Trabelsi & Mexes & Ljungberg (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Trabelsi and Mexes would be absolutely brilliant purchases, the former being one of the best right backs in the world and the Frenchman an excedingly promising central defender. Ljungberg on the other hand, though a very decent player, isn't needed in Juve, and isn't he happy at Arsenal?


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++

Ok .. so because my opinion is different to yours, its bullshit and you , the all knowing is allways right... fvck you!!

Get a grip, You have your ideas and everyone else has theirs... accept it

You have no right whatsoever to question someone elses opinion in that manner.

If im wrong tell me why not sprout this bullshit... Then again dont bother, I have no intrest in listening to such banal biased drivel
I dont think we're in need of such bad swere words,but i'm not going to start a fight with you now,cuz you're much older than me,you're a married man as i know.

if it was said to someone either than me he'd start a fight immediately,but i didnt and i wont.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
"Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love"

Seriously people, where has the love gone?


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
yeah Zlatan,
People livin like they ain't got no mamas
I think the whole world's addicted to the drama
Only attracted to the things that'll bring the trauma..



Senior Member
Nov 2, 2003
Cool down a bit boys!

IMO: Shadowfax's style is on the edge of acceptable, or a step further...

But IMO: I would be glad if Mexes and Trabelsi joins Juve, but I'm not sure about Ljungbergs capabilities. He is more consistent than Camo, but who's not???

Freddie had a good spring nearly two years ago, but since than he is not among the brightest stars of gunners. Pires, Vieira or Campbell are rated much better, not to mention Henry...
IMO: He's a good player, but there are some younger, cheaper and better player then him.

Btw: When Camo is good, he is equal to the best right wingers/ or mids of the world, and his headers are above class. The only question I think is: Is it acceptalbe to be such inconsistent in a club like Juve. (My answer is: I dunno)

Excuse me, if I'm wrong, but dont you like Ljungberg so much because both of you are Swedish?

Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Togon ] ++
Cool down a bit boys!

IMO: Shadowfax's style is on the edge of acceptable, or a step further...

But IMO: I would be glad if Mexes and Trabelsi joins Juve, but I'm not sure about Ljungbergs capabilities. He is more consistent than Camo, but who's not???

Freddie had a good spring nearly two years ago, but since than he is not among the brightest stars of gunners. Pires, Vieira or Campbell are rated much better, not to mention Henry...
IMO: He's a good player, but there are some younger, cheaper and better player then him.

Btw: When Camo is good, he is equal to the best right wingers/ or mids of the world, and his headers are above class. The only question I think is: Is it acceptalbe to be such inconsistent in a club like Juve. (My answer is: I dunno)

Excuse me, if I'm wrong, but dont you like Ljungberg so much because both of you are Swedish?

If that question was directed at me, I was born in Sweden, but I'm dutch, so maybe I have a bias, maybe not. That's not really the point at all, and that's certainly not the reason that I reacted to Paul in the way tha tI did.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I wasnt actually intending to reply to this garbish, However, I then thought, why should I have to time after time put up with this crap from you.
So, mods if you wanna ban me for this post ... go ahead

++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

Right.:LOL: I suppose that you don't need respect from people who you judge to be below you. I'll come right out with it, Paul: You're being foolish right now. "The likes of you"? That's nice. I suppose that I'm the dregs of the football forum populace.
No not all, the phrase wasnt used in a snobby way, or to say im better than you.. It was purely in the vain of I have no need for respect from such a horrible little runt as yourself.
Dregs? .... Now you mention.. thats not a bad description

Thank god there are people like you out there. People who can lord their advantages over the rest of us,
I take it you mean lawd not lord
What advantages?? I have no advantages over anyone here... We are all equal
You have the audacity to talk to me about lawding.. look at yourself
You stroll around here trying to be something with your shit about how you supposedly have a phd as though it makes you something special... it doesnt!
You make out your some football expert cause you supposedly played for some worthless pro club... big deal, doesnt mean you know anything
You then carry this on with your tales of how you were an assistant manager for at least 5 minutes... how exactly does that make you knowledgable... it doesnt.
You like to go about how youve been everywhere... how you speak x number of languages...

On top of that you so often preach at people as though its your forum and you speak for the populous (jus look in your arguments with incubo).. Who do you think you are.. you aint fvcking god

and so on , and so on

So whats that if it aint lawding

And no, none of those things make you a better person or make you know more than anyone else.

You may suck some in but we all dont wet ourselves over your supposed escapades.

people who run away from a fight...Honestly, I'd rather be "the likes of me", than I would be such a pompous, self-important, elitist tool.
Yes, I have no interest in pathetic arguments, so maybe you can say run away... Jus cause I wont argue with you that means I run away
Get over yourself

If you actually ever had a debate or a discussion worth partaking in then it would be different.. but you never do, everything is taken into an argument with you

You have no idea about debating or discussion... not once have i ever seen you have anything close to a worthwhile discussion without turning it into an argument... Not once have i ever seen you prove a point in a debate...

Jus look in your recent posts with incubo... you constantly babble on without saying anything or even coming close to making a point... without a hope in hell of winning the debate... until you finally jus start getting argumentative and making out hes the bad guy.... Its a joke

You should listen to your own advice. I challenged your point, put forward my reasoning, and all you did was whine about it.
You didnt challenge my point at all
Firstly it wasnt a point, it was a statement of opinion... not the same thing
An opinion that was plain and clear and needed no explaining... nor defending.

Rather than then say "I disagree" and starting a discussion you decide to insult and show a complete lack of respect for my opinion...
If you had said you disagree and made your points you would have got an answer, but you insult... you wont

Do i question your opinion in that way... No!

When did I say your opinion that ronaldo isnt a class player and is jus a media whore is ridiculous... even though it clearly is.... I didnt cause all though I disagree I accept your opinion

Did i say your opinions about van der sar were ridiculous, though they were in a world of fans that widely accept edwinn as juves worst 1st choice keeper of the last 30 years.... No i didnt as i accept your opinion

You have the front to say my thoughts are ridiculous...

Fine, maybe my comments are petty...I'm willing to accept that may be the case, but I would ask you to accept that your comments are just totally out of place and severely passive aggressive.
Your comments are more than petty and also targetted.
Slightly passive - aggressive... Yes
Out of place for defending a beleif that everyones opinion is worthy of exceptance... not in my view

The essence of a good forum is discussion. How can there be discussion if I never express that I think you are wrong? If everyone was as accepting as you'd like to have it, then there'd never be a discussion.
Yes it is discussion... but my point that people should accept peoples opinions does not mean that you have no discussion.
It jus means rather than insult someones opinion you start your post with something like... I disagree, I think, In my view etc etc etc

So... no ,there is no problem with removing insults as to possibilities of discussion

You just come in and say something, then you expect the rest of us to take it and not challenge. If we do, it's some kind of affront to your personage. This "It's my opinion!" thing is not constructive in any way.
No not all, I have never expected that... But as with every other forum i have ever visited I expect a degree of acceptance and no insults...

You can say i insult, but as a reaction not as a first post like you and some others do

If you cant accept someones opinion is theirs and equally as valid as your own then why should someone accept yours and have that discussion
And if you insult how can you expect to not be insulted back

Whos the one who throws petty little jibes at me in a thread which you werent even part of and only entered to make said jibe and leave??

When exactly have i ever done that to you... never!!

Who strolls around when they are bored trying to pick a fight with me cause they have nothing better to do... You do it all the time... yet im allways made out to be the guilty party

So no i will not argue with you.. you wanna jump in a discussion that im involved in , fine , please do... but if you wanna fight with me .. it aint gonna happen... theres plenty of other people here that will happily fulfill your need for an argument.

Personally, I have no interest in speaking to a person of your egocentrism and social immaturity. BTW, that's just my opinion, so deal with it.
See you keep rolling with the insults...
Your the one that has problems accepting opinions, not me

Your opinion?... I accept it whole heartedly and couldnt give a fvck

Personally I have nothing against being in a discussion with you but i wont argue with you.

Please if you hold so much malice, please killfile me and you wont ever need to read my posts again and we will never have anymore forum contact contact.

Either way it doesnt bother me in the slightest

You may be a bigshot to some here but to me your jus another poster

Anyway thats all i have to say (I was gonna be a bit more aggressive as you like it so much, but decided against it)

So either killfile me, or we jus forget the last few days crap and get on with it.

Please pm me as we are wasting enough forum space and I wont be around enough to read posts over the next few days anyway.

Thats the last I have to say... read it as you will
Jul 12, 2002
I'm sorry you feel that way, Paul. I'm just here being myself, and most people don't have a problem with that. It's unfortunate that you do, but it woud be nice if you didn't attack me anymore.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++

You have the audacity to talk to me about lawding.. look at yourself
You stroll around here trying to be something with your shit about how you supposedly have a phd as though it makes you something special... it doesnt!
You make out your some football expert cause you supposedly played for some worthless pro club... big deal, doesnt mean you know anything
You then carry this on with your tales of how you were an assistant manager for at least 5 minutes... how exactly does that make you knowledgable... it doesnt.
You like to go about how youve been everywhere... how you speak x number of languages...

You may be a bigshot to some here but to me your jus another poster
:rolleyes:these arent tales its the truth and everyone knows it.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++
Nice avatar, Ian :)
nice try.. to calm the air a bit.. ;)

anyway, I think we need players like mexes & trabelsi.. we have no problem in the midfield at the moment.. its the defence that we need to work on.. and those two players are really usefull.. I hope we can get them in the summer..

about Ljungberg.. as I said, our midfield is ok offencively.. but, our DM need to work extra hard to help our solid defenders.. so, I can't see the need for Ljungberg.. beside.. I don't like him :undecide: and I think he can't add anything to juve.. so..


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by fred weasley ] ++
:rolleyes:these arent tales its the truth and everyone knows it.
Whoah there cowboy...

Please re read the thread.. I never at anypoint said ian was lying or indeed infered it.

I use the word supposedly as at the end of the day none of us know whether what people say is true or not.. its a matter of faith.
Unless others know a person ,personally there is no proof that what anyone says is true.

A couple of things that spring to mind...

A couple of years ago there was a poster(shall remain nameless) that said he was in a useful position and people took his writings as gospel on a few different forums... Someone checked to find no registration... he then privately admitted it was all crap.... so you never know.

Another poster about 18months ago in his first thread on this forum was told he knew nothing and was lying about his position by a poster... He turned up 2 weeks later on another forum having arranged a live webchat for the forum with representatives of the team he had been told he was lying about.

So no.. we never know who or what people really are... some are beleived how ever much bullshit they post where as others are called liars when they speak nothing but the truth.

Noone hear as ever been asked to prove what they say and neither should they be... as such we must all have faith in human nature

As for ian... i have no idea, but i dont doubt him as it would be an incredibly stupid thing todo in the case of being an assistant coach at a pro club in europe... as everyone knows a person holding such a title for even 2 minutes at any pro level in europe has to be registered.
So if they were lying anyone could find out in minutes as past and present registrations are freelly available.
Similar to how I for my own work need to be on an international register and a member of several organistions... all of which can be quickly and easily checked up on... So no, I do not think ian is lying as that would be completely stupid... and though myself and ian have issues with each other I do not really think he is a fool.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
do u kno what paul, we missed ur EXTRA long posts when u werent around...u cnat just lazily flick through it, u actually have to read it properly.

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