US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided (38 Viewers)

Who would you vote to be the next President of the United States?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • undecided

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Turn on Hardball right now. Dear God, Joe Biden is ripping Bush and McCain a new asshole.

HOW, in God's Green America, can Bush say that we shouldn't talk with Iran, but we can still have talks with NORTH KOREA???

Jesus Christ, this shit is so retarded. I cannot believe people can stand for this hypocrisy on the part of the Republicans.

Buy on


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Word to the wise. Know the historical significance of the quotes you use to take shots at democrats before you go on Hardball. Getting owned by my mother is not going to help you at all.

Also know the definition of the words you speak. George W. Bush is one dumb guy. W's word of the day is APPEASEMENT.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
And then McCaine comes out of nowhere with a Neville Chamberlain comparison. Chamberlain was a conservative Republican as was the guy Bush quoted. Way to skip history class fellas.:lol:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
McCain has to the worst candidate I've ever seen for President. He is such a mindless drone, but hey, who can blame him? He spent 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton.

If there is anybody that should go back there, it's him.

Word to the wise. Know the historical significance of the quotes you use to take shots at democrats before you go on Hardball. Getting owned by my mother is not going to help you at all.

Also know the definition of the words you speak. George W. Bush is one dumb guy. W's word of the day is APPEASEMENT.
These morons are lying through their teeth. Honestly, this has to be the one of the despicable comments I've ever heard from a politician. Not only is it clearly biased and used for rent-seeking, but that crap is trying to sway the vote in November, which it may will. Some people here are terminally retarded, so I guess you can give props to the Cheney clan for raping the majority of people that voted for him - anybody from Jesus Land.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
I had seen little of McCain in actual longer interviews and such, and even if not found of his views I used to just think he cant be worse then Bush. But I have NEVER seen anyone be as embarrassingly awkward and nonsensical as he was on the few minutes he was on Jon Stewart. Imagine how he is in a more serious setting (after with Stewart, I checked other speeches, interviews, and MAN is he a mumbling ass), he sounded like such a mindless moron.

Obama is supported by Hizbollah this or that while saying he is for a clean campaign and wont go dirty etc. Then continuing with the retarded propoganda of how he is Hizbollahs nightmare. Really sounded like a mumbling moron. Jon needed to do very little to make him look so insanely awkward and foolish (asking him where he got from the Hizbollah crap etc, which his response was he is for a clean campaign, good response for when asked to validate an accusation he made of Obama being hizbollah supporter...).


Jul 21, 2006
What do you guys make of the situation where Obama called that lady "Sweetie" today? A big deal or something being blown way out of proportion? I think they are overreacting, i understand sweetie could be looked down upon as anti female and referring to a woman in a bad way but i think its being blown out of proportion. He is a presidential candidate but he is also human, and meant no harm by it, and even called to personally apologize to her.
Sep 26, 2007
What do you guys make of the situation where Obama called that lady "Sweetie" today? A big deal or something being blown way out of proportion? I think they are overreacting, i understand sweetie could be looked down upon as anti female and referring to a woman in a bad way but i think its being blown out of proportion. He is a presidential candidate but he is also human, and meant no harm by it, and even called to personally apologize to her.

Can you please send a link to this story? I haven't heard a thing about it. It is def being blown out of proportion.


Jul 21, 2006
Yeh i was quite annoyed that a big deal was made out of it. People on tv have been freaking out and saying it is disrespectful to call women sweetie etc. What a bunch of crap, people are just trying anything to stop Obama from winning now imo.


Jul 21, 2006

Can you please send a link to this story? I haven't heard a thing about it. It is def being blown out of proportion.
Sorry man to be honest i havent read of it online yet, i recently like 20 minutes ago saw it on CNN and BBC news channels, sorry. It showed him telling a random American middle aged woman "hold on one moment there sweetie." After she had asked him something and he was a little busy. Then it played a voice recording of the phone call message he left for the same lady, in which he apologized for saying sweetie. Thats all i got, hope it helps.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Well no shit, that rev Wright crap was bizzarely exaggerated. So they will look for anything.

They were angling for every reason to flame Obama in the Wright stuff. First it was going gunho attacking Obama for going to the same church of him, then when Obama criticised the reverend and said he disagrees with him as anyone else, and they just share faith and not political opinion. The made a hilarious spinn take and CRITICISED Obama for throwing his mentor under the boss, betraying and knifing his priest in the back :howler:

Can you believe it? First criticize for the former and saying why he hasnt denounced him, and when he does, he is some backstabber who you cant trust (you cant trust him AMERICA!) and leaves his mentor to dry :howler:

The actual real media acting like Stephen Colbert crazy, while being 100% serious. Insanely hilarious propoganda, sadly its for real.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004

Enron, did you just see that on Olbermann??? That footage of O'Reilly yelling "fuck, this sucks" while taping a show? going off like a madman on his crew at his show? Holy shit that was funny as FUCK! What an imbecile.

:lol2: :lol:


Jul 21, 2006
Yea, its truly amazing the levels to which these people stoop just to try and make him look bad nowadays. But its also to be expected, the press wants to squeeze every little story they can out of these election campaigns etc. It just gets annoying when its so obvious they are just making up foolishness to print a story and to try and put another human being down. O well, i guess thats life for you, but either way Obama will beat Hilary so it does not matter.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
My father (scientist at higher levels of government research programs) just gave me a breakdown of the history of health research within this nation. Prior to Reagan's election, funding for different cancer research programs was actually quite good. But once Reagan was elected, that funding ran dry, jobs went out the window, great scientists happened to leave for other nations. Same during the first Bush time period.

Then Clinton came along and times changed. The National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute received some of the most funding in history, which has actually provided us with a lot inroads to important data that has enabled us to map the human genome, or in other words, Nobel Prizes in this sort of field. Mapping the human genome is something remarkable, just like the possibility that stem cells could be the key antidote to diseases such as Parkinson's. But ALL of this funding has went to hell, and has been ENTIRELY neglected, by the Bush administration.

Now only a mere rocket scientist could figure out why. Oh who the fuck am I'm kidding... the really OBVIOUS reason is because Republicans care more about war than research. They're a bunch of war-mongering, gun-toting, religious freaks that not only destroy our nation's infrastructure, but also destroys scientific research within this nation. Who in their right mind would want to hinder the advancement of research for various diseases and cancer? I mean Dear God, some of the morons who voted for Bush have these same various diseases FFS. Are you people really that blind? Do you really want to neglect stem cell research and die?

Stem cells? Fuck stem cells. Lets let people die because our fake religion tells us it's wrong to use these beloved cells we kill every single day.

Goddamn morons.
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