Uefa Fears Crowd Problems (1 Viewer)

Dec 13, 2004
UEFA are running scared of potential crowd problems involving Manchester United and Liverpool in the knockout stages of the Champions League.

The north-west giants finished second in their qualifying groups and will be paired against Inter Milan, AC Milan, Juventus, Monaco or Bayer Leverkusen when the draw is made in Monte Carlo on Friday.

UEFA's big concern is that both United and Liverpool will be matched with the Milan clubs, with the possibility that fans of the clubs will find themselves in Italy within the space of 24 hours.

That raises the possibility of trouble between supporters who have an historical hatred of each other.

A UEFA spokesman said: "We will have to see what the draw brings, but it has already been brought to our attention that there is a potential for security problems where United and Liverpool are concerned."

There are also worries that Liverpool could be drawn to face Juventus. The clubs have not played each other in European competition since 39 Juventus fans died in the Hysel Stadium tragedy at the 1985 European Cup Final.

Websites for the Italian club have been inundated with threats to Liverpool fans prepared to travel to Turin should the clubs be paired together. here are some quotes :

I`ve been to Turin twice to watch Juventus.The last time was April 89,when the ultras were celebrating Hillsborough.I have not been back since.I would implore Liverpool to take no tickets,if we draw them.They seriously want and intend to kill Liverpool fans, there are a couple of websites on the go,where they openly brag about it.In April 89 I was told they want 39 Liverpool fans,in their end and want to do a lap of honour with the bodies!Stay away from Turin,they are mental.The bizzies are just as bad,and we will get zero protection.

and does anyone really think the Italian Police would make a real effort to stop it?

Juventus hate the English - Man Utd have encountered trouble when they've been over there. There's a large hooligan scene at Juventus and when an English team comes to town, they foam at the mouth.

We can try as many fancy mosaics and memorials as we like, but there'll always be an element of Juve fans who want revenge. It'd take more than a bit of common sense and scarf swapping to bring the two clubs together.

I've been to Italy on holiday a few times and met 'normal' Juve fans who've scowled in disgust when I told them I was from Liverpool, so i wouldn't fancy meeting those responsible for setting up anti-English and anti-Liverpool sites....

A manc friend of mine told me when they went there in 99 the police confiscated all coins, keys, lighters etc and took them in boxes to the upper tier where juve fans lobbed them back down on them.

Of the 16 LFC fans stabbed in Rome in 2001...
Amazing really, 16 stabbings and not a peep from the media.

dunno if that's true or not, but I've been told my many different people that the Uefa would do anything to avoid Juventus being draw with Liverpool before the final...

so is this what we expect if we draw each other in the next round ?

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Nothing can be taken away from those horrific events in 1985, but I have not heard of "plans" to avenge the death of 39 of our supporters.

A large hoolagan scene at Juventus? Sounds like something the English media would come up with.
Dec 13, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #3
    not sure to be honest, been scouring Juventus forums since reading this article and there is alot of resentment in the air, i for one have been to urin and not encountered too many problems even when wearing my colours but after seeing this and the numerous anti Liverpool propaganda going about, there must be some truth in the matter, what i might add is this, if we are paired with Juve and the bad element of Juve fans are up for it, let me remind them, that the first game is at Anfield.

    i have alot of respect for Juventus the club, i have followed Liverpool for 32 years and was at both tragic events Hysel 85 and Hillsborough 89, and the majority of Liverpool fans feel the pain suffered by Juventus fans. but if there is trouble you can be sure that Liverpool wont back down to these moronic thugs

    anyway its all irreliavent for the minute we wont know until FRIday, but i await the outcome with mixed feelings
    Sep 28, 2002
    like its stated in the first post, there will always be some juve fans waiting to get their revenge. naturally, if i were a pool fan and they were drawn against juve, i wouldnt come here.
    Dec 13, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #5
    i'm a season ticket holder mate and have travelled the world with Liverpool from the US to Japan, you think stupid threats are going o keep me away, not on your life kidda

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by LiverpoolUrchin ] ++
    i'm a season ticket holder mate and have travelled the world with Liverpool from the US to Japan, you think stupid threats are going o keep me away, not on your life kidda

    stupid threats?

    if juve is drawn with liverpool, you better go to hospital and book a bed before going to italy. :D

    nah, just joking. but if juventus will be drawn with liverpool, surely away fans wont be allowed to travel, or there will be a lot of police security, to prevent something tragic happen, because i'm sure a lot of juve fans haven't forgotten heysel 85'.

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by LiverpoolUrchin ] ++
    lol no worries mate, i survived Rome, i survived Istanbul.......Turin is no different, they wont stop me going to watch my beloved Liverpool

    kudos to you though, i see your are a big liverpool fan. :thumb:

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by LiverpoolUrchin ] ++
    i have alot of respect for Juventus the club, i have followed Liverpool for 32 years and was at both tragic events Hysel 85 and Hillsborough 89, and the majority of Liverpool fans feel the pain suffered by Juventus fans. but if there is trouble you can be sure that Liverpool wont back down to these moronic thugs

    pardon my ignorance, but what happened at Hillsborough?
    Dec 13, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #11
    yes mate 32 years a red, and i see your point that if we are drawn together the problems that may occur both at Anfield and in Turin, this news is spreading around Liverpool quickly and as i said earlier if we are drawn together the first game is at Anfield, if Liverpool fans get a sniff of trouble there will be and the game in Turin will be no better, it would be nice to think that we could have a peaceful atmosphere and some good banter but i dont see that happening.

    i have been to Turin on numerous occasions and have friends there, i last went in May 2002 and have been going since 1990 every second year, my friends Daniella, Alena and Marco make the journey to Anfield every second year too.

    do you think unpolitically that UEFA might step in and not allow this tie to happen unless they both reach the final?

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by LiverpoolUrchin ] ++
    do you think unpolitically that UEFA might step in and not allow this tie to happen unless they both reach the final?

    well, it could happen, since we all know relationships between two clubs's fans. and knowing italian and english fans, the chances are quite big that uefa might now allow this draw if it were to happen, unless it was a final.
    however, not allowing the fans to travel to their teams' away game might prevent something bad happen, and in my opinion, it would be the best solution, if liverpool and juventus are drawn together.
    Dec 13, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #13
    Hillsborough is a long story but for you to get an idea of what happend..

    April 15th 1989 we was playing Nottingham Forest in the FA Cup semi final at Sheffield Wednesday's ground Hillsborough, what happened thereafter was a tragic set of circumstances which are equal to those that happened four years previously at Hysel

    the police opened perimeter gates on the leppings lane end of the ground, this causin an massive influx of Liverpool supporters to go down the central two ailes of the pen this resulted in overcrowding and sadly crushing, 95 Liverpool supporters lost there lives that day including a cousin of mine.........there was 96 in total but one had his life support terminated a few years later
    Dec 13, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #14
    maybe it would be for the best under the circumstances, but alot of lost revenue for the clubs and of course TV ratings and revenue would also drop considerably, i dont think that wuld happen myself if we met, but there will have to be one hell f a security measure implemented if we do


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2004
    this is totally insane!:down:

    But there's a big diiference between saying we want revenge and actually killing fans...

    Anyway, it's really sad. I'd like to see banners in memory of the Heysel, a respected minute of silence, black bracers worn by the players, I mean this could be a turnover in the history of football; but I'm an idealist, am I?

    Of course, theres only a 1/8 chance we meet Liverpool, as the reds won't make it to the quarters...:D


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
    I don't think that our fans will do the revenge and kill liverpool fans etc... it sounds stupid.that happened 20 years ago.I mean FFS new (generation of Liverpool ) fans came, they have nothing do with what happened 20 years ago.But i will not surprised if troubles and fights happens between the two.

    I don't think that Uefa will do anything about the draw btw .so what?Liverpool and Juventus will never play next years?:undecide:
    Feb 29, 2004
    For me, I'd say let it go :) you'll die in your own responsibility. If the pool fans dont want to die, just dont come to Delle Alpi and the same for Juventus fans, if they don't want to die don't come to Anfield. Very simple :p

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