Under - 24 Dream Team (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Alright then, settle down, people.. :groan:

Paul, care to describe Torres in a few short words? I've only heard good things of him, I see he's started scoring the top division as well so I'm curious, yet another top talent they say. :)

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Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Oded ] ++

shut the f*** up, what wrong with you. you are insane.
relax, it's a good thing, to relax.
I am totally cool and calm when writting this but since oded
gets crap for backing me up I have to reply to this....

I mean this guy is totally messed up

He is asking me to do posts and shut up at the same time


its funny Respaul
you were downtalking D'ALe in anoter thread and know you come placing him on your bench.....

Look At who is the lacking of football knowledge here.....
what can you back your stuff up with.

Aimar leads the assist league in the CL.
Roman has as far As I know 0goals and 0assits

Aimar has started for his team every game
Roman has not started in any.

And to not include Aimar is just a crime :(
And I won't stand for it!

Its not about Opinions in this case...
ITs about pure rationale
Aimar is one of the best players in the world regardless of age...

And in your so called Dream Team under24 he is not even on the bench.

You Need to check yourself
Or Break Yourself!


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
++ [ originally posted by respaul ] ++

ooh.... must be nice to be 6 years old again!!

When exactly have i ever said I know anything about football!!
Quite the contrary..... compared to most people I know I would say I know very little.
But then unlike you.. I only discuss players I have watched over an extended period.
You comment on the likes of d'ale.... yet you have never seen him play!!! At least I have seen every game hes ever played in a river shirt.
You talk about roman... but have rarely seen him.... whereas i have seen over 100 complete appearences by him.

You call yourself a juve fan.... but how many games have you seen this year.... At least I have seen every single one.
You say your a fan, but how many times have you gotten off your arse this season to go see them play!!
At least my support stretchs further than a couch in front of the tele or a forum.......Ive been to 5 so far, have tickets for the next 3 cl games and many more to come before the season is out.....
You call yourself a supporter but vcant be bothered to actually show your support.... yet people like you ***** about how the fans in turin dont show up..... why should they when so called fans like you cant be bothered either.

Anyway.... as I said my post was to evelyn, who for no reason jus said my formation was pathetic and that i was full of boca hatred(whatever that means). Fine they are entitled to there opinion as am i .... there is no heed for evelyn to say my post is pathetic... why not jus write there alternative and say why they dont like mine...... but oh no , some people have to insult!!
This competition about
who is the best fan
is just meaningless.....

Since we all have different backgrounds and possibilites.....

One of the Black and White Fighters....
Who go and knock rival fans down and throw their coins at the opposing gkp.
Probably thinks he is all the fan he can be.....

And PRobaly thinks us who spend all our time on the internet discussing trends, pro's, con's and decisions are probably crazy....

Another Fan Maybe spends his whole life infront of the TV watching every game 5times and analysing every tackle. Then sending in mathematic formulas to aid the club management. And thinks he is the greatest fan....

Another Fan Organizes Great Websites. Were people can meet does stories on players translates texts and etc and thinks he/she is the greatest fan...

While another Fan works in football hoping to someday be able to participate in the Organization Juventus.

While a third has no time writting or even watching the Juve games because they are so caught up with training in football to ones be able to play for football....

Yet ANother might spend all his savings and extra money and Juve Mercandize and when she has got all the merchandize she can get hold of she buys the stocks.....

These are all great Fans
who all share equal value

I don't view you as a lesser person
Just because you have seen less games then me

I also don't view you as a better person
Just because you have seen more games then me

All Fans Value
is equal no matter how much time they spend on a forum
in front of the TV
on the football picth
or on the stands....

We are all contributing to the United Cause which in this Case is
FC Juventus


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #24
    ++ [ originally posted by Evelyn8 ] ++

    I am totally cool and calm when writting this but since oded
    gets crap for backing me up I have to reply to this....

    I mean this guy is totally messed up

    He is asking me to do posts and shut up at the same time


    its funny Respaul
    you were downtalking D'ALe in anoter thread and know you come placing him on your bench.....

    Look At who is the lacking of football knowledge here.....
    what can you back your stuff up with.

    Aimar leads the assist league in the CL.
    Roman has as far As I know 0goals and 0assits

    Aimar has started for his team every game
    Roman has not started in any.

    And to not include Aimar is just a crime :(
    And I won't stand for it!

    Its not about Opinions in this case...
    ITs about pure rationale
    Aimar is one of the best players in the world regardless of age...

    And in your so called Dream Team under24 he is not even on the bench.

    You Need to check yourself
    Or Break Yourself!
    Im sorry evelyn.... but this thread is all about oppinions,

    I asked who would make up your ideal team... there was no criteria.... no onme said they had to be the best or anything else jus your choice!!!!

    Aimar / Roman... im not going to argue about, as its pointless you will never convince me and i will nerver convince you.... jus accept it!!
    As for d'ale, i habve never said hes not good... i have said i feel he is not suited to serie a... which is my beleif!!
    I have said he does not play his best in the position sopme would suggest... if you watch river play regularly you would see that to be correct
    I have said he is not the most important player at river..... also correct.

    As ive said before evelyn... where exactly have i ever said i know anything about football..... I havent!!!
    And I dont think I do!
    Your the one making out to be the expert here...... look in the mirror, cause you definately are not!!


    Ѕenior Аdmin
    Apr 2, 2007
    I saw some guest was reading this topic. I checked it and i see it's more than 5 years old one.

    5 years are enough time to see who was right and who was wrong. Some good predictions and some awful ones.
    So, whoever wants he can write his current under24 line-up and in 5 years someone else will maybe check this thread and wonder who the fuck is this Pango in Burke's line-up.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    I have the De Silvestri, Benzerga, Ratinho, Breno, Tuia, Bocaly, Richards, Bale, Marcelo, R. Augusto, Obertan, Sunny, Lulinha, Aissati, Piatti, Anderson, Mata, Capel, Aguëro, Vela, Bojan, Dos Santos, Jovetic, Forestieri, Bendtner, Pato, Adu, Benzema, Saivet, Balotelli.. of this world but any FM enthusiast can find them.

    Finding a keeper is tough but I liked Cristopher Toselli at the U-20 last summer. Our keeper Merlano ain't that bad either. Rybka too but he's close to being 21. Other unknown players could be Kabangu and a couple others of Cisco Roma. There's also defender Yago, Alexis Sanchez, Isla, Caturano, Garibaldi of Genoa and of course Ekdal. :p


    the cronopio
    Dec 11, 2005
    I have the De Silvestri, Benzerga, Ratinho, Breno, Tuia, Bocaly, Richards, Bale, Marcelo, R. Augusto, Obertan, Sunny, Lulinha, Aissati, Piatti, Anderson, Mata, Capel, Aguëro, Vela, Bojan, Dos Santos, Jovetic, Forestieri, Bendtner, Pato, Adu, Benzema, Saivet, Balotelli.. of this world but any FM enthusiast can find them.

    Finding a keeper is tough but I liked Cristopher Toselli at the U-20 last summer. Our keeper Merlano ain't that bad either. Rybka too but he's close to being 21. Other unknown players could be Kabangu and a couple others of Cisco Roma. There's also defender Yago, Alexis Sanchez, Isla, Caturano, Garibaldi of Genoa and of course Ekdal. :p
    Sanchez? the one who was bought by Udinese and now is playing in Argentina? :confused:

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