
Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
Same here Dusan, it's almost 1am & i have to be up in three hours.:scared: Later everybody & Christina, don't get the nutella all over your bed & clothes. Your mom might have a stroke.:D


Apr 14, 2005
I once had a gf with tiny feet. Size three feet, when i saw them for the first time, i had this awful feeling come over me, like i was fiddling with a kid. Plus she had a big head, so her head/body & feet ratio was totally unbalanced & off the charts.
are you sure that was her/his foot? coz that would explain that feeling that "came" over you

Delle Alpi

Chemical Dean
May 26, 2009
Chemistry and Math :wub:
I enjoyed calculus during my first year undergraduate.

Only if you are a meth dealer

Hate chemistry. I'd learn it if I were to cook meth, but it is sooooo boring.
:andy2: You are boring

Yup General Chemistry

Studied conversions, finding moles, atoms, grams everything. Only to be screwed over by not knowing the elements. :( :(

This stuff is easy, I TAed first year chemistry winter 2010, and most of the students didn't know nothing.
I TA second year inorganic chemistry this semester, and students still don't know nothing :D
I was marking lab reports today, and there is a question where students need to analyze their proton NMR spectra, and compare it to the spectra provided, one of the students answer was " The spectra are different, but they are not worth to discriminate with" and just didn't answer it :sergio:

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