What type are you (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
How do you listen to music?
Do you listen on your computer or your stereo? Or perhaps your freestyle?
On MP3, CD or Radio?
What do you do when you are listening?
Are you stamping your foot? playing air-guitar? dancing? headbanging?

I used to listen to radio and CDs on my stereo a lot but now that the Cd prizes are so sick and the radistations play crap music I started with MP3. Now that I have a cd-burner I just copy songs the songs and listen on my stereo.
I love Live-music, I'd rather listen to a crappy coverband than the actual band on CD.
Headbanging has never been my thing really as idon't listen to that type of music. I usually just stamp my foot, I do not have the possibility to dance as I am usually doing other things that just listening to music. One thing I often do is that I play air-drums. I always want to time the drum solos and hit the cymbal at the exact right moment. Sometimes I might play a discrete airguitar, but not too often.
I love dancing aswell and it can actually happen that I do dancesteps on my own. :)

What do you do when you listen to music?

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Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
most of the time on my computer.I usually stamp my foot or headbang.cause I am always browsing the net while listenin' to music.
Sep 28, 2002
i listen to cds mostly. since i got lots of new ones and they havn;t bored me yet.
what i do when i listen them?
1. i'm singing as well
2. i fake playing mdrums of guitar
2. headbanging (not metal one)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Mostly run music from my computer, sometimes the radio.

Erm.. depending on the music, I sing, drum my hands to the beat on some surface or conduct.. :D


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
Computer, MD or stereo.

I play an enormous amount of air guitar while I listen to music. I walk around with a guitar pick all day that I "play" with. Sometimes I play airdrums to.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Listen to Music in the Pc,,just the first time,,,and then burn the cd and listen it a lot of times in my discman everywhere and in any moment!.

I really love my discman.!


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
listen to music on my computer and in the Car (burned CD).

i'm usually either programming, surfing the net, or in juventuz.com chattin with you.

When its Rap Music: i usually Rap along and do the DJ turn table thingie in the air.
When it's rock, i do the air-drums and tap my feet.
everything else, i just tap my feet.

When in the Car, and i listen to a song i really like, i usually violate a lot of Traffic Rules and Laws :D. if it's raining while this is happening, i dont think you wanna know what i do with the car ;)

PS, If i'm in a really good mood and i'm listening to good music, then i'll be doing a lot of Step-overs and moves with my size 3 football around the apartment.


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
Hee hee :angel:

i listen to radio the most. I'm usually glued to it wether its blasting from my com with absolutely no respect for what e rest of the people in my office think :D or if im on the move i'm always like a zombie with receiver and earplugs :cool:

At work i will sing out loud the parts of a song that i know then fall back into silence when i forgot the lyrics. :p If i'm at hm i dance along to the tune.:cap:


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
I don't have mp3s on my home computer except for live songs or rare ones. I think that if you enjoy the music the artist writes and performs, then you should acknowledge that by purchasing the cd :)


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
Mostly from comp as I'm too lazy to burn everything on the CDs. I only put the "can't live without them" on CDs so that I can listen to them in the car or on my DM.

When alone at home I have my music, which is mostly latino, on really loud (thank you neighbours for not complaining!) and I can't resist to it so I dance and sing along. If I'm doing something while listening then I just move as much as the work that I do allows it ... yes I cannot be still. When I hear a good song it just goes into my blood and my body-parts start moving by themselfs ... the most embarassing thing so far that happened to me was when I started to dance on the subway in Rome.

It's hard to move when you are driving, so I usually just sing or tap with fingers on the stearing wheel. An advice: don't listen to latino if you don't want to get speeding tickets.


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
congratulations, you seem to have more and more excellent ideas and this pleases me a lot :D

so ... i usually listen to music :

-on my PC with headphones, because my mother can't really stand my heavy metal :D

-at the radio in the late nights when i can't sleep

-at my walkman when i travel :)

what am i doing ? well, usually drawing, reading, working on my PC


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Well I can't drive yet :lazy: so no comments there, though I'm sure I will put the tunes on when I'm driving.

Usually I go on the billboard charts (US) to find the latest hip hop and r&b music, plus some playlists of american radio stations provided by Silvia :kiss: which are very useful too. For the latest dance I wait for people to tell me some (thanks Erik!) or I hear it. Once I've got the tunes in mind I download them, wait until there's enough to burn onto a CD then make a compilation. Once I've made it all the songs will get deleted from my computer, and I'll start downloading some new ones for the next CD.

I don't dance to it, I usually just sing along to it and on a track with a lot of bass I will thump the sofa or bed in tune to the beat :D

Excepting of course when I'm down town on a Friday/Saturday night, then I'll be dancing around and falling over :redface:;)


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
Mostly from comp as I'm too lazy to burn everything on the CDs. I only put the "can't live without them" on CDs so that I can listen to them in the car or on my DM.

When alone at home I have my music, which is mostly latino, on really loud (thank you neighbours for not complaining!) and I can't resist to it so I dance and sing along. If I'm doing something while listening then I just move as much as the work that I do allows it ... yes I cannot be still. When I hear a good song it just goes into my blood and my body-parts start moving by themselfs ... the most embarassing thing so far that happened to me was when I started to dance on the subway in Rome.

It's hard to move when you are driving, so I usually just sing or tap with fingers on the stearing wheel. An advice: don't listen to latino if you don't want to get speeding tickets.
You're not one of those people that start tapping their feet while they're driving, are you? Move. Stop. Move. Stop. :D

++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
For the latest dance I wait for people to tell me some (thanks Erik!) or I hear it.
You rely on me for that? Oh dear..! :D

Don't forget RAM FM ;)

I usually listen to my discman when I'm on the train (it's a 2 hour journey from my parent's place that I often visit on weekends to The Hague where I actually live). I usually take one of those small bags with cd's in it but as I can't really get up and start dancing/singing on the train I usually listen to my music and wander off into a dream world or something. Sometimes I fall asleep

In TH I always put on music with a beat and rythm (nowadays mostly latin) when I have to do annoying stuff like vacuuming or doing the dishes. I literally dance through my entire apartment with the vacuum as partner sometimes. Salsaaaa!!!! :D


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
I literally dance through my entire apartment with the vacuum as partner sometimes. Salsaaaa!!!! :D
I would pay to see that! :D

(ok so I wouldn't but people say that all the time :lazy::D)


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++

I would pay to see that! :D

(ok so I wouldn't but people say that all the time :lazy::D)
:D:D:D maybe Erik is a very lonely man :D:D:D btw Mr Prez, i never thanked u 4 changing........ errrr....nooo.... actually its correcting my nickname :D:wallbang:

Soooo...thank u :)

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