Why is the EPL so over-rated? (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2004
Does anyone know how I can get ahold of Arsen Wenger and tell him he is a bloody genius. He has gotten his whole National Team to play for the same club team, that, brilliant! or it is weakness depending on how you look at it.

Also if the EPL is so good, why is it dominated by players who are not originally from the UK?

AND why only has one English team won in the Champions League in past 18 Years (Man. U. over my beloved Bayern in 1999), that seems rather weak to us.

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Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++

AND why only has one English team won in the Champions League in past 18 Years (Man. U. over my beloved Bayern in 1999), that seems rather weak to us.

becoz they all got ****ed up by UEFA after the Liverpool - Juventus tragedy in the CL final.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Because we've got a term knwn as bandwagon fans (95% asians), they get completely swept away by the hype and hoopla packaged and presented to them on networks like Star tv which has a largely english bias might i add, and without knowing nothing about the history and traditions of the teams, these fans just jump in to backing whicver team name sounds good to them. And when you've got the backing of the largest continent in the world, this can only have a domino effect on other areas of the world that dont have a home league to write home about. Its quite like ferrari, where people will go and buy ferrari flags, just because the guy living next to them has one. Some of them probably wouldnt even know Schumacher's first name.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
The EPL is a tad overrated. it isnt the best league (you cant really compare the leagues quality wise, they're all diferent and have their unique characteristics), but the EPL undoubtably has the biggest entertainment value, and hence most people think it's the best league.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
But like all things English, it too enjoys a hype, it doesnt really deserve. Its undoubtedly exciting at times, but i dont think that is criteria enough to make the cut as the best league in the world, which is what the EPL has been labelled by its so called fans.


Sep 23, 2003
Because it's the best thing going in the sport for anyone who speaks English. If you ask any San Francisco Latino who watches Mexican football, they can recite tons of La Liga players (and Real Madrid's starting squad in particular). But ask him what the EPL is, and he'll think it's a pregnancy test.


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
it really is impossible to compare the leagues-I agree with Zlatan on that. EPL is pretty good entertainment (no cattenaccio) especially for people that don't know that much about soccer.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++
Does anyone know how I can get ahold of Arsen Wenger and tell him he is a bloody genius. He has gotten his whole National Team to play for the same club team, that, brilliant! or it is weakness depending on how you look at it.

Also if the EPL is so good, why is it dominated by players who are not originally from the UK?

AND why only has one English team won in the Champions League in past 18 Years (Man. U. over my beloved Bayern in 1999), that seems rather weak to us.
I think I like this guy. :D

++ [ originally posted by baggio] ++
But like all things English, it too enjoys a hype, it doesnt really deserve. Its undoubtedly exciting at times, but i dont think that is criteria enough to make the cut as the best league in the world, which is what the EPL has been labelled by its so called fans
That's exactly right. The hype that goes along with the EPL makes people believe that it is the best league in the world, which it is clearly not.
Aug 1, 2003
because their defence is terrible and it's an open game and everyone scores. And most people think that's 'great', but they tend to forget is that what's great is that in other leagues, there are better strikers who produce more skills who score against more tight defences, which is more mouth watering.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
let me get this straight you guys are saying that most football fans are ignorant because they think the EPL is the best league in europe,while you guys are the all knowledgable people because you thin the Calcio is the best:rolleyes:

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