TIM trophy (3 Viewers)


New Member
Jul 29, 2002
Hi! I just need one answer. I believe that on Wednesday, there is a big show for TIM trophy in Trieste. I would really like to visit that show, but all information I have is that this will take place on Wednesday. So, can Anyone please help me and tell me if this event is really on Wednesday, at what hour and all other details about the tickets and others. Thank you very much for your help.

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Junior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Hi and welcome to the forum:)

TIM Trophy will be played on Wednesday night. I was there last year and the Show started at 20.00h. For this year I am not sure but I think it will be played around 20.00 and 21.00. For tickets I dont now becuse I get them for free. Biggest problem is parking becuse it is big stadium (40,000) in the middle of the city so I advise you to come at least 2 hours before the game.

Enjoy on TIM ( I now I will)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Juve lineup
buffon, ferrara, Fresi, Thuram, birindello, brighi, tacchinardi, nedved, Camoneresi, Delpiero and Trez


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002

Inter were the more cocordinated team and they were playing without Vieri, Recoba and Ronaldo

Player of the match Dalmat

Juve's best players were Dp, Camoneresi and Tacchinardi


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Positives for juventus

We defended well with Birindelli doing okay on the left, though his crosses were poor, Fresi and ferrara were good as well, Thuram was well Thuram, okay but not player of old


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002

Kallon 1-0 scores
DelPiero1-1 scores
Cordoba 1-1 saved very well by Buffon
Camoranesii 1-2 scores
Dalmat 2-2 scores
Fresi 2-3 scores
Conceicao 2-3 Buffon saves again
Birindelli 2-4

Juve wins on penalties


Junior Member
Jul 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zebraheart ] ++
C'mon is just a friendly game, besides Inter has a better physical condition that what we do have now, since they started earlier. I think that the 0-0 is actually a positive note for us.

Denco thanks for the commentary. I was drooling to see this game but here in L.A. I don't get Canale 5.

Please keep commenting. :)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002

I was not sure what formation we were playing

Our players like Nedved, Dp and Thuram hang on too the ball for a touch too long

Baiocco did not look like a top class player but he still has time

Nedved still poor on the left and he obstructs his team mates


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Spartacus ] ++

C'mon is just a friendly game, besides Inter has a better physical condition that what we do have now, since they started earlier. I think that the 0-0 is actually a positive note for us.

Denco thanks for the commentary. I was drooling to see this game but here in L.A. I don't get Canale 5.

Please keep commenting. :)
I am too greedy for victories, :). Just like Pavel.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
WE NEED A CREATIVE PLAYMAKER, but every man and his dog knew that already

I can see us winning against small teams, and struggling against the big sides again but to be honest with our signings i didnt think we addressed our probs of last season

Hoping for a better performance or a more coordinated performance against Milan


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2002
great job denco:cap:

about juve's performance: i agree with spartacus, it's just a friendly and man, we just won against inter (=scudetto-rival)...

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