Totti for Nedved? (1 Viewer)


Z.Z T h e M a s t e r
May 25, 2004
but the question is :
did real madrid has enough money to buy totti ?
and i don't think that camacho the new coach of gallacticos and totti can work together !

finally , i 'm not interested by toti !! NEVER !


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Well who knows? What if we sell Dp to Milan? And bring Totti in here?
That sounds realistic to me. Although id prefer Dp to remain on setimental value more than nething else. But i doubt Totti would come to Juve. Hes already stated, if its not Roma, its Real. And i can see that happening this summer!
Aug 1, 2003
It wouldn't be too bad of a deal IMO. I've said that I want Nedved to be sold; not because I don't like him, if he goes I'll be very sad but selling him would be worthy of the money IMO, and Totti's a talented player and could do things for us. Decent replacement I think. But it probably won't happen..


Sep 23, 2003
It will never happen. Moggi buying a player at the top of their form, at the peak of their salary potential?

Sorry, wrong universe.
Oct 1, 2002
sorry, but this thread is stupid, why are we talking about a deal which is close to impossible.
1. Totti hates Juventus with all his blood.
2. he is too expensive,Roma won't be so stupid to exchange Totti with Nedved, even if we add lots of money.
3. he has stated over and over again, if he want to move out, the only possibility is to move outside Italy. if he indeed remain in Italy, the clubs will be Milan or Inter. I don't see any chances Juventus getting him.

and here is my personal opinion. He is world class, but I dislike his attitude.I won't feel happy if he come to Juventus. I'd rather have Shevchenko than Totti in Juve if I can choose.


Junior Member
May 3, 2004
I dislike his attitude too ' and he is not a world class'
good playmaker thats all '
but he is so irretating **** shot me


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I think Deco is now more of a class player than Totti. Deco is probably the world's best playmaker at the moment, so it would be fantastic to buy a player like that. I would take Deco over Totti any day of the week. Lets hope Deco does not go to Chelsea.
May 30, 2004
Nedved is a better person than totti but da last season totti was clearly better player than nedved... cant deny that .... for the totti haters out there.... dont worry totti never in juventus .. not gonna happen

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