Thuram in new position : center back (1 Viewer)



Juventuz addict
Dec 16, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Arif ] ++
    dude, thuram IS centre back, of course he can play.
    99.99 of his games with juve he played left back


    Senior Member
    Aug 8, 2003
    Thuram is a centre back, but in Euro 2000, I think, he was asked by the national coach to play right back and he did. He played very good as right back and when juventus bought him it was to play right back, but technically he is a central defender.
    And he is no left back.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    lillian was always a rcb at parma, for le bleu he was always a rb...before france 98 he was on of the best.

    He rarely played cb for le bleu or parma.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    i dont think anybody cares as long as he plays well, but he hasnt got the best track record at cb.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    I think he does actually. He played the Euro there, played against Barcelona there, and he was the best defender in the field, kept the D together all by himself.

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by m_elayyan ] ++

    99.99 of his games with juve he played left back

    you probably mean rb, coz thuram never played as LB.

    i know that mos of the games he played as RB, but that was because he was forced to, not that he wanted. his natural position is CB.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Wtf is m_elayyan on about? Thuram has never played a game at left back in his entire career, I'm sure. At Parma he played RCB in a three man defence IIRC, but he was transformed into a RB for the French NT. When we bought him he stated that he preferred to play in the centre but we needed a right back and therefore that's where Lippi played him.

    PS. Thuram played CB for Santini's France at Euro 2004.


    Jul 15, 2002
    Thuram always wanted to play centre back even under Lippi. Don't ever remember him gracing the left back though.
    I think he'll be great.


    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    Thuram was a CB when he played for Monaco and RCB. On a practical note, RCB is really a CB, that concentrates on man-marking.
    The reason he played RB for France, IMO, is that French already had Desailly (A terrific player in his prime) and Laurent Blanc (Ditto), and they formed tremendous partnership so basically there was no room for Thuram to play in that position.
    If anything, with loss a yard to two in pace, I think Thuram is better off playing CB than as a full-back right now.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    true i agree, lilian may have wish granted to the fact he is least it will allow for a superior attacking fullBACK...HAPPY DAYS.

    Unless its oddo....:groan:

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