WC Qualis Sept 8th (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
It obviously comes naturally to you, sorry poor dude, but i dont think Norway would be missed if they dont qualify, they simply cant play football.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Opinions is one thing, mocking the people who happen to support that team is quite another..

I agree Norway won't be missed by anyone but ourselves though. :(


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Martin ] ++

I agree Norway won't be missed by anyone but ourselves though. :(
well, yeah... I envy Norwegians, since you guys can have a competitive athletes in every kinds of sport competitions... :(

Your skiers cheat though... :p


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++
It obviously comes naturally to you, sorry poor dude, but i dont think Norway would be missed if they dont qualify, they simply cant play football.
I think we have the players to compete in larger tournaments, if you look at this years Euro for instance I don't see how Latvia or Switzerland's squads are superior too ours. After Drillo left we have struggled with tactics, something I thought Åge would fix, but it suddenly doesn't look like it.


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Erkka ] ++
Finnish skiers are like Juve, the only ones who get caught... :down::frown:
No, your skiers are the only skiers that (together with that German/Spanish) that dopes themselves up. That one coach of yours was just a doping monsters, he doped everybody!
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
If we continue playing like this we could very well qualify for the WC. Sadly, consistency has never been our strong side.
youre gonna get your arses kicked by the mighty lihuania :strong:

lithuania 4-0 san marino :D


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
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    Van der Sar was terrific yesterday. PVH bagged a brace, but VDS was my MOTM :thumb:


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Stu, this has nothing to do with WC, but since you're here in this thread, how is everything in your neck of the woods with Hurricane Ivan? I just heard that it was upgraded to a Category 5


    Sep 23, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Kevin ] ++
    Ronaldo's piece of skill for that second goal (first of his two great assists) was absolutely stunning! He also saved Portugal's asses last week with 1 goal, 1 assist, in a 2-0 win!
    It's great to see the younger players step up and fill the so-called unfillable shoes of Portuguese players like Figo and Rui Costa.

    But yes -- Ronaldo has been the key to Portugal's success in both matches. His assist on the second goal was amazing in how he just left the Estonian defender spinning, clearing enough space to put in a good cross. But perhaps the more signature point, IMO, was his assist on the last goal by Postiga.

    Portugal was ahead 3-0 and in injury time, and you could catch a flash moment in Ronaldo where he recognized that he could just turn on the juice for a moment and beat his defender for a good cross. He then commits to a jarring dash and a great cross ... and that quickly it was 4-0.

    Seeing that kind of instant flash of recognition in an athlete who then capitalizes on it late in a match was a sort of throwback to me for how Michael Jordan would patiently wait out the brief appearance of an opportunity and then just seize on it. Of course Jordan would do it repeatedly in deadlocked games where his final shot would win the game, but it's not often that you see players in any sport exhibit that kind of instinct.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Sergio ] ++
    Stu, this has nothing to do with WC, but since you're here in this thread, how is everything in your neck of the woods with Hurricane Ivan? I just heard that it was upgraded to a Category 5
    Ivan actually passed South of us in the end and it was a Category 3 at that point in time so I'm ok. Sadly the same can't be said for everyone here and the people in Grenada. Ivan really devastated them...


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #57
    ++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++

    It's great to see the younger players step up and fill the so-called unfillable shoes of Portuguese players like Figo and Rui Costa.

    But yes -- Ronaldo has been the key to Portugal's success in both matches. His assist on the second goal was amazing in how he just left the Estonian defender spinning, clearing enough space to put in a good cross. But perhaps the more signature point, IMO, was his assist on the last goal by Postiga.

    Portugal was ahead 3-0 and in injury time, and you could catch a flash moment in Ronaldo where he recognized that he could just turn on the juice for a moment and beat his defender for a good cross. He then commits to a jarring dash and a great cross ... and that quickly it was 4-0.

    Seeing that kind of instant flash of recognition in an athlete who then capitalizes on it late in a match was a sort of throwback to me for how Michael Jordan would patiently wait out the brief appearance of an opportunity and then just seize on it. Of course Jordan would do it repeatedly in deadlocked games where his final shot would win the game, but it's not often that you see players in any sport exhibit that kind of instinct.
    Ronaldo is quickly developing into a class player. No longer does he just dribble and dribble and dribble with no end product, his crossing has improved alot and it is more than apparent that he's done alot of maturing. This kid has got a fantastic future ahead of him.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    I just had a look at the highlights... when the hell did Ronaldo learn how to cross? with his left foot no less :eek:

    This kid's looking deadlier and deadlier every time I watch him. The fact that he's a winger who can score headers is just a bonus


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #59
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    I just had a look at the highlights... when the hell did Ronaldo learn how to cross? with his left foot no less :eek:

    This kid's looking deadlier and deadlier every time I watch him. The fact that he's a winger who can score headers is just a bonus
    I was asking myself that not too long ago. As I said, Cristiano has done alot of improving and maturing. Before he was all flash, now he's certified quality.

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