War of the Worlds. (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2004
silly movie indeed !!

First critique :

Tom cruise The only Man on earth who can make the whole world safe and distroy a very fcking powerful machines that came form another planet . Da Da Da ?

Second :

All the electronic devices were shut down during the attack even cars , how come some one taped the machines attacks by Video camera?

Third :

how did they stop the machines that distroy most of the world ?

Really stupid !


Good Things :

Highquality Visual effects

Dramatic scenario makes you tension to see what's ganna happen next?

i really could not understand why did Steven Spielberg a shoot cheap movie like this one after the Movies like (ET-saving private ryan-jurassic park-indiana jones)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Juve_The_Best ] ++
silly movie indeed !!

First critique :

Tom cruise The only Man on earth who can make the whole world safe and distroy a very fcking powerful machines that came form another planet . Da Da Da ?

Second :

All the electronic devices were shut down during the attack even cars , how come some one taped the machines attacks by Video camera?

Third :

how did they stop the machines that distroy most of the world ?

Really stupid !


Good Things :

Highquality Visual effects

Dramatic scenario makes you tension to see what's ganna happen next?

i really could not understand why did Steven Spielberg a shoot cheap movie like this one after the Movies like (ET-saving private ryan-jurassic park-indiana jones)
Valid critisisms

This movie doesn't really make much sense unless you read the book. But if you did, it gets extremely interesting. I was looking to see how Spielberg will transform the novel written many decades ago into a 21st century action. I think he did a decent job, but only for those who are familiar with the plot.


Sep 23, 2003
I honestly liked the movie. Even if Tom Cruise added nothing, there were forced subplots about kids wanting to run off to war that never got followed, etc. (And Mr. Cruise, I don't care what you think you know about psychology, science, or the gaping hole in your ass -- shut up and dance for us on the screen like the monkey puppet you're paid to be, alright?)

But overall I did like the movie. Decent job, most definitely.

However, my biggest criticism of the movie plot variation from the book/previous 1952 movie. If we presume:

1. these aliens are from a technologically advanced civilization (enough to master mass destruction and space travel)
2. said aliens had planned this invasion for eons by planting their warships under the earth's crust before the advent of man
3. we feeble earthlings in our technologically inferior society have a rate of technical change/innovation where we cannot bear to use a computer for more than four years before it is useless landfill

then what the hell are these aliens doing, having to attack the earth with warcraft that employ million-plus year old technology?

Could you imagine being one of these aliens, having to be deployed to earth? All your friends in the military back on planet Zeldar are zipping around with interstellar hyperspeed ships with universe destruction bombs. And you? They are laughing at you hysterically for getting stuck with having to attack earthlings while riding around in what is essentially perceived as a wooden oxcart with a cork gun.

Gino Genesio

Senior Member
Nov 14, 2004
the movie was great and tom cruise is a very good !
1of my favorits after seeing this movie and more inportant The last samurai :touched: master piece movie!


1:its a movie so the main carracter is the man who does something what ather people dident and who knows some1 in japan and europe did the same but they just dident show it.

2:yep that was a silly mistake i dont know why they did such a silly mistake but it dident bother me

3:see the movie again because i think you missed something .
the aliens were really smart but did something very stupid .

but every1 got his own apinion you think its bad and i respect that and i think it was a really reat movie it remends me of Independence day i love such movie's


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
I honestly liked the movie. Even if Tom Cruise added nothing, there were forced subplots about kids wanting to run off to war that never got followed, etc. (And Mr. Cruise, I don't care what you think you know about psychology, science, or the gaping hole in your ass -- shut up and dance for us on the screen like the monkey puppet you're paid to be, alright?)

But overall I did like the movie. Decent job, most definitely.
When you say you did like the movie. Are you speaking of it, independent of its original plot? Or in accordance with that?

I dont know of the original plot, perhaps why i may not be looking at it in context, but i think it would be Tom Cruise's poorer efforts. Not to mention Steven Spielberg's directorial aura, which took a beating in my opinion.


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by baggio ] ++
When you say you did like the movie. Are you speaking of it, independent of its original plot? Or in accordance with that?
I liked the original movie. And this remake added a good dimension of updated special effects and a visual experience on top of what was a good, and pretty well-executed story.

What I didn't like was the singular plotline of Tom Cruise. While I understand the director wanted to bring such a gargantuan story down to human scale, where the movie failed - or so I thought - was in the personal story embellishments around Tom Cruise's character.

I dont know of the original plot, perhaps why i may not be looking at it in context, but i think it would be Tom Cruise's poorer efforts. Not to mention Steven Spielberg's directorial aura, which took a beating in my opinion.
Tom Cruise had a character that was poorly written, IMO. None of the characters had anything left to develop about midway through the movie, and their personalities seemed a bit forced upon the flick. In that sense, the characters offered little over the "dino food" roles that the actors played in Jurassic Park.

Perhaps in part that was the marketing gurus suggesting that the Tom Cruise angle will pull in a lot more viewers than would otherwise be entertained with the larger plot and special effects.

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