To make your own team where you live.... (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
How hard is it?

Imagine that you have a group of friends with enough spare time to, decide to make your own team rather than play 5-a-side and start playing, obviously, starting from the lowest "division". What would it take to do it in your country? Did you ever consider it?

PPL at work decided to make a team. They checked with local FA and were informed that they need to find a "city" without a team (this has to do with size of the country. City (on average) is 2000 PPL :D), confirm with local council if thats ok and get an office from them and register players and the team with FA. Only fee involved is player reg fee, which apparently is not much. You can start competing in the third league (the one where you can not get relegated from :D).

Would you consider doing something similar? :)

Buy on


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
In Norway I guess you would have to start in the 6. division and work your way up from there. Would take a lot of people to go in on it though to actually form a club.
Sep 28, 2002
getting 11 friends that play football is more difficult in here than starting a FC. it's agonising how people dont care about football in here.
i thought of it, but since i dont play football at all and dont have much time it was only a thought.
i think there are amateur leagues in areas of bigger cities.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
more than six years ago.. when I was at school.. we used to compete with other Neighborhoods from the same city.. and some times we play against others from the city nearby.. it was like a mini league without counting scores or points.. it developed a little bit, when we start organizing 2-groups championship.. every player should pay a fee of $5 to participate to buy the cup and the medals.. it was really fun and exciting..

still amateur though.. but, there were some talents-hunter (moggi-type) watching..

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
gandalf you mean scouts. like omar sivori, not moggi.

actually over here we have a local sunday-league kinda thing. it would be great to start something like that too. im thinking of doing that, its in my long term agenda...

organizing teams and all doesnt seem hard. whats hard is getting people motivated enough to keep going with it. thats a pain in the ass
Aug 1, 2003
my brother has his own team. its called sfera terra FC, which means round field or something as a tribute to this round football field they used to play at.

here in malaysia we're very lucky, there are always tournaments and it's really fun. but I don't know if these tournaments go as far as being in the malaysian league, but we really don't care coz malaysian league has no standards anyway :D


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by *aca* ] ++
How hard is it?

Imagine that you have a group of friends with enough spare time to, decide to make your own team rather than play 5-a-side and start playing, obviously, starting from the lowest "division". What would it take to do it in your country? Did you ever consider it?

PPL at work decided to make a team. They checked with local FA and were informed that they need to find a "city" without a team (this has to do with size of the country. City (on average) is 2000 PPL :D), confirm with local council if thats ok and get an office from them and register players and the team with FA. Only fee involved is player reg fee, which apparently is not much. You can start competing in the third league (the one where you can not get relegated from :D).

Would you consider doing something similar? :)

Wow, that would be great !!

But I think you have to also consider the administrative side of it. You will have to think about travel arrangements and stuff when playing away.

But I think English amateur clubs capture thr most glory in Europe, especially due to the romance and drama of the FA Cup.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
    You will have to think about travel arrangements and stuff when playing away.
    Check out the size of Malta :D

    If i remember, it's 47 miles in diameter :D


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    "To Make your own team where you live...."

    Interestingly enough I remember a bunch of kids from my neighborhood who tried this but if I remember correctly they began a hockey team. I remember because usually these kids played their hearts out in the freezing cold with very old and shoddy equipment then somehow a coach took them on (quite the slickster) and signed them up to a league...I assume with he found them sponsorship because I began seeing them with new uniforms and equipment...this team made it to the national championships the following season and the coach later fell for one of the kids moms....If I'm not mistaken they were known as the Mighty...

    oh wasn't real life it was an old movie I saw...oh well...


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
    "To Make your own team where you live...."

    Interestingly enough I remember a bunch of kids from my neighborhood who tried this but if I remember correctly they began a hockey team. I remember because usually these kids played their hearts out in the freezing cold with very old and shoddy equipment then somehow a coach took them on (quite the slickster) and signed them up to a league...I assume with he found them sponsorship because I began seeing them with new uniforms and equipment...this team made it to the national championships the following season and the coach later fell for one of the kids moms....If I'm not mistaken they were known as the Mighty...

    oh wasn't real life it was an old movie I saw...oh well...
    at one point, I started wondering.. who plays hockey in Rome..? :confused:

    btw, what is the movie title..? I like sport-movies..

    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    gandalf you mean scouts. like omar sivori, not moggi.

    actually over here we have a local sunday-league kinda thing. it would be great to start something like that too. im thinking of doing that, its in my long term agenda...

    organizing teams and all doesnt seem hard. whats hard is getting people motivated enough to keep going with it. thats a pain in the ass
    I don't know any scouts' names.. so I used moggi's.. :D
    who is omar sivori btw..? I mean could tell me more about him..? who did he discovered..etc?
    Aug 1, 2003
    I loved Mighty Ducks.
    It was admirable.

    Well, Juventus was started by a group of students who just wanted to play football and we ended up with 27 scudettos, if I'm not mistaken Boca Juniors or River plater or some South American famous team was started by Italians in a train or something like that?

    Anything's possible


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++

    at one point, I started wondering.. who plays hockey in Rome..? :confused:

    btw, what is the movie title..? I like sport-movies..

    I don't know any scouts' names.. so I used moggi's.. :D
    who is omar sivori btw ..? I mean could tell me more about him..? who did he discovered..etc?
    i can only answer the first question:D
    Omar Sivori was a juve player in the end of the 50's and start of the 60's and i think he won the ballon d'or at :rolleyes: ....i think at 1961.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++

    Well, Juventus was started by a group of students who just wanted to play football and we ended up with 27 scudettos, if I'm not mistaken Boca Juniors or River plater or some South American famous team was started by Italians in a train or something like that?

    Anything's possible
    Then again, that's when there were no professional teams around and the idea of having a pink jersey wouldn't earn you a week in a padded room with a straitjacket

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002

    omar sivori is an argentinian legend who played for juve half a century ago. he eventually played for the italian NT. atm he works as a scout for the club. i believe he recommended we acquire the services of d'alessandro...


    Senior Member
    Nov 10, 2003
    Me and my friends form a club "Revolution Calcio", actually its kinda pathetic cause its not officially a "football club" yet, cause we dont have any facilities, kits, coaches(dont even mention the scout or manager), heh, we have to stop all club activities cause of SPM exam.....suck! but I think we will get together after the exam and make a more serious plan for our club......

    we have a website but we dont have a kits nor pathetic
    click here
    its actually under construction cause the pics were not fully added yet....maybe couple days more


    ps: i cant believe i'm telling you guys this.........

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