Troy (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
It's not on general release here yet, but I don't think I'll be rushing out to see it anyway.

I'll wait till the fever pitch for tickets dies down and take my time and enjoy in peace and tranqulity.

The reviews here are split down the middle...some are raging about it...others spewing out that it's complete tosh.

When I see it I'll let you know:angel:


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
I liked the movie a lot. It's not up there with Braveheart or even gladiator, but it was good :thumb:

go watch it
Aug 1, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #25
    I haven't read Illiad. I know Iliad and Odyssey because in March my History test paper was "name 2 of homer's works that tells the story of Troy and Achilles" and I answered "Troy and Achilles in action!" , and "Bad Boy Troy"

    Okay, lame, but I didn't know what to answer anyways.

    Seems like this movie is below expectations. I will be watching it this weekend. But looking at the trailer, I disliked the part where there were many ships on the sea - looked too graphic.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
    I haven't read Illiad. I know Iliad and Odyssey because in March my History test paper was "name 2 of homer's works that tells the story of Troy and Achilles" and I answered "Troy and Achilles in action!" , and "Bad Boy Troy"
    :LOL: at least you know that was lame :D
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
    I disliked the part where there were many ships on the sea - looked too graphic.
    Agreed, they looked like tiny models in a CG bathtub :moan:


    Junior Member
    Mar 17, 2004
    Didn't like the movie a lot. I expected much more. Brad Pitt was alright as he is not really a good actor but speaks with his body. I think Eric Bana had the best perfomance imo as he transmitted the good heart of Hector. The movie had too much inaccurancies and I felt it was rushed out.


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Andre 3000 ] ++
    yeah, but Sarah, this is WAY off. I don't want to get inot it only because i don't want to ruin it for people who haven't seen it yet.
    I understand what you mean, Sergio :) Maybe it's good that I haven't read them books yet, so I appreciate the movie more. I'm gonna have to read those now just to see what I'm missing.

    Hell, I'm such a sucker. I went for my third one :wallbang: Someone pls stop me :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 31, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Sparty ] ++
    I think Eric Bana had the best perfomance imo as he transmitted the good heart of Hector.
    The more you read the Iliad, the more you realise that the true hero was in fact Hector. Forced into battle, he fought nobly for his country, his father and brother, and his wife and child; wereas Achilles fought for the personal satisfaction of victory on the battlefield.

    Achilles was a Prince of War, Hector was a Prince of Peace forced to adapt to War.

    Achilles was the son of a Goddess, Hector the son of flesh and blood.
    Hector's death when fighting Achilles was certain, but to have even matched him, even for a short time, was the true victory.

    I don't know how this comes over in the movie, but that is the lasting message I got from Homers story of "The Rage of Achilles", it's common name before Herodotus called it "The Iliad"


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Roverbhoy ] ++

    Achilles was the son of a Goddess, Hector the son of flesh and blood.
    Hector's death when fighting Achilles was certain, but to have even matched him, even for a short time, was the true victory.
    Now, my interpretation of the Iliad was that Hector was frightened of Achilles and tried to flee from his battle with him, only to have Achilles, who was much faster, chase him down. I didn't consider Hector to be THAT heroic, especially when he had Ares, the God of War, fighting beside him.

    Just my opinion.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    I have not seen the movie.. but before the release, i had a feeling that it would be not that good.
    Just be hearing the problems in the production some months ago, i had a bad feeling.

    I like story a lot and enjoyed reading that novel in the jhighschool (thanks ato a wonderfull literature teacher because i dont have the habit to read)......... but ill not go to see this movie for sure.

    Ill eb waiting for Kill bill 2 instead... after all.. gladiator was better :cool:


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    I'll go see it today.. I don't expect it to be that good after what I read about it, but I think I'll enjoy watching it.. hopefully

    and Hydde.. don't miss Kill Bill 2.. :cool:
    Aug 1, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #38
    there IS a thread for that you know:D

    and glenn, I expected as much for you to reply on my comment. can't help bragging it's shot at malta, eh? ;)

    from the posts I assume bloom did a sucky job. oh well, never thought of him as a good actor anyway.


    Senior Member
    Jul 31, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Andre 3000 ] ++
    Now, my interpretation of the Iliad was that Hector was frightened of Achilles and tried to flee from his battle with him, only to have Achilles, who was much faster, chase him down. I didn't consider Hector to be THAT heroic, especially when he had Ares, the God of War, fighting beside him.
    Just my opinion.
    What you say is true, but would you conceed a little out of context?

    Between Achilles' fall out with the other Greeks, and his re-entry into the battle, Hector is by far the strongest and most noble fighter on the field.

    He almost leeds the Trojans to complete victory over the combined forces of the Greeks by driving them back into the sea, burning their ships as he goes. He fights Ajax to a draw in single combat, and inspires his people to continue the fight when the tied changes.

    He does not fear Achilles when they meet at first, fighting to a draw, but when the Trojans later break and run, it is Hector himself who stands alone at the gates of Troy, awaiting his destiny with Achilles.

    With his mother and father above on the battlements, pleading with him to turn and run, pouring out emotional sentiment about their lifetime together, about his wife and son, the future of their nation...he sees before him the irresistable force of Achilles approaching. He realises he is not the immovable object. He contemplates delivering Helen and the loot, but realises this would be futile as Achilles wants him dead for the death of his friend above all other things. With Achilles it's personal. No noble treatment of his body after death, but the promise that his carcase will be defiled.

    Yes, he does run, but who wouldn't with the greatest warrior since Heracles bearing down on him and him alone, and your parents pleading for you not to sacrifice your life for nothing... three times around the city, but then rallies, and takes Achilles on in a square go, inevitably dying, but with honour in combat, not cut down like some trembling coward. :down:

    Ah, the Ancient Greek masterpieces...what would we do without them:D

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