Viera talks to the press (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
Vieira: “E’ un gruppo fantastico”

“Sono arrivato in una grande squadra, la migliore in Italia assieme a Milan e Inter e sicuramente una delle più forti d’Europa. Qui i campioni in grado di fare la differenza non sono cinque o sei, ma almeno quindici.”. E tra questi c’è sicuramente anche lui: Patrick Vieira, a detta di tutti, il giocatore più forte arrivato in Italia durante l’ultimo mercato: “No, non credo sia vero – continua il francese - Nel campionato italiano ci sono molti calciatori importanti. Diciamo che io faccio parte di un gruppo di giocatori di un certo livello arrivati quest’anno, del quale, ad esempio, fa parte anche Figo”.

L’impatto con il nuovo ambiente è stato dolce e Patrick si è immediatamente trovato a proprio agio nella Juventus, sia nello spogliatoio, che sul terreno di gioco, dove, con Emerson, ha già fatto vedere le potenzialità della coppia “più bella del mondo”: “Una cosa che mi ha sorpreso piacevolmente, appena arrivato, è stata l’armonia che regna nel gruppo e l’amicizia che lega i giocatori. L’intesa con Emerson va sempre meglio; all’inizio è stato difficile, perché abbiamo iniziato la preparazione in due momenti differenti, ma partita dopo partita ci capiamo sempre di più e spero che diventeremo uno dei punti di forza della Juve di quest’anno.”. Le premesse ci sono tutte, anche perché Patrick ammette di non essere mai stato così in forma: “Il metodo di allenamento è diverso rispetto a quello a cui ero abituato. Io però gioco da tanti anni e mi conosco: so quali sono i miei punti deboli e i miei punti di forza e capisco in che modo devo lavorare. Sono soddisfatto perché ho raggiunto un livello di preparazione più alto rispetto agli altri anni. Capello? Non l’ho trovato cambiato rispetto a quando mi allenò nel Milan; già allora avevo capito che era un vincente e lo ha dimostrato. Non mi ha chiesto niente di particolare, se non di mettere in campo le stesse qualità che ho mostrato nell’Arsenal e nella Nazionale francese”.

Una delle qualità più apprezzate di Vieira è sicuramente la carica agonistica; una caratteristica che Patrick dovrà essere bravo a gestire, visto il diverso atteggiamento degli arbitri italiani rispetto a quelli inglesi: “Il temperamento è ciò che mi ha permesso di fare carriera ed è uno dei miei punti di forza, ma bisogna sempre mantenere il buon senso e il rispetto degli avversari. In Inghilterra forse il gioco duro viene sanzionato meno dagli arbitri, ma non avrò problemi ad adattarmi. L’ho già fatto quando sono andato all’Arsenal e ora farò altrettanto. Sono uno che impara in fretta.”. L’ultimo pensiero di Patrick è rivolto alla Champions League e al sorteggio che giovedì ha messo di fronte alla Juventus il Bayern Monaco, il Bruges e il Rapid Vienna: “In effetti ci sono gironi più complicati del nostro, ma dovremo dimostrare sul campo di meritare il passaggio del turno. Il nostro obiettivo è vincere tutte le competizioni alle quali partecipiamo e non sarà facile, perché questa è la volontà di tante altre squadre. Per come giochiamo però, abbiamo tutte le possibilità di conquistare la Champions League”.

too long to translate anyone would like to translate it plz do so

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Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
Babel Fish comes to the rescue:

"they have arrived in one great square, best in Italy together to Milan and Inter and sure one of strongest of Europe. Here the champions in a position to making the difference are not five or six, but at least fifteen.". And between these there is sure also he: Patrick Vieira, by all accounts, more the strongly arrived player in Italy during the last market: "Not, creed is not true - continuous the French - In the Italian championship is many important soccers player. We say that I make part of a group of players of a sure level I arrive this year to you, of which, as an example, ago part also Figo ". The impact with the new atmosphere has been sweet and Patrick immediately has found just comfort in the Juventus, is in the dressing room, than on the game land, where, with Emerson, it has already made to see the potentialities of the beautifulr brace "of the world": "One what that has been strange to me pleasantly, as soon as arrived, has been the harmony that reign in the group and the friendship that alloy the players. The understanding with Emerson goes always better; to the beginning it has been difficult, because we have begun the preparation in two different moments, but left after left we are always understood more and I hope that we will become one of the points of force of the Juve of this year.". The premises are all, also because Patrick never admits not to have been therefore in shape: "the training method is various regarding that one to which I was accustomed. I but play from many years and I know myself: I know which are my points weak people and my points of force and I understand in that way I must work. They are satisfied because I have caught up a higher level of preparation regarding the other years. Hat? I have not found it changed regarding when it trained to me in the Milan; already then I had understood that he was winning and it has demonstrated it. Nothing for particular has not asked me, if not to put in field the same qualities that I have shown in the Arsenal and the National French ". One of the appreciated qualities more than Vieira is sure loads agonistica; one characteristic that Patrick will have to be Bravo to manage, seen the various attitude of the Italian wills regarding those English: "the temperament is that that has allowed to make career me and is one of my points of force, but always must maintain to the good sense and the respect of the adversaries. Perhaps in England the hard game comes endorsed little from the wills, but I will not have problems to adapt to me. I have already made when they have gone to the Arsenal and hour I make equally. They are one that learns in a hurry.". The last thought of Patrick is turned to the Champions League and the sorteggio that thursday has put of forehead to the Juventus the Bayern Monaco, the Bruges and the Rapid Vienna: "In effects there are gironi more complicates you of ours, but we will have to demonstrate on the field to deserve the passage of the turn. Our objective is to gain all the competitions to which participates and it will not be easy, because this is the will of many other squares. For as we play but, we have all the possibilities to conquer the Champions League ".


May 11, 2004
Vieira: Juve are the best

Friday 26 August, 2005

Patrick Vieira claims he couldn’t have picked a better squad after leaving Arsenal for Juventus and that he is already adapting to Serie A.

“I have joined a great squad, the best in Italy along with Milan and Inter, certainly one of the strongest in Europe. There are at least 15 world class players here who can make the difference, not just five or six like in other sides,” he told the official Juventus website.

The French midfielder had been linked with Real Madrid, but chose to have another attempt at Italian football following his brief spell with Milan.

“I was pleasantly surprised by the harmony that I found within the team and the friendship that binds the players. My rapport with Emerson is improving with every game, though it was tough to begin with because our pre-season preparations had been very different. I’m sure that eventually we’ll become one of the key elements of Juventus this season.”

Vieira has spent the last nine years in the Premiership and needs to adapt to this new reality in Serie A.

“The training method is different to what I’m used to,” he told “I am aware of how to work best. I am satisfied, as I feel fitter than I have done in years. Fabio Capello hasn’t changed much since our time at Milan, as I had already understood then that he was a winner. He only asks me to use the same qualities I had with Arsenal and the French national side.”

There have been suggestions that Vieira’s tough tackling could get him into trouble with the stricter Serie A referees.

“My temperament is one of the reasons I got this far in my career, but one must always maintain common sense and a respect for your opponents. Perhaps hard challenges are treated more leniently in England, but I won’t have problems adapting. I’m a fast learner.”


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
15 World Class players at Juve? Come on Paddy.

Buffon, Cannavaro, Zambrotta, Emerson, Vieira, Nedved, Ibrahimovic, and perhaps Trezeguet if you take his finishing skills.

I only see eight at Juventus to be honest.


Guitar God
Oct 19, 2004
I'm pretty sure he also means Del Piero and Thuram.
Don't know about the rest.

By the way don't say "Del Piero isn't world class" because I'm just assuming that Vieira must have included him in the list.

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