Thoughts about the team (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Sep 8, 2002
Hey fellas

It’s been a long time since I last post here .. and I’m glad I’m back in a good time like this for juve.

It’s an impressive start for juve this year, thu, I don’t think we are at our peak yet but we’re getting there ..

Defense, 4 games no goals in .. sweet all I can say .. good job guyz ..

The main thing I had, was for J. Zebina

Many thought of his signing, including myself, as a downgrade for our squad but I’m really impressed by his performance so far .. he got us Thuram back in CD .. he’s doing well offensively .. and most importantly doing a great job defensively .. though, there still room for improvement

So what do u think about Zebina’s performance so far

Another thing,

Don’t you guys get sick of all these threads about Alex DP …

It’s been too much criticizing his performance or defending him .. bottom line is – though – I’m a huge fan myself of DP – that he’s underperforming and he’s not same old DP ..
We need to think more of our team instead of one specific player ..


Buy on


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Almajhool ] ++
Hey fellas

It’s been a long time since I last post here .. and I’m glad I’m back in a good time like this for juve.

It’s an impressive start for juve this year, thu, I don’t think we are at our peak yet but we’re getting there ..

Defense, 4 games no goals in .. sweet all I can say .. good job guyz ..

The main thing I had, was for J. Zebina

Many thought of his signing, including myself, as a downgrade for our squad but I’m really impressed by his performance so far .. he got us Thuram back in CD .. he’s doing well offensively .. and most importantly doing a great job defensively .. though, there still room for improvement

So what do u think about Zebina’s performance so far

Another thing,

Don’t you guys get sick of all these threads about Alex DP …

It’s been too much criticizing his performance or defending him .. bottom line is – though – I’m a huge fan myself of DP – that he’s underperforming and he’s not same old DP ..
We need to think more of our team instead of one specific player ..

some juve fans over here hates dp so much , thats why they keep on cticizing him roma if totti doesn't performe good it's like np , we know he's great he can do it next time , but here they just judge dp for one game he plays , and then when he plays good it doesn't satisfy them...

i really feel ashame if some guests would come and would see us , juve fans cricizing dp (ALL THE TIME)...


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
And on the other hand there are some Juve fans who blindly adore Del Piero and fail to see that he never recovered from his injury in '98 and that he will never be the same old Alex, and that he should be relegated to the bench, if not sold, for the good of the team, as he has been average at best for the past 5 years, with the odd flashes of brilliance that come once every 6 months. Noobody is critisizing him for one game, he's been like this for years.

I dont care about Del Piero, or Zlatan, or nedved or Trezeguet, or Buffon... I care about Juventus.


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2004
Hatred is much too strong word. It's just judging his performances, which aren't the best, to be honest. It's impossible to write: his the best, while he's not.


May 11, 2004
I do not think any of the members HATE Del Piero, as Jeannette said the word is BIG.

I do like DP a lot and I was maybe his biggest fan at a time, but as Zlatan said, he hasn't done anything or left any flashy mark since 1998. I do hope he recovers, but waiting for him to be in a superb shape again sounds desperate.

I like the partnership of Thuram and Cannavaro and we can give credit to Zebina who pushe Lillian to the middle

Let us hope the solid shape continues


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Jeeks ] ++

I do like DP a lot and I was maybe his biggest fan at a time, but as Zlatan said, he hasn't done anything or left any flashy mark since 1998.
No flashy mark since 1998?!!!!!!! Ok about sayin' DP hasn't performed well last season but...What about his goals in the previous 2 seasons??? (2002 AND 2003) How about his world class goals against madrid,porto, newcastle, parma and his countless assists to Trezeguet???

PLEASE Stop Denying history! U must be kiddin'...Juventus would've NEVER won the last three scudetti without Alessandro Del Piero. That is why every Juve Fan has to give him the credit he deserves just as the same goes for Zidane (who didn't play a major part in our victories though, when he was the greatest we ended up 2nd) and Nedved.
I'm sick of reading such things: Is Ronaldo still the one he was in 97??? Is Zidane still the maestro he once was???? Is Figo still the winger who dazzled Europe in 99???

Just Think about it...


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
Funny, Almajhool was complaining about to many DP threads, and this is slowly becoming one!!

I agree about Zebina. I thought he would only be a bench-warmer, but he's been quite impressive! But on the other hand, I'd like to see him in crisis situatiuons. will he be strong enough to do something if the team doesn't perform?
I think he'll perform well as long as the team performs. If we're in a low, he won't get us back at level.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, I lost my english during holiday...

As for Canna, he was doooo deceiving in Inter, and now he's one of the best DC in the world.... Juve magic (Capello's touch?). I also like the way he gets along with Thuram. It's a pity these guys aren't 5 years younger. Imagine them playing for 7-8 years together...

I'm really happy to be a Juve fan right now. I was afraid when I saw the first part of the Mercato ... until the last day!!


Senior Member
Jun 14, 2003
The only full match I have seen this season is Samp-Juve so I can only really comment on that.

Zebina impressed me and I've heard he has been good in the other games too, hopefully this will continue.

Thuram and Cannavaro were also good, you could see they knew what the other was going to do and if one was in difficulties then the other was quickly across to help out and stifle any danger.

As for DP, I agree with Zlatan - for way too long now he has been poor. Forget the odd flashes of brilliance (which are fewer and fewer nowadays), he was almost non existant on Wednesday and Juve are having to carry him.

Samp aren't a great team, but they were dangerous throughout the game because Flachi was always making runs, taking people on and shooting from anywhere. DP on the other hand had no impact on the game whatsoever, if Juve had someone up front to take people on and be a constant danger (i.e, Zlatan) then I'm sure all the possession they had in that game would have resulted in a lot more scoring opportunities.

Dp just gets thrown off the ball and then he never bothers running back - at least Trez was making attempts to close the Samp players down. I'm not saying he won't ever be good again but his performances do not merit a position in the starting line up.


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
one can actually question the "care" statement when you always keep claiming that he hasn't done anything worth talking about since 1998.

as Stuart put it!

Bullshit. DP had two very successful seasons in 01-02 and 02-03...

Del Piero needs to improve, I admit it... But he is not a burden as some ppl. here want to make it look like... IMO even if DP himself has a bad game he still has a great collaboration with Zambrotta which often results with great attack raids by our left back.

I don't see anyone else in our squad having the same successful partnership with Zambro (when it comes to set so he can make his raids)!


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
And on the other hand there are some Juve fans who blindly adore Del Piero and fail to see that he never recovered from his injury in '98 and that he will never be the same old Alex, and that he should be relegated to the bench, if not sold, for the good of the team, as he has been average at best for the past 5 years, with the odd flashes of brilliance that come once every 6 months. Noobody is critisizing him for one game, he's been like this for years.

I dont care about Del Piero, or Zlatan, or nedved or Trezeguet, or Buffon... I care about Juventus.
Well, it all depends on how you see Del Piero. If he tries to play like in 98, he'll never be what he was. He plays differently now, and I do see him being useful to the team. And whatever he might say himself, he should be our playmaker. He's not a good striker anymore, but his vision and his creativity still are useful.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
++ [ originally posted by olkiller ] ++

No flashy mark since 1998?!!!!!!! Ok about sayin' DP hasn't performed well last season but...What about his goals in the previous 2 seasons??? (2002 AND 2003) How about his world class goals against madrid,porto, newcastle, parma and his countless assists to Trezeguet???

PLEASE Stop Denying history! U must be kiddin'...Juventus would've NEVER won the last three scudetti without Alessandro Del Piero. That is why every Juve Fan has to give him the credit he deserves just as the same goes for Zidane (who didn't play a major part in our victories though, when he was the greatest we ended up 2nd) and Nedved.
I'm sick of reading such things: Is Ronaldo still the one he was in 97??? Is Zidane still the maestro he once was???? Is Figo still the winger who dazzled Europe in 99???

Just Think about it...
True. I don't know why everyone simply denies the FACT Del Piero made us win the scudetto in 2002 and 2003. We've been great the past 10 years thanks to Del Piero, let's not forget that. In 1999 we had our worst season, Ale wasn't there. If you look at the statistics Del Piero has been great for us and we really do need him.
Aug 26, 2003
i thank Del Piero for everything he has done for us, for me he is like a god, and i think he will have a good season this year!!!!

I think there is no player in the world who gets critised so much like Del Piero!!!

Look at players like Raul for example he is not playing good for a long while now and nobody would do a critisem like if it was Del Piero!! Or Totti, he can have bad matches but nobody would critism him for that!

I think Italian, Media the whole world can't handle that the Del Piero from the 96-97 (i don't know exactly) will never return, and so they blame him!!! I think this is not his standard anymore, in this time IMO he was the best player in the whole world, but he isn't anymore and that is ok, other players will come!!! I love Alex and i think he can still give a lot to the team!! (lets not forget how many times he rescued Juve, scored feekicks, penaltys, scored super goals ala Madrid, made assists) people tend to forget that, and always see the bad things from him!!!

forza Del Piero!!!!


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Until he (Del Piero) starts realizing that he is best served being an assist man, and creating plays for others thereby allowing players like Zlatan to take a more central role, and allow Trez to roam in the box, then its going to continue to be a frustrating stretch for him.

ego can be a bitch though. Its hard to accept a secondary role when you've been the face of the franchise for the past 10 years. However, He can create an even more romantic image for himself, and come out of this smelling like a rose if he concentrates on creating opportunities for others.

The epitome of being a team player, so to speak.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++

True. I don't know why everyone simply denies the FACT Del Piero made us win the scudetto in 2002 and 2003. We've been great the past 10 years thanks to Del Piero, let's not forget that. In 1999 we had our worst season, Ale wasn't there. If you look at the statistics Del Piero has been great for us and we really do need him.
*cough* *cough* Nedved *cough* Buffon *cough* Thuram* *cough* Trezeguet *cough* *cough*

Damn, I really need to take something for my sore throat.

Lets compare Trezeguet and Del Piero in the past 4 years, at least goal wise (dont forget that most of DP's goals are penalties):

Games/goals (Serie A only)
            00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04
Del Piero   25/ 9 32/16 24/16 22/ 8
Trezeguet   25/14 34/24 17/ 9 25/16

As you see, Treze has outscored DP in all seasons but one, in roughly the same amount of games. Now, dont give me that crap how DP creates chances, and makes assists, bla bla bla, as, if you take away his penalty goals and add the assisst, he'd have roughly the same impact on the team.

DOnt forget who our best assist man is, Nedved.


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
DP and Trez can´t be compared in the goals department, case closed. Trez is here for goals, nothing else.

One can easily criticize DP, but weird how our form is so dependant on him. Without him we never do very well, and when he has some of his better seasons we always win something.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Torkel ] ++
DP and Trez can´t be compared in the goals department, case closed. Trez is here for goals, nothing else.

One can easily criticize DP, but weird how our form is so dependant on him. Without him we never do very well, and when he has some of his better seasons we always win something.

Then the question can be asked if we are depending too much on a player who, while still very talented, is not the player that he used to be?

Now, players like Miccoli and DiVaio, in my opinion, on their best day, were not as valuable as a DelPiero. But let's hypothesize and assume that 2 years from now, or even next year, mJuve has an opportunity to acquire a player who can and will be our future #10. Do you put those plans on hold because he is still here?

I didn't have a problem with them jettisoning Mico and DV because I never thought that they were his equal, but if Del Piero being here prevents us from getting a future superstar, or stunting the development of Ibrahimovic, then I'm sorry, but he has to go. Unless he changes his game to better suit the players around him.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Geof ] ++
Funny, Almajhool was complaining about to many DP threads, and this is slowly becoming one!!
Haha, yeah. The irony.

Anyway I'll join in on the DP discussion.
People have often written (me included) DP's role should be changed (to playmaker or whatever), but what I wonder is why doesn't any of the coaches see that? Is Alex bigger than the team or coach, or are we simply wrong and he doesn't suit another role??

Anyway I still feel DP has been treated over the last years way to harshly. He couldn't do anything right I felt, the press always critisized him. Back to changing his role to an assist man or a creater of the play, the press is even more resentfull to DP when he does not score.

My point is that the DP "problem" itself is an issue, but the way he is often treated is an issue as well.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
I cant see why its so hard to let go. We let go of Vialli. And still won. We let go of Baggio. And still won. We let go of Zidane. And still one. What makes people here think, Juventus cant survive without Del Piero?

Someone here mentioned Alex being the reason we lifted our past 2 scudetti. Well if 16 penalties in a season constitute an award winning performance, then even Paolo Montero can set a season on fire.

The fact remains, that Del Piero is not Juventus, and Juventus is not Del Piero. He is barely a shadow of the player he used to be. Now, his time is slowly drawing to a close. Its unfortunate his temperament couldnt take the criticsm, which may also have had something to do with the premature deterioration in his performances over the last couple of years. Having said that, we must realise, that its only for the good of the team, and its future that we let go, of the so called symbol, without letting sentiment come in the way of a wiser decision.


Junior Member
Sep 23, 2004
++ [ originally posted by baggio ] ++
I cant see why its so hard to let go. We let go of Vialli. And still won. We let go of Baggio. And still won. We let go of Zidane. And still one. What makes people here think, Juventus cant survive without Del Piero?

Someone here mentioned Alex being the reason we lifted our past 2 scudetti. Well if 16 penalties in a season constitute an award winning performance, then even Paolo Montero can set a season on fire.

The fact remains, that Del Piero is not Juventus, and Juventus is not Del Piero. He is barely a shadow of the player he used to be. Now, his time is slowly drawing to a close. Its unfortunate his temperament couldnt take the criticsm, which may also have had something to do with the premature deterioration in his performances over the last couple of years. Having said that, we must realise, that its only for the good of the team, and its future that we let go, of the so called symbol, without letting sentiment come in the way of a wiser decision.
I can't believe a Juve fan is degrading del Piero like that..ok he is not the star he used to be but that had several reasons..1: years of injury 2: change of teams and tactics/trainers 3: he's getting older and accepts that he let's the other attackers score more than him these days... let me tell you that he did gave Juventus a couple of scudetti together with trezegoal who is also degraded by some Juve fans:confused:.. Del Piero is Juventus and Juventus is Del Piero:D because that man was born to play in black and white:cheesy:..i think he deserves more credit than a lot of spoiled Juve fans give him...:devil::devil::devil:

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