazing.

Even as a kid growing up, when I would play American football, my coaches would make fun of anyone who played soccer and call them "soccer fags." Mind you, this was when I was in 5th grade.

Disrespect happens all the time here. For example, in October, the United States started its war in Afganistan at about Noon. Of course, all the TV stations interruppted programing to discuss this. Fair enough. Come 1pm though, the networks that showed American Football broke away from their coverage of the war to show the NFL (which wasn't that interesting because no one knew anything specific, people had been discussing it for weeks anyhow and the US has 3 or 4 24 hour news stations that are more then capable of covering it). Unfortunatley, ABC, which was to cover the WCQ that afternoon, stayed with its pointless coverage. They did not move the game to another network, which they could have done because they own ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN News and ESPN Classic. So I had to follow on the internet as the US clinched a spot in WC 2002. No big deal though, the game was on tape dealy the next day. Just something you have to deal with when you are a fan of this sport in this country.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I've seen this one before, it was elaborately dissected at Xtratime... :D

Nevertheless, it is amazing how clueless they are about soccer.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
I had read that article too, I believe it came out during the WC.

It is pretty ignorant !! Don't believe that we all think like this clown !!!! I play soccer in 3 different leagues, so it is very popular, and even in winter, we have indoor soccer.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by [DJ Juve] ] ++
LOL whatta article.... that's why 'soccer' in US is far from being respected around the world
Please bear in mind that the opnion of a few stupid reporters is not indictive of the love many Americans have for the game and should not diminish the sucess that the US National team has enjoyed as of late. This reporters opnion has nothing to do with the US finishing in the top 8 of the WC or playing in 4 consecutive WCs or becoming the best team in our region.


Jul 15, 2002
Whoa!!! That is something! Let's see what American sports this fella might love :

  1. American Football = Like all sports American this one is no exception since all players are beefed up in protected gear (they kind of look like they are going to outer space). Seems like melodrama plays a huge part in psyching up the average American sports fan. I know many have wondered how in the first place this sport could actually be associated with the human foot! :D As for me I quite enjoy the celebrations more than the game itself - Where else will you find a whole touchline lined up with substitutes, cheer girls & simple arithmetic dotted all over the pitch? That’s a game of football to some :p
    PS/ I pity the referee or is it umpire (whatever :LOL: ) of this game!

    Nascar = An oval circuit where cars go round & round & round & round at phenomenal speeds & the last finisher even gets some points. And anything you do might just give you points eg Lead the most laps & you get bonus points.

    LawnMower Races = :LOL: Basically all you need to do is ‘soup’ up your lawn mower into a raging monster & race other like minded individuals! You had better read the rules too :D Apparently any driver displaying any kind of drunkenness shall not be permitted to race – I wonder if these could be said of the event pioneers! Were they really sober?

    Now I don’t have anything against anyone enjoying & participating in any sport but just live and let live. So leave me to my football – The real football.


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
++ [ originally posted by ErikP ] ++
“Let me add that prior to this year's World Cup, I could never really figure out why I disliked soccer. It's not the pastoral nature of the game...Maybe my problem with soccer arose from my political and economic conservatism...It had been my suspicion that socialist nations embraced soccer because the game amounted to 90 minutes of boredom broken up by a few fleeting moments of excitement, and that probably reflected life under socialism. However, I like to think of myself as a more independent thinker than to spurn soccer without more of a reason than that my fellow conservatives have done so and lefties embrace it.”

“Alas, though, the World Cup did not win over this sports fan in the end. Nor, I suspect, will soccer ever win over a large swath of the American public. But I have finally figured out why apparently most other Americans and I find soccer so boring.”

“It became clear to me that soccer offers neither speed nor strategic thinking. Soccer is not much of a mental game at all. It is more than just simple - after all, there are interesting simple sports, like horse racing. Soccer is simplistic. In particular, play development in soccer proceeds at a glacial pace and then rarely culminates in anything terribly interesting.
That soccer is simplistic goes a long way in explaining why soccer is so widely played by young children in the United States.”

“Can the rest of the world be wrong about soccer? Of course they can, and they are. We Americans do not turn away from soccer out of some kind of jingoism or xenophobia. Our rejection of soccer lies in America's exceptional pursuit of interesting challenges.”[/b]

I'm speechless.....


Pathetic Yankee IDIOT

How much SPeed is it in BAseball!?!?!?!??!?!?
There is more to think about tactically in Football then there ever is in Hockey!!!!!

Yes And Americans the Creme della Creme (Self Proclaimed)
Are the only people that like challenges.......

How is it
this guy can wrtie for
Wasington Post

It is at times like these a symphasize with the terrorists

Can someone whipe this person of the face of this planet


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #16
    I wouldn't go as far as sympathisizing with terrorists but this article is very bad indeed!


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
    why do Americans call Their version of Rugby for Football

    and our stuff for Soccer

    have they forgotten in which ones you use your feet to kick and transport the ball........

    Their most popular sport Basketball is basically the same as football apart that the object is to score in a hoop instead a goal

    which makes it automatically
    easier for tall people then short people

    while football is fitted for every figure around the world

    apart from those fat_ass pitchers in Baseball that have half of their mouth filled with tobacco


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #18
    :LOL: This really pisses you off, doesn't it? ;)

    As for why they call their version 'Football'...heaven knows...


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
    as much as that they won't convert to the metric system

    and call their Baseball league that inlcudes TWO NATIONS
    for the World Series
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