-what are u currently listenin to?- (322 Viewers)

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Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Altair ] ++

can't wait till the johnny cash movie comes out...did you know that in his song ring-of-fire he was talking about hemorrhoids :eek:
actually orange blossom is the only song I've heard of his (one other but I dono the name of it) but I'll this song out.


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Altair ] ++

can't wait till the johnny cash movie comes out...did you know that in his song ring-of-fire he was talking about hemorrhoids :eek:
Whew. For a minute there I thought he was singing the blues about his hard times in the Folsom joint. :eek:


Sep 23, 2003
I am seriously smacking my digital veins with a tourniquet and a DSL hypodermic these days via DCPlusPlus.

I know I'm probably way behind the times for most of you kiddies, but I've long been a religious fanatic of the 1980s Replacements (arguably the best thing that came out of that dismal decade). Replacements fanatics, much like the bootleg-tape-swapping Deadheads of years before, have been notorious for creating things like digital music swapping "weeds" (which were social phenomena that first originated on alt.music.replacements before the Weed file sharing format ever came out), etc., for live show recordings and rarities.

I've more recently been sucked into the private trading hubs that have cropped up around DCPlusPlus, and the 'Mats have a great one. What's particularly cool is that the lossy mp3 format :yuck: is pretty much banned on some of these... everyone shares lossless shn and flac files (which you can convert with the mkw Audio Compression Tool , etc.). The result is massive access to obscure recordings with a quality level you cannot even purchase on a lameass service like iTunes or Rhapsody.

Man, I need a bigger hard drive. :drool:

(But don't we all ;) )


Sep 23, 2003
OK, so just to show that I listen to more than alcohol-abusing post-punk rockers from the 80s who measure their success in the volume of their own vomit...

Tonight I caught the final performance of SF's world premiere of the new John Adams' opera, Doctor Atomic, at the SF Opera House. Some great performances by the orchestra, some interesting set work, and the performers do a nice job. But yet as compelling as a storyline as this should be ... about the birth of the nuclear age ... the opera is pretty lame.

The lines are borrowed too much from reality, so we hear a lot of singing about kilotons of TNT and dodecahedrons. Freakish. I used to work at a high-energy physics lab and know a number of Edward Teller's personal associates. And yet even I thought it was a bit too scientific and contrived for opera.

Even weirder is knowing all of these characters through my previous work in high-energy physics. Imagine going to an opera about Juve winning their 26th Scudetto on May 5, 2002, with cast members playing the roles of Lippi, DP, Davids, etc. Then you might get a sense of how bizarre it is for me to see uber-geeks and the collective scientific community they built up, a community I was once a cousin to, turned into an art form.

It will be touring the U.S. from here. If you have the chance to see it, skip it and watch the outstanding 1981 documentary The Day After Trinity instead. If your musical entertainment tries too hard to be factual, you'd be far better off sticking to the facts and leave the music behind.
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