What are Juve waiting for? (3 Viewers)


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2005
What are Juventus waiting for? I mean they need players drastically and they should be in the process of coming up with something. I mean ive heard a lot of talk and so far whats true is that juve signed Kovac, Giannechedia and Diogo. While Milan have already signed Janko and pretty much have sealed up Pizarro and Iaquinta and probably even Gila. Add that to the team they already have and like i cant even imagine what they are going to be possible of next year. Come on Moggi get us the squad we need! I forgot about Chiellini but he doestn solve all our problems.

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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
rumours flow this time of the season. if juve isnt doing too well, 150 players will be rumoured, if they are dong, maybe 1 or 2 will be rumoured. players wont sign now, they'll wait for other options in the summer and then decide. its not as easy as we make it out to be, signing players is very difficult these days.


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Dan10 ] ++
What are Juventus waiting for? I mean they need players drastically and they should be in the process of coming up with something. I mean ive heard a lot of talk and so far whats true is that juve signed Kovac, Giannechedia and Diogo. While Milan have already signed Janko and pretty much have sealed up Pizarro and Iaquinta and probably even Gila. Add that to the team they already have and like i cant even imagine what they are going to be possible of next year. Come on Moggi get us the squad we need! I forgot about Chiellini but he doestn solve all our problems.
We havent signed any of those players as of yet, nor has Milan. It is mostly media speculation and nothing has been annoucned. And i dont know if you know this, but we can only sign players during the summer break.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
No, actually, you can arrange the transfers all year long, but the players can only arrive in the transfer windows. So it's quite possible that Muilan have already signed Jankulovski for example.


Sep 23, 2003
Impatient shopping sprees for players are the hallmark of immature front offices with no clue as to how to build a sustainable, competitive team. Inter is proof positive that you cannot merely buy success.

Please: knock it off with the one-dimensional, short-sighted appeals like this to turn us into Inter. :rolleyes:


May 11, 2004
It was lovely last year when we lost hope of everyone and Moggi snatches Zlatan and Cannavaro on the last day :D


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #10
    ya thanks im not stupid ive been following soccer for a long time now and i know how everything works and obvs u have no idea what i am talking about. Now let me ask you something...with the 20 people we have been linked with...how much of it is bullshit? And it is possible to come up with aggrements b4 the transfer window opens and for your info. Milan have already come with these and doesnt put us in a good position. No buying players all the time does not bring success but it brings depth to our squad, and if you think we can just use our primavera players instead of bringin in talents then you really needa a reality check. Finally dont make enemies with people you dont know becuz i think we are all juventus fans here and all should be able to say what is on our mind without someone criticizing and trying to make them feel stupid.
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Dan10 ] ++
    ya thanks im not stupid ive been following soccer for a long time now and i know how everything works and obvs u have no idea what i am talking about. Now let me ask you something...with the 20 people we have been linked with...how much of it is bullshit? And it is possible to come up with aggrements b4 the transfer window opens and for your info. Milan have already come with these and doesnt put us in a good position. No buying players all the time does not bring success but it brings depth to our squad, and if you think we can just use our primavera players instead of bringin in talents then you really needa a reality check. Finally dont make enemies with people you dont know becuz i think we are all juventus fans here and all should be able to say what is on our mind without someone criticizing and trying to make them feel stupid.

    first of all nobody is critisising you. we are merely saying that :

    numero uno - how can you be so sure that milan got all those players and we havent got shit ? what are your sources ? where do you get all the information ?

    number two - if you knew the way moggi opperates you wouldnt be saying all these things, but rather asking "so what is moggi gonna get us next summer" ?

    do not take personally man


    Junior Member
    Mar 15, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #14
    And I never said buy a whole new dam team either, so stop tryin to make me out as someone who wants and entire clearout of the team and start fresh. I simply stated we should start our search now for replacements and reinforcements as Milan are hitting our targets faster and taking them from under our nose like janko which by the way is confirmed.
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Dan10 ] ++
    And I never said buy a whole new dam team either, so stop tryin to make me out as someone who wants and entire clearout of the team and start fresh. I simply stated we should start our search now for replacements and reinforcements as Milan are hitting our targets faster and taking them from under our nose like janko which by the way is confirmed.

    how do you know all these ?

    zebina was supposed to go to milan several months before it was made publicly known that he signed for juve.

    nobody is saying anything about a clear out (juve most probably doesnt have the means for that) all i am saying is that be patient


    Junior Member
    Mar 15, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #17
    ++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++

    first of all nobody is critisising you. we are merely saying that :

    numero uno - how can you be so sure that milan got all those players and we havent got shit ? what are your sources ? where do you get all the information ?

    number two - if you knew the way moggi opperates you wouldnt be saying all these things, but rather asking "so what is moggi gonna get us next summer" ?

    do not take personally man
    im sorry but ur comment offended me but no worries its ok...and for ur first question:

    It has been said on goal.com and other websites like planetfootball.com, etc that janko has agreed to join Milan. And that Pizzaro has been offered to Milan for 7$ mil and now they may get Iaquinta if they cannot get gilardino. And again this is all said on many different websites.

    2. I dont know how Moggi works, infact i do not believe anyone knows how he works it will forever be a mystery, but we are being linked with at least 25 players and the season still is not over. They know what they need or so id hope and really i do not see them trtying to fix it and this is what ive been trying to say.
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Dan10 ] ++

    im sorry but ur comment offended me but no worries its ok...and for ur first question:

    It has been said on goal.com and other websites like planetfootball.com, etc that janko has agreed to join Milan. And that Pizzaro has been offered to Milan for 7$ mil and now they may get Iaquinta if they cannot get gilardino. And again this is all said on many different websites.

    2. I dont know how Moggi works, infact i do not believe anyone knows how he works it will forever be a mystery, but we are being linked with at least 25 players and the season still is not over. They know what they need or so id hope and really i do not see them trtying to fix it and this is what ive been trying to say.

    seeing as the same thing happens every season (surprises at the end) i was just saying that there is no way that you have followed juve for a long time


    Sep 23, 2003
    Dan10, don't take this as a personal attack at all. We are all juventini here (well, at least most of us) -- and I completely agree on your sentiments there.

    It's just that every year this board gets bombarded with first-timer posts of, "I am so sick of Moggi sitting on his fat ass... BUY US 200 BILLION EURO WORTH OF AMAZING TALENT RIGHT NOW OR WE WILL NEVER WIN A SINGLE MATCH AGAIN!!!!!" I am exaggerating here of course ... though, with some of the posters, sometimes I am not. :groan:

    But these posts do get very tiresome ... and they can make we juventini sound like a bunch of whiners who feel that spending money is the only way to solve our problems (a critical thing, yes, but not the only thing...if championships were that simple as to be up for the highest bidder, let's just look at bank accounts and call the whole season off, right?). You probably have no idea how much your post sounds like -- or even just similar to -- so many of those posts we get around this time of the season. And posters past are certainly not your fault, and I'm sure you've had no intention of being lumped in with them. But you also have to realize how many times we've seen posts like this before.

    Just some context for you, really.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    And just to add to whatever swag mentioned,do not take whatever football websites too seriously.Take everything with a generous dose of salt because less than 2% of those rumours come true;Juve are linked to some 50 players at any one time with more popping up every day.

    If you choose to put your hopes into whatever you read on the Internet then you will probably end up very disappointed.

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