Trabelsi & Mexes & Ljungberg (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Welcome Baggio93. Is that the year you were born!? :eek:

There's already a thread about Trabelsi and Mexes, but thanks for contributing anyway.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
welcome baggio93...straight away im agreeing 100% with u.

as most of the forumer, kno (i hope), im the bigest fan of him on the forum. MEXES would be a god for juve.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Baggio93 ] ++
I heard trabelsi said he wants to join Juve, he could be pretty valuable.
Mexes and Ljungberg I read about on soccerage...
Especially Mexes could turn out to be a world class player... Anyone heard more ?
except Ljunberg,he's happy in Arsenal as far as i know


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Ljungberg is too old. i wouldn't want him at juve now (4 years ago would have been a great idea). besides, his form hasn't been too consistant. kinda like Camo.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
Ljungberg is too old. i wouldn't want him at juve now (4 years ago would have been a great idea). besides, his form hasn't been too consistant. kinda like Camo.
much better than Camo actually..:groan:

BTW,Where were you all that time Majed?:confused:
welcome back:)


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by fred weasley ] ++
much better than Camo actually..:groan:

BTW,Where were you all that time Majed?:confused:
welcome back:)

I understand he's way better than Camo... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out ;) i was talking about his fluctuating form. you're a gunners fan and i'm sure you noticed that he's been useless in quite a few games.


I've been really busy. like these few posts...i think from now on i'll only be dropping by a couple of times a week.

Thanks for the welcome.. take care!


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

I understand he's way better than Camo... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out ;) i was talking about his fluctuating form. you're a gunners fan and i'm sure you noticed that he's been useless in quite a few games.

I've been really busy. like these few posts...i think from now on i'll only be dropping by a couple of times a week.

Thanks for the welcome.. take care!
yup of course i noticed he isnt that kind of influencing midfielder,but i was just trying to point out that he was better than overrated Camo,anyway you had to admit that;)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by fred weasley ] ++
yup of course i noticed he isnt that kind of influencing midfielder,but i was just trying to point out that he was better than overrated Camo,anyway you had to admit that;)
In Your Opinion!

Id pick camo over the imo wildly overrated freddie everytime.

The only Dial player who I think could give anything to juve would be pires.
Viera is a top player but I dont think he offers anything to our team.

IMO : Freddies crap... Camos inconsistent... I go for inconsistent
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
IMO : Freddies crap... Camos inconsistent... I go for inconsistent
based on what? All his goals and assists? It's ridiculous to say he's crap. Maybe you don't like him, but he's a fina player.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

It's ridiculous to say he's crap.
So you beleive... Did i not clearly say IMO

Here you go I'll say it again

IMO freddie is crap

You can think what you like about him, I disagree.. and no its not ridiculous.. its MY opinion
Aug 1, 2003
ljungberg is not crap, but I'd take camo over him too.
based on personal taste ;)

having trabelsi and mexes would definitely be mouth watering but god forbid ljungberg comes to Juventus.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
So you beleive... Did i not clearly say IMO

Here you go I'll say it again

IMO freddie is crap

You can think what you like about him, I disagree.. and no its not ridiculous.. its MY opinion
It is indeed your opinion, but so what if I call your opinion ridiculous? You could handle that, I thought. I guess you're stilll hung up on that shite about your opinion being respected.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++

So you beleive... Did i not clearly say IMO

Here you go I'll say it again

IMO freddie is crap

You can think what you like about him, I disagree.. and no its not ridiculous.. its MY opinion
which means the opposite of your opinion=reality
if Ljunberg is crap i wonder what word would fit Camo.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
ljungberg is not crap, but I'd take camo over him too.
based on personal taste ;)

having trabelsi and mexes would definitely be mouth watering but god forbid ljungberg comes to Juventus .


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by fred weasley ] ++
which means the opposite of your opinion=reality
if Ljunberg is crap i wonder what word would fit Camo.
Ok .. so because my opinion is different to yours, its bullshit and you , the all knowing is allways right... fvck you!!

Get a grip, You have your ideas and everyone else has theirs... accept it

You have no right whatsoever to question someone elses opinion in that manner.

If im wrong tell me why not sprout this bullshit... Then again dont bother, I have no intrest in listening to such banal biased drivel


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

It is indeed your opinion, but so what if I call your opinion ridiculous? You could handle that, I thought. I guess you're stilll hung up on that shite about your opinion being respected.
I have no interest in respect from the likes of you at all, Ian

What I expect and see on every other forum i ever look at is acceptance of others opinions.

You dont agree, either jus say so or debate your case... is it so hard

But no you have to make petty comments or insults.

To me the essence of any good forum is the acceptance of differing opinions

Personally I have no interest in a forum where that isnt the case

Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
I have no interest in respect from the likes of you at all, Ian
Right.:LOL: I suppose that you don't need respect from people who you judge to be below you. I'll come right out with it, Paul: You're being foolish right now. "The likes of you"? That's nice. I suppose that I'm the dregs of the football forum populace. Thank god there are people like you out there. People who can lord their advantages over the rest of us, people who act like a three-year old when someone questions them, people who run away from a fight...Honestly, I'd rather be "the likes of me", than I would be such a pompous, self-important, elitist tool.

++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
What I expect and see on every other forum i ever look at is acceptance of others opinions.

You dont agree, either jus say so or debate your case... is it so hard
You should listen to your own advice. I challenged your point, put forward my reasoning, and all you did was whine about it.

++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
But no you have to make petty comments or insults.
Fine, maybe my comments are petty...I'm willing to accept that may be the case, but I would ask you to accept that your comments are just totally out of place and severely passive aggressive.

++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
To me the essence of any good forum is the acceptance of differing opinions

Personally I have no interest in a forum where that isnt the case

The essence of a good forum is discussion. How can there be discussion if I never express that I think you are wrong? If everyone was as accepting as you'd like to have it, then there'd never be a discussion.

You've turned this into something it's not. I told you I thought what you said was ridiculous, then I put forward my points that counter yours. Then you just flipped out at me for no real reason. So what if I say that your opinion is ridiculous? I'm not attacking you personally, I'm not insulting you, I'm trying to debate you.

You've done this carp before. It's really childish, IMO. You just come in and say something, then you expect the rest of us to take it and not challenge. If we do, it's some kind of affront to your personage. This "It's my opinion!" thing is not constructive in any way.

Personally, I have no interest in speaking to a person of your egocentrism and social immaturity. BTW, that's just my opinion, so deal with it.

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