Troy (1 Viewer)

Aug 1, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #143
    oh this is so interesting :)

    anyway, here's some stuff I found... to be honest I would've preferred to post things from this book I had regarding Dhul Qarnain; but I had lost the book :frown:

    "And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: 'I shall recite to you something of his story" (83)

    The Quraysh, studying form the Jews, asked this to Prophet Muhammad in order to test him. Say to those who are stubborn: "I will tell you the complete story, as you wished, that is told to me from my Lord"

    "Verily, we established him in the earth, and we gave him the means of everything" (84)

    God gave power to Dhul Qarnain to act in His will, until he succeded to conquer the whole world and defeated all those who were ruling. God granted knowledge, strength and a complete army to grant all his wishes

    "So he followed a way" (85)
    "Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people. We (Allah) said (by inspiration): 'O Dhul-Qarnain! Either you punish them, or treat them with kindness; " (86)

    Dhul Qarnain was about to arrive to the place where the sun was about to go down. He took the road that will get him there, and in the end he arrived at the end of the west of the world and stopped near the Atlantec Ocean. There he sees that the sun is as if going down in the black mud.

    He found the last state - and there was none after it - which is the state that is said to have the sun going down. He travelled to Tunisia, and then to Marrakush until he arrived at the sea, the place where the sun was as if going down. The place was blue, as if mud added with water.

    And he arrived there, he found a group of disbelievers, and God asked him to choose whether to kill him, or ask them to believe.

    In this matter, God showed his way in an idea: God gave him two alternatives to rule the place. Either he kills the disbelievers, or if he teaches them the knowledge of the religion as an explanation of the syariah and rules to them

    "He said: 'As for him (a disbeliever in the Oneness of Allah) who does wrong, we shall punish him; and then he will be brought back unto his Lord; Who will punish him with a terrible torment (Hell)' " (87)

    Dhul Qarnain said to his guards: The people who do trouble to himself with not believing in One God, will be death, and after his life he will meet God, and will be tormented in Hell

    "But as for him who believes (in Allah's Oneness) and works righteousness, he shall have the best reward, (paradise), and we (dhul-qarnain) shall speak unto him mild words (as instructions)'" (88)

    But as for those who believe in Oneness of God, and does good, in the after life will receive their rewards

    "Then he followed another way." (89)
    "Until, when he came to the rising place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We (Allah) had provided no shelter against the sun" (90)

    Then Dhul Qarnain went to the place where the sun will rise. When he arrived t the place, he finds that there was no buildings, or mountains to to shelter from the sun. They have only water to provide them some comfort from the sun. He has arrived at the last place in the east, and he found peoplewho had no clothes nor shelters.

    "So (it was)! And We knew all about him (Dhul-Qarnain)" (91)

    It was explained that Dhul Qarnain had travelled from east to west. Thus, he has achieved greatness, where he was the ruler, when before there was no man who was granted such power

    "Then he followed (another) way," (92)

    He followed the third path, that goes through the borders between the east and west, where the sun rises to the north.

    "Until, when he reached between the 2 mountains, he found, before (near) them (those two mountains) a people who scarcely understood a word" (93)

    When they arrived between the 2 mountains, the place that is said by tourists on the 15th century M as a unique place, he finds there was left only one group of people that nearly could not comprehend every question towards them because of their weak state of mind.

    "They said: 'O Dhul-Qarnain! Verily! Gog and Magog are doing great mischief in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute in order that you might erect a barrier between us and them?'" (94)

    The translator of the people reminded, actually Gog and Magog has done cruelty to that country by killing, destroying, stealing of food and others. They asked Dhul Qarnain, "could you, if we ask you (and they will pay amounts of treasure and give it to him if he follows their will), to build a wall which could prevent Gog and Magog from doing cruelty to us?"

    "He said: 'That (wealth, authority and power) in which my Lord had established in me is better (than your tribute). So help me with strength (of men), I will erect between you and them a barrier." (95)

    Dhul Qarnain said, "what God has given me, a wide range of ruling, power and treasure, is enough than your tribute. Thus, I don't need it". He asked the people to help him build the wall.

    "Give me pieces (blocks) of iron', then, when heh ad filled up the gap between the two mountain-cliffs, he said: 'Blow', till when he had made it (red as) fire, he said: 'bring me molten copper to pour over it.'" (96)

    He asked them to prepare blocks of iron, and build the wall slowly. Until the wall is as equivalent to the two mountains, he said to his workers, "blow, and cut a big stone and put it between the two mountains". They obeyed and with that it was as red as fire.

    "So they (gog and magog) were made powerless to scale it or dig through it" (97)

    "(Dhul-Qarnain) said: 'this is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down to the ground. And the Promise of my Lord is ever true'" (98) [/I]

    Translation from Al Maraghiy
    (my book is in Malay, but I translate it in English)

    Many historians and ulama thinks that he is Iskandar ibn Faylabas al-Rumiy, student of Aristotle, the philosopher who is considered as first teacher, and his philosophy has spread amongst the middle of the Muslim ummah.

    He lived around 330 SM, (I don't know what 'sebelum masihi' is in English (SM) ) a citizen of Macedonia, fought against Persia, defeated King Darius and married the princess of King Darius. Then, he continued his journey to rule Egypt and build Iskandariyah.

    Evidence shows that it's Iskandar Dhul Qarnain. Historians are not sure if there is a king who is successful travelling around the world, making a journey from east to west, and conquering as much as he has.

    Abu al Rayhan al Bayruniy, an astronomer wrote in his book, Dhul-Qarnain originates from Himyar and his name is Abu Bakr ibn Ifriqish. He has brought his army to the middle sea (?), passing Tunisia, Morocco etc. he has upholded the african city, until the whole world knows of him.

    He is called Dhul-Qarnain, because he has 2 sun horns. Proof that he is of Himyar people is the usage of al adhwa (Dhu) is only known in Himyar.

    Gog and Magog

    Gog is of the Tartar, and Magog is of the Monggols. They originated from one blood of their father named Turk, and lived in the Northern Asia. Their country is long, starting from Tibet, China until the Frozen North Sea (this is a direct translation from malay, sorry) and until the west until Turkistan.

    Arab and French historians say that Gog and Magog always attacked their neighbours. They always caused mischief and havoc, and destroyed other races. Amongs them there are violent races that originated from Middle Asia and migrated to Europe like the Smith, Sumeria and Hun. They attacked countries like China and West Asia which is the place that acommodates several prophets.

    After the prophet's rule, they stil remained in the borders of their country and did not get out from their place. Until emerges one of them, Tamujin that calles himself Jengiskhan (Monggolian) which means King of the World. In the early 7th century of the Hijrah, Tamujin got out from the mountain, far away from Middle Asia. The first thing he did was to bow Northern China, then went to Muslim states, and conquered Sultan Qatb al-Din ibn Armilan, one of the King Sauljuk, King Khawarizm. The brutality of Jengiskhan in that state has been said to be the worst ever

    When Jengiskhan died, his ruling was took over by his son, Aqtay. Meanwhile his nephew, Batu attacked Russia around 732 H and destoryed Polnia, and also destroyed Majr. When Aqtay died, his ruling was took over by Jaluk. He attacked Rome and forced his king to pay tribute (not the exact word, I can't translate BM into english well)l When Jaluk died, his ruling was taken over by his nephew, Manju who ignored his two cousins, Kaylay and Hulaku to continue his conquering. Kaylay succeded in conquering China, meanwhile Hulaku continued his conquering to Islamic states and conquered the centre of ruling of the Abbasiyyah. At that time Abbasiyyah was headed by Mustasim Billah.

    Baghdad's ruling became weak around the middle of 7th century of Hijrah. In 7 days Baghdad was conquered. The rivers in Baghdad was red with its citizens' blood, and the books were thrown to the River Daljah until they became something like a bridge.

    After the Jengiskhan Dynasty succeded in conquering all of Asia and East Europe, they divided their states and built 4 goverments - the family of Kaylay is in charge of China and Monggol, jafaqay, cousin of Aqtay headed Turkistan. The Batarkhan dynasty ruled states near the Fajla river until Russia had to surrender their payments to him in a long period of time. Hulaku took Persia and Baghdad until Syam. All of these were summarized by writer of an encyclopedia, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Maskawayh and Ikhwan al Safa

    With this, the Monggols destroyed the Arab ruling and ended it with killing of Musta'sim, the last king. With that, there was only one caliph remaining of Egypt, and agter thousands of years, their ruling disappeared. The Islamic ruling became not united, and there was no attempt to modify it after the Arab rulings, except the attempt of Dawlah Uthmaniyyah who succeded in continuing his ruling. The Tartars gathered the majority of muslims in India and China, and the moslims majority in Asia. The reason they did so is to conquer their country and religion.


    Senior Member
    Jul 31, 2002
    Thanks sallyinzaghi

    Certainly appears to be some similarities to Alexander, although I don't think he went as far as the Atlantic...very interesting.

    Aug 1, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #149
    Oh god, can't believe I didn't figure that out, I was thinking of a direct translation - sebelum masihi : before "something" (whatever masihi in english is anyway :D ) :wallbang:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    That's an interesting question.. do Muslims have a different calendar? As in, is the year different? When I went to Thailand, I got completely confused because the year was like 8000 or something... I dun remember what it was but yeah...
    Aug 1, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #153

    The Muslims follow the calendar according to the Hegira Muhammad performed when it comes to the year, and I think we also follow the moon's movements


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    I still hesitate: if I should go and watch Troy or leave at home and do not bother :)

    Somehow I sense that I will be disappointing, but from the other side: it's one of those movies you cannot miss.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Yeah I know what you mean. I haven't seen it yet either, but after the bad reviews I've heard, the only reason I'd go to see it is because it's one of those 'epics'. I'm a big Star Wars fan :geek: but i haven't seen Ep II, and I don't actually intend to anytime soon after the tripe that was the Phantom Menace

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