
Sep 23, 2003
I'm surprised that mass shootings at weddings haven't been a thing yet in the US.

I mean, aren't schools and shopping malls passé now? And weddings and funerals are prime material for everyone from mob bosses to Afghan warlords.

So in case things get a bit out of hand, you can always get spicy.


Sep 23, 2003
Economically it helps the US to have less children. Especially in areas where these shootings occur. Extremely poor or extremely wealthy.

Kind of aggravating people don't look at this as 98 trimester abortion, which is how I do.
Give anybody a few years to eff up the planet and other peeps before executing them becomes justified.

Makes some sense. The innocence of youth is lost around age 2.

This is really something. I support trans rights, but 99% of the population shouldn’t have to conform to these ridiculous norms.
And here I always thought that people who lost their sh*t over not consenting to their circumcisions were a joke.

Are there crytheybys?
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Senior Member
Mar 16, 2013
what in your opinion are some of trans rights that need to be supported (for them to be included in the legislation / socially accepted in your country)?
I’m fairly conservative on this issue. Of course, not as conservative as most Republicans, but once your gender identity starts to other people, that’s when I have a problem. For example, I completely disagree with Biden’s proposal to ban schools from barring trans athletes in school events. There’s a reason why men and women have separate categories in sports.



Sep 23, 2003
I never thought I would lump Republicans and non-TERF feminists together, but here we are.

Two groups that care deeply about the fairness of women's sports (comparative gender competitiveness or compensation), but neither could be bothered to actually watch it.
Jun 16, 2020
I never thought I would lump Repiblicans and feminists together, but here we are.

Two groups that care deeply about the fairness of women's sports (comparative gender competitiveness or compensation), but neither could be bothered to actually watch it.
I don’t watch it either but let’s be real and stop that damaging movement

Ive been voting left throughout my adult life but I’ll definitely change sides next year when there are elections here.
Jun 16, 2020
Oh, it's damaging. But toilets and sports nobody watches aren't the hills to die on either.
Both are just small parts of something bigger in this case

What I really dislike is that there is no room for nuances. Was watching a show on American television about some transgender athlete, it’s their opinion and everything opposed to it gets cancelled straight away.

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