The YouTube/Video Junk Thread (10 Viewers)


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Why did you start with this then?

Anyway, you to should put each other on Ignore list now!! Otherwise I will do action other than warnings.
I admit I went a little bit far, but the point is we (every member) make fun of each others quotes all the time, when someone writes something funny. but he keeps writing this line "you are idiot" "you are stupid" everytime I write something. This is where it gets ugly, I mean find something stupid I say and call me whatever you want, I accept that. But when I say I can't play the youtube link (example), it is blocked in the place I live, and he comes with "you are stupid", then he gets a reply like that..

Nothing personal thou, it is a stupid thing I wrote, I don't disrespect his family (I didn't mean that). Was to upset him only.. I won't insult this particular member anyway..



May 11, 2004
I am not going to ban anyone, you are both respectable members and should behave in a different way. If you can't, then it's the ignore list.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
If you want to keep this on, I don't mind at all. Jack did us both favor for not banning. I enjoy making fun of you, but if you start calling names, you will end up banned, same here.. Can you be original (I mean without your boring lines "you are stupid" "you are idiot"), If you can, then bring it on baby!

PS:I guess you are aware I didn't reply your "mama sister" joke, so you proved who is the "Zidane" here. :D


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
A materazzi is not a shirt puller, a Materazzi is a dirty mouth that uses tricks to piss people off, my case.

A Zidane is the not clever guy who easily get pissed, and does the wrong move. Seeking a moderator help ;)

clear now?

PS: General speaking, that guy could also be a lazy ass and didn't bother to find a way to surf that site. Oh I found a way in few minutes btw. and this is not about being a smart or not, it is about having info. It's not that you made that website who let you surf the blocked sites, see? you can't feel yourself smart because you use others' softwares or sites, in other words It's not you who are finding ways to surf blocked website, you are using others' works, or a way someone thought you.

Oh and you did call me idiot again, the next time your ass will be reported dear! You know how the rules set, I am playing by them, otherwise I know how to insult. :smoke:
Dec 26, 2004
A materazzi is not a shirt puller, a Materazzi is a dirty mouth that uses tricks to piss people off, my case.

A Zidane is the not clever guy who easily get pissed, and does the wrong move. Seeking a moderator help ;)

clear now?

PS: General speaking, that guy could also be a lazy ass and didn't bother to find a way to surf that site. Oh I found a way in few minutes btw. and this is not about being a smart or not, it is about having info. It's not that you made that website who let you surf the blocked sites, see? you can't feel yourself smart because you use others' softwares or sites, in other words It's not you who are finding ways to surf blocked website, you are using others' works, or a way someone thought you.

Oh and you did call me idiot again, the next time your ass will be reported dear! You know how the rules set, I am playing by them, otherwise I know how to insult. :smoke:
Who mentioned other ppl softwares?? don't jump to conclusions when you don't have a clue... a 3rd party proxy which you can find in 5 minutes could solve your problem and guess what you don't need anybody software.

PS: I hold a master's degree in Networking and Opertaing Systems.

PS: I didn't call you an idioit pay attention to the "GENERAL SPEAKING".


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Who mentioned other ppl softwares?? don't jump to conclusions when you don't have a clue... a 3rd party proxy which you can find in 5 minutes could solve your problem and guess what you don't need anybody software.
pay attention, I said a software or a Web site. still, you are using others' proxy to surf the site, which still doesn't make you smart. It's 3rd party's intelligence.. and not knowing those sites, makes me less informed than you (since that's your major study), and not less smarter, or stupid. see?

PS: I didn't call you an idioit pay attention to the "GENERAL SPEAKING".
yes you did Indirectly. As you called me directly in the previous posts about this subject.
Dec 26, 2004
pay attention, I said a software or a Web site. still, you are using others' proxy to surf the site, which still doesn't make you smart. It's 3rd party's intelligence.. and not knowing those sites, makes me less informed than you (since that's your major study), and not less smarter, or stupid. see?

yes you did Indirectly. As you called me directly in the previous posts about this subject.
So what do you call using your own transparent Service Provider Proxy? did you configure it by yourself or somthing?

Using others Proxy is no where near using a 3rd party program... if you don't know about that you are not necessarily idiot but at least a Networking illiterate.

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