Transfer news 22/05/2004 (1 Viewer)


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Philippe Mexès is close to Roma. Roma are interested in Bonera and Ferrari too. Mexès said that Roma are the only italian club he's had contact with. He didn't hear from Juve for a long time. His price; 5m €.

Roma want Matuzalem to replace Emerson. Juve plans to buy Matuzalem and sell him to Roma in the Emerson deal.

Roma wants Gilardino too. haha

Like they have money. :rolleyes:

Totti wants to go to Spain next year.

Juve could buy Vieri.

Buy on


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
So let's assume that Matuzalem is somewhere in the 5 million range.

Therefore, in order to get Emerson, assuming that his price is 12 million, it's going to cost Juve 17 million Euros to get Emerson.

No thanks.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by mark77 ] ++
Philippe Mexès is close to Roma. Roma are interested in Bonera and Ferrari too. Mexès said that Roma are the only italian club he's had contact with. He didn't hear from Juve for a long time . His price; 5m €.
And personally, I find this rather disturbing.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #5
    Juve buy Matuzalem= -5m
    Juve sell Matuzalem= +5m
    Juve buy Emerson= -12m

    = 12m for Emerson.

    They want to buy Matuzalem before Roma so they could deal with them saying we know you want Matuzalem, give us Emerson and we'll give you 7m + Matuzalem for him.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by mark77 ] ++

    Like they have money. :rolleyes:
    OK, here's my two cents on the Roma situation, and Mark, this is in no way an insult to you, its just that I've seen this on the board so many times, and I just wanted to share my perspective.

    Roma is in a pretty bad financial state. We all know this. However, here's a few things that should be noted.

    #1) Roma is the major franchise for the capital of Italy. If there is any team in Serie A that concessions will be made for in order to stay afloat, it will be Roma. Like it or not, that's just the way it is. You simply cannot have your Capital not represented with only one team.

    #2) Here's something else to consider. Roma is a very young squad, that will only get better. Oh, how I wish that Juve had the young talent that Roma has. For Example:

    Pellizoli- 23
    Chivu- 23
    Mancini- 23
    Cassano- 21
    De Rossi- 19

    #3) They've already sold off Samuel for 22 million, and are about to fleece Juve out of 12-15 million for Emerson. Add that up, and that's nearly 37 million Euros to go out and buy players. And these guys don't go out and buy 28 year old midfielders with their money. No, they invest in youth, and if you add a Mexes, Ferrari, and a Gilardino with the squad they already have, even if they do sell Totti, you are looking at a potentially frightening squad for the next 5 years.

    #4) Roma has qualified for the Champions League, which only means more revenue for the squad, and lets not forget that they are doing a tour of the US this summer. Again, more money. And if you are a billionaire, and you are looking to buy into a franchise, why wouldn't you buy the Capital club in a football rich country that could potentially have all that young talent?

    Bottom line is this. Its very easy to say that Roma is selling off these players in order to stay afloat. If that was the case, then why won't they entertain offers for Cassano, Pellizoli, or Chivu?? Quite simply, because they know that they will stay afloat, and that sooner or later, an investment group is going to be very interested in this franchise (they would be crazy not to be), and they are going to be getting a young, talented group who haven't hit their prime yet, and are on the verge of being an Italian and European power for years to come.

    Just my two cents.


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by mark77 ] ++
    Juve buy Matuzalem= -5m
    Juve sell Matuzalem= +5m
    Juve buy Emerson= -12m

    = 12m for Emerson.

    They want to buy Matuzalem before Roma so they could deal with them saying we know you want Matuzalem, give us Emerson and we'll give you 7m + Matuzalem for him.
    :D this is done in championship manager, juve cant do such a thing to a player, it will decrease the reputation of moggi and juve, and i guess its disrespectful to Matuzalem...


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++

    :D this is done in championship manager, juve cant do such a thing to a player, it will decrease the reputation of moggi and juve, and i guess its disrespectful to Matuzalem...
    Milan did it with the Zenoni-Inzaghi deal remember? :D


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by mark77 ] ++
    Juve buy Matuzalem= -5m
    Juve sell Matuzalem= +5m
    Juve buy Emerson= -12m

    = 12m for Emerson.

    They want to buy Matuzalem before Roma so they could deal with them saying we know you want Matuzalem, give us Emerson and we'll give you 7m + Matuzalem for him.
    The bottom line is , however, is that Juve will be spending 12 million Euros on a player which, in my opinion, we don't really need. Again, they are spending big money on a player who is in his late 20's at a position which is not a dire need for us. I just don't like the direction that this franchise is going.

    The Zebina signing, the more I think of it, is a no lose situation. He came for free, and if he works out and gets better, great, if not, then at least he'll be better sub than Iuliano or Montero.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #11
    ++ [ originally posted by Andre 3000 ] ++

    OK, here's my two cents on the Roma situation, and Mark, this is in no way an insult to you, its just that I've seen this on the board so many times, and I just wanted to share my perspective.

    Roma is in a pretty bad financial state. We all know this. However, here's a few things that should be noted.

    #1) Roma is the major franchise for the capital of Italy. If there is any team in Serie A that concessions will be made for in order to stay afloat, it will be Roma. Like it or not, that's just the way it is. You simply cannot have your Capital not represented with only one team.

    #2) Here's something else to consider. Roma is a very young squad, that will only get better. Oh, how I wish that Juve had the young talent that Roma has. For Example:

    Pellizoli- 23
    Chivu- 23
    Mancini- 23
    Cassano- 21
    De Rossi- 19

    #3) They've already sold off Samuel for 22 million, and are about to fleece Juve out of 12-15 million for Emerson. Add that up, and that's nearly 37 million Euros to go out and buy players. And these guys don't go out and buy 28 year old midfielders with their money. No, they invest in youth, and if you add a Mexes, Ferrari, and a Gilardino with the squad they already have, even if they do sell Totti, you are looking at a potentially frightening squad for the next 5 years.

    #4) Roma has qualified for the Champions League, which only means more revenue for the squad, and lets not forget that they are doing a tour of the US this summer. Again, more money. And if you are a billionaire, and you are looking to buy into a franchise, why wouldn't you buy the Capital club in a football rich country that could potentially have all that young talent?

    Bottom line is this. Its very easy to say that Roma is selling off these players in order to stay afloat. If that was the case, then why won't they entertain offers for Cassano, Pellizoli, or Chivu?? Quite simply, because they know that they will stay afloat, and that sooner or later, an investment group is going to be very interested in this franchise (they would be crazy not to be), and they are going to be getting a young, talented group who haven't hit their prime yet, and are on the verge of being an Italian and European power for years to come.

    Just my two cents.

    For me I just hope they go to Serie B :D

    We all know it won't happen.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Mark, you can see where I'm coming from on this.

    This is not a situation like Chelsea, where if a new owner comes in, then there will be a massive housecleaning. It won't be necessary here, the franchise player (Totti) and the leaders for the future (Cassano, DeRossi) are already in place, they just need someone to basically pay off the debts.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    I don't see the sense in it. If we don't get Matuzalem we'll pay 12m for Emerson, and if we do get Matuzalem we'll pay 5m for him and 7m for Emerson, which amounts to the same 12m :wallbang:


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Andre 3000 ] ++

    OK, here's my two cents on the Roma situation, and Mark, this is in no way an insult to you, its just that I've seen this on the board so many times, and I just wanted to share my perspective.

    Roma is in a pretty bad financial state. We all know this. However, here's a few things that should be noted.

    #1) Roma is the major franchise for the capital of Italy. If there is any team in Serie A that concessions will be made for in order to stay afloat, it will be Roma. Like it or not, that's just the way it is. You simply cannot have your Capital not represented with only one team.

    #2) Here's something else to consider. Roma is a very young squad, that will only get better. Oh, how I wish that Juve had the young talent that Roma has. For Example:

    Pellizoli- 23
    Chivu- 23
    Mancini- 23
    Cassano- 21
    De Rossi- 19

    #3) They've already sold off Samuel for 22 million, and are about to fleece Juve out of 12-15 million for Emerson. Add that up, and that's nearly 37 million Euros to go out and buy players. And these guys don't go out and buy 28 year old midfielders with their money. No, they invest in youth, and if you add a Mexes, Ferrari, and a Gilardino with the squad they already have, even if they do sell Totti, you are looking at a potentially frightening squad for the next 5 years.

    #4) Roma has qualified for the Champions League, which only means more revenue for the squad, and lets not forget that they are doing a tour of the US this summer. Again, more money. And if you are a billionaire, and you are looking to buy into a franchise, why wouldn't you buy the Capital club in a football rich country that could potentially have all that young talent?

    Bottom line is this. Its very easy to say that Roma is selling off these players in order to stay afloat. If that was the case, then why won't they entertain offers for Cassano, Pellizoli, or Chivu?? Quite simply, because they know that they will stay afloat, and that sooner or later, an investment group is going to be very interested in this franchise (they would be crazy not to be), and they are going to be getting a young, talented group who haven't hit their prime yet, and are on the verge of being an Italian and European power for years to come.

    Just my two cents.
    I have to agree with that Serge. But this is what really pisses me off. All this talk about Roma not having enough money to buy anyone because of their debts makes sense, but after reading this it seems like they are in no trouble at all. I think Moggi's TOP PRIORITY should be securing the services of Gilardino and Mexes or Ferrari, because these players have great futures.

    I think it is rather disturbing to hear that Roma is interested in all of the players we are, especially Gila and Ferrari. Its almost like there is always some stupid competition between Moggi and Sensi, and its getting pretty ridiculous. And in all competitons, there is always a loser. Last year it was Moggi, who chose to go to Wal-Mart instead of Macy's with the purchase of Legrottaglie, while Sensi secured Chivu. Is Moggi gonna lose again this year? He may not lose overall for next season, but if Roma gets all these good young players we are looking at, then Juve will lose further in the future.

    About this stupid Matuzalem thing, it doesn't make sense at all. We either buy him for us or not buy him at all.

    But about Emerson Serge, I think he could be a good signing. He would add a lot to our team, more than what Appiah or Tacchi can. He is a great player to build a young team around. He has no flaws of skill.


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Andre 3000 ] ++

    OK, here's my two cents on the Roma situation, and Mark, this is in no way an insult to you, its just that I've seen this on the board so many times, and I just wanted to share my perspective.

    Roma is in a pretty bad financial state. We all know this. However, here's a few things that should be noted.

    #1) Roma is the major franchise for the capital of Italy. If there is any team in Serie A that concessions will be made for in order to stay afloat, it will be Roma. Like it or not, that's just the way it is. You simply cannot have your Capital not represented with only one team.

    #2) Here's something else to consider. Roma is a very young squad, that will only get better. Oh, how I wish that Juve had the young talent that Roma has. For Example:

    Pellizoli- 23
    Chivu- 23
    Mancini- 23
    Cassano- 21
    De Rossi- 19

    #3) They've already sold off Samuel for 22 million, and are about to fleece Juve out of 12-15 million for Emerson. Add that up, and that's nearly 37 million Euros to go out and buy players. And these guys don't go out and buy 28 year old midfielders with their money. No, they invest in youth, and if you add a Mexes, Ferrari, and a Gilardino with the squad they already have, even if they do sell Totti, you are looking at a potentially frightening squad for the next 5 years.

    #4) Roma has qualified for the Champions League, which only means more revenue for the squad, and lets not forget that they are doing a tour of the US this summer. Again, more money. And if you are a billionaire, and you are looking to buy into a franchise, why wouldn't you buy the Capital club in a football rich country that could potentially have all that young talent?

    Bottom line is this. Its very easy to say that Roma is selling off these players in order to stay afloat. If that was the case, then why won't they entertain offers for Cassano, Pellizoli, or Chivu?? Quite simply, because they know that they will stay afloat, and that sooner or later, an investment group is going to be very interested in this franchise (they would be crazy not to be), and they are going to be getting a young, talented group who haven't hit their prime yet, and are on the verge of being an Italian and European power for years to come.

    Just my two cents.
    Very good post, with very interesting points there :D

    PS: I think the fact that Moggi isn't looking towards Mexes to strengthen our defense is gonna be a big mistake, especially if Roma get him for a cheap 5 million Euros :(

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