Apr 22, 2008
it is squarespce.

- - - Updated - - -

Have you looked into Squarespace?
the problem my friend i need to replace some text with some logos and it needs ccs kind of bullshit and this is not my job. i used a template and i fill my artwork inside.

is there any body here who could help me for some basic editing?


Sep 23, 2003
Carnival in Bolivia

The devil's party
Nice. Here it's kind of a faux Carnavale... imported from all the Brazilians. Music and dancing in the streets, people carrying open bottles of wine, wearing lot of glitter. But that's about it.

updating my website :) am not a web designer but i try.

I've considered you something of a design-conscious person if not a designer. :D

I think I might have a legit chance of having a threesome with two 19 year old German chicas.
Which one of them is Gunther the lion tamer?

I think it's a sort of "vacation mode," or something like "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" but with South America.
Nice. Why go for German butt stuff when you can get it south of the Panama Canal.

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