why are people so stupid (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
International Terrorism is a much bigger problem than many people think- New York, American embassys in Africa, Istambul, Moscow, Volgodonsk, Madrid, Iraq and Afganistan- all the attacks are connected into a well-organized terrorist network.

I've seen one TV program, where a system of support of Chechen rebels by residents of Paris (?!?) was described. Money is collected in many major cities, and then it goes to finance the terrorists.

I don't think you can do much with terrorism though. It's like guerilla warfare- you don't know where the enemy is and you don't know where they will strike next.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
Hmmm I dunno, don't terrorist organisations usually do these things to make a statement? I see little point in doing something like this and not claiming responsibility for it
They (international terrorist groups) consider every attack as a "continuous campaign" against the United States and its allies. Unlike the Basks, the Palestinians, IRA or the Chechens who have a clear goal in their actions.

Spain has third largest military presense in Iraq (after US and the UK). That's why it was chosen as a target.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++
I think that the UN should just make one big area with buildings and stuff but with no people there. They should make all the terrorists blow buildings up there and not where people are around

they should call the place "terrorist bombing area"
Kuwaity authorities did something similar. Young Kuwait and Saudi drivers are known to be wild on the road. we're always over the speed limit, we do stunts you dont even see in movies! it's a form of entertainment if you will. very common.
IIRC, you've been in Kuwait Josh when you were younger, i'm sure you have an idea about what i'm talking about.
Anyway, the kuwaity authorities built a stadium-like a-la demolishion derby place where these acts are ogranized into tournaments so people can have fun there. The whole purpose is to get them off the public streets because of increasing serious traffic accedents from the wild drivers. Brilliant idea i say! :cool:

anyway, back to what you said... smart, but it wont work .. i dont even have to explain why.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
A terrible tragedy indeed. This was a huge attack, though not by far the first. We've had our fair share of terrorism in Europe.

Though I have to admit I had to sit down and put my head between my knees when the reporter last night said the following:

"The death toll is now officially 199, a six-month old baby girl died of her wounds an hour ago."


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
This is indeed terrible news. Altho I dont support terrorism and terrorists I can understand why they do it. For example the palestinians, I completely understand why they do suicicde attacks and I think most of us would do the same. What they do is guerilla warfare, and I believe that had Bosnia been occupied by Serbia in the last war I would have done the same. There is a potential terrorist inside all of us. What would you do if someone had occupied your land, defied yu all of your human rights, made you live like animals, kill you, bomb you... all I'm saying is that anyone can be a terrorist, including me. What Al Quaeda does on the other hand is real terrorism because they arent defending their country nor fighting a real enemy (enemy as in occupator - remember that 9/11 was before the Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq).

Anyways, what I'm saying is that I understand. their PoV


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
The UN doesnt work

And now this if it really was Al Qaeda, will make Spain support the US in their anti-terrorism campaign, because Spain was against the bombings in Iraq


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Wrong. The Spanish people were against the war in Iraq but official Spain actually was Bush's biggest supporter and they have around 1500 troups in Iraq right now.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
No, Zlatan is right. After Britian, Spain was America's strongest ally in this war.

Then followed by Poland and The Netherlands.

Opposed were France, Germany and Belgium.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
u guys know nothing about whats happening, but i cant talk over here because some will support me and others will oppose me, so i dont want to cause some problems over here, but im telling u that what u see is not the truth....


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
Well, what u see on TV is Bush made plans, AL Qaeda and Abu Sayyaf, Bin Laden are all agents for president Bush and his gang, first of all, Bin Laden used to be on good relationships with USA, suddenly all changed for no reason, he is orderred to show the world that Islam is the religion of terrorism, second, what u saw about 11th september, it was a terror attack, but the plan of the this was done by congress, this way, they create in the minds of all the people in the world the idea that Bin Laden is a terrorist, so , the went to afghanistan and captured the petroleum over there. In the case of Iraq, they claimed that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, they went there, took the oil (which is considerred the best in the world) and now they are planning to make a new Iraq. However, they didnt find the weapons they used as a reason for invading iraq, probably they will claim that Saddam transported the weapons to Iran, and thus, Iran would be invaded too. Moving to the conflict between North Korea and South Korea, Bush is opposing north korea saying that they are developing nuclear bombs, last year, a bomb was planted in a metro in south korea, again it was done for the benefit of the congress plans. Finally, coming to spain, they first pointed at ETA, now its the Qaeda who did that, they also said that they found some arabic tapes in a car nearby the train station with some rocket launchers; whos the dumb terrorist to put a clear evidence near the bombing site.
Lawnchair Bes
Jan 7, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #36
    we all knwo that the americans arent clean. and that bush went to iraq just for the oil. i also think that 9/11 could have been avoided. how can terrorsts do this things to the most advanced country in the world (without any help from inside). as u said "who would put a clear evidence near the bombing site "


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2003
    First, the american people are clean, its just that their leaders are filthy..

    concerning 9/11, its not bin laden who did it, some US organizations made a deal with the planners, the planes that crashed were controlled by remote from ground, moreover, how can terror groups hunt 2 planes in the USA without alerting the security police? it doesnt make any sense, and what makes it more obvious is that 2 hours after the crash, Bush announced that it was done by Bin Laden...


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    I dont completely agree with you Nedved. I agree about the Iraq thing, Afghanistan, Korea etc, but I dont believe for a second that Bush or the congress (or America at all for that matter) ordered that two planes be be crashed in the WTC towers. The truth is that he did use those events to the maximum but there is no way that he ordered them.

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