
Sep 23, 2003
Had a nice time with Greg and Asif. Had a few drinks at a restaurant, then watched the game at Asif's. Its always great to meet members from here. Especially when they're as nice and as fun as Greg! :D
It was cool to finally meet the Dheeraj and Asif! :D

Pretty beat from a lack of sleep, so I'm going to have to catch up here later.

Did you take pictures, Sheik?! I've never seen Greg.
Check the pictureski thread.

We took a pic on Greg's phone. I'm sure he'll upload it tomorrow.
Check it! :p

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Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
A beautiful man, looked like Boriello, was walking down the beach, he looked down and noticed a woman without any arms or any legs crying. He stopped up and asked her "Why are you crying?" - she replied "I've never been kissed, sulk sulk" . So the beautiful man got on his knees and gave her a long kiss. Then the arm/legg-less woman started crying again, this time even louder. Again he asks her "Why are you crying?" - she replies I've never been fucked.
The man continues to pick her up, and throws her with every ounce of his strenght into the ocean.

"Well you're fucked now!"


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
fuck this i am going to go play with my new phone,the shiny new HTC sensation XE with beat audio

and by that i mean i am going to masturbate

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