The world against Emma (2 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jul 11, 2002
Not a serious title, but a serious post.

I wasnt aware of all the crap thats happened this past couple of days. Its a mess that seems to be going away. So maybe i should just leave it be and let it go away, thats what emma told me to do.
But i was talking to Emma, and this has annoyed her, so ill say what really needs to be said.

First of all reading all this stuff i really couldnt believe it.

Lets start with this:

++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++

Just to clarify, I have nothing against "fine ass ladies", I am simply disgusted by the fact that so many of our forum posters went completely crazy over Emma - that we were up to our ankles in drool, up to our necks in wankers trying to date this girl. Nevermind that they never met her, nevermind she lives half a world away in most cases, nevermind she stated she had no interest in an internet relationship, our boys just couldn't leave it alone. Rabid, starving dogs chasing a steak.

Over the years this forum has had many female Juventini, who were/are very knowledgable about the club and the sport of football. Many others who just wanted to engage other Juve fans from other cultures and share opinions. Then, along comes Emma, who states she has no interest in Juve and the pack of dogs goes crazy becuase a couple of pictures are posted and she looks good. Very good. But that is hardly a reaon to build a shrine, and I fully understand why the female Juventini who have been here a while took exception.

So, I posted my Emma bash (in three threads) hoping it would be seen. Honestly, I have nothing against Emma. I enjoyed her posting here. I'm only against the reaction created in our young boys. I did not approve, and think that reaction is part of the reason she left. I would have left too. So it's over and on to the next thing.
Thats possibly the biggest load of crap ive read in along time. Talk about exagerating.

There were a few people who had what? Said she was hot etc, asked her to post some more pics, quoted things 'she said' which were usually just funny things.
Its normal for people to compliment good looking girls, it wasnt anything like your making out.
Most of the 'discussions' where about her pics being fake, and some people took the 'nude' joke to far.
How where you up to your ankles in drool? And what does being a Juventini have to do with it? And what was the actual point in the 'Emma sucks shit from a monkeys ass'?

Oh and Fabi 'agrees' with this. So what? You agree that you didnt like losing the attention?

Secondly there is and always has been this huge idea that Emma is her for 'attention' and enjoys competing against the other girls etc. Thats also crap. Dammit when she goes to a club she spends half the time getting guys to stop chasing her, why would she want that here?
Infact take a look, every time people where complimenting her etc, she shrugged it off. If she wanted attention she could have gotten alot more.

The Emma v Fabiana argument is stupid yes. But first of all what didnt Fabi, or anyone actually post about what she actually said or what she quoted? Instead of posting your bullshit views on it and other peoples views? I missed the part where it said so what do you guys thing?.

I think the argument between these to girls is silly. But you want to know why Emma is annoyed, ill tell you why. She told me fabi was talking to her as friends on msn, and then as it is plain to be seen posting jibes at her here on the forum.
Did everyone miss Fabis fake avatar thing? How can that NOT be a cheap shot at Emma, and how can ranting on about 'Oh ill post fake pics and ill win.." be expected not to annoy someone. Im amazed no one noticed. Or wait, maybe they did notice and didnt want to be a 'emma ass kisser'.

Yeah most girls dont like her here, why would they i guess but atleast Nina and Liliana put the to her straight and didnt f*cking dance around on it.

Next comes this
++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++
Emma - Never had a problem with you, just tose boys who wanted to follow their schlongs to your doorstep. Just read my post and you'll see.
Again a total over reaction. Who here has ever went out of their way to do something for her etc. Infact not a single person has even backed her up in this latest argument. Or any argument. Most of the reason for that being simple, some guy says something or anything at all and everyone is just waiting to jump in and call him an ass kisser.
The way i see this is simple. Emma hardly matters. This is Juventuz girls competing for attention, and juventuz guys are guess what? Doing exactly the same thing, only you fools are so stupid your competing with each other.

Finally, Why is everyone chipping in with their views now, when they had a) Nothing to do with the arguments and b)Didnt say anything when they were happening.

Please NOTE: This isnt a post against Padovano in any way, i only quoted him as he has covered what needed to be talked about. Everyone was probably thinking it.

I apologise for posting your pic Emma.

My advice to you is log out of this forum and dont read anything more, and also consider deleting that MSN account. Who wants to talk to people who are happy to sit back and watch?

Buy on

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
Ok serious post- I didnt see her pics, so I can be objective.

Ive seen cheap digs taken at her, and they've been completely overlooked. I dont care for either Emma nor Fabiana nor their admirers, but I must admit that when I see something wrong- i will bring it to peoples attention.

Everyone who posted all these "Emma is this Emma is that" insults are full of horse shit and should go beat off in the corner all over pictures of their dead grandmother. From what I know she didnt post her pics. You cant blame her for being good looking, but you can blame the fvckers for jacking off to her.

Did anyone care to ask why she said what she did? No! We seem to have a lot of people with their thumbs in the 'law' pie. Anyone care to tell me what the purpose of questioning is?

She hasnt talked about her looks ever from what I see. Any of you pussies who find a post of hers that u find promotes her looks post it here and ill suck you off.

Oh and yeah "I care because you do."


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++
Ok serious post- I didnt see her pics, so I can be objective.

Ive seen cheap digs taken at her, and they've been completely overlooked. I dont care for either Emma nor Fabiana nor their admirers, but I must admit that when I see something wrong- i will bring it to peoples attention.

Everyone who posted all these "Emma is this Emma is that" insults are full of horse shit and should go beat off in the corner all over pictures of their dead grandmother. From what I know she didnt post her pics. You cant blame her for being good looking, but you can blame the fvckers for jacking off to her.

Did anyone care to ask why she said what she did? No! We seem to have a lot of people with their thumbs in the 'law' pie. Anyone care to tell me what the purpose of questioning is?

She hasnt talked about her looks ever from what I see. Any of you pussies who find a post of hers that u find promotes her looks post it here and ill suck you off.

Oh and yeah "I care because you do."
josh, thats why i gave you the forum hero vote, top man :cool:

very true she never did comment on the looks, could we have jealousy on the forum???jus speculating, not ment for anyone, especially as i have no idea where all these arguements have come from.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
Im gonna ask you one thing. And I hope you do it.

I have nothing against Emma, or you. I could care less about whats going on in this place, and I could care less about what you, or her, or anyone think about me/my behaviour/my way of thinking here.

Im ****ing tired of clearing this up to everyone:
"She told me fabi was talking to her as friends on msn, and then as it is plain to be seen posting jibes at her here on the forum.
Did everyone miss Fabis fake avatar thing? How can that NOT be a cheap shot at Emma, and how can ranting on about 'Oh ill post fake pics and ill win.." be expected not to annoy someone. Im amazed no one noticed. "

Yes, Ive talked to Emma on MSN and I treated her the same as I did here. I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST HER.
The fave picture thing was something that came up in the Hablas Español thread. If you wanna go look for it, and use google to translate it, you'll see it has nothing to do with her. So please, get your facts straight before speaking.

I agreed with Pado because in my last post to Emma I concluded saying that I signed up in this place to talk about Juve and thats what I wish to keep doing. Im tired of all this fighting bullshit. The first thing I ever did to Emma here was congratulate her for alterating everyone's hormones, and I thought she was a great addition to this place, hell I even thought we could become friends, and I dont really know how all this happened that overnight I started "being against her". I dont hate her nor you, and I could care less about what happens. Just leave me out of this.
Thank you.
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
Yet another row in which I'm mostly clueless and neutral...

I should apply for Swiss citizenship.
for how long can they pretend that.

on the topic, u guys know i am a man of few words so i m just gonna say 'live and most importantly let live'

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Mac, you are too good friends with Emma to be objective in this AND the blame has really not been levelled at Emma.

I got involved after sitting on the sidelines quietly during the fights. It was not my fight so I kept my mouth shut. Just as I did when You and Incubo Nick went at it. But, since I am not Emma's friend, enemy or do not have a hard on for her, I got involved.

Too many threads that I visit were becoming "Emma Shrines" and "Emma come back whines". Look - She came, she got hit on, she left. Not her fault. Instead of just leaving she made a countdown to 500 and got all the Hard Ons sappy, begging her not to go. It ruined some good threads, and I blamed both Emma and the Hard Ons for that.

I think my reaction was calm and measured and I don't think I attacked anybody personally. I wanted an end to the horse shit and I think that I got that. Don't get your g-string in an uproar. There are no innocents here, so don't break your back trying to defend Emma or anybody else. Cheers and I do understand that your post was not against me.
Sep 28, 2002
this is too funny.

mac is right, pado is right and even fabi is right. but you look at this from different perspectives and that is were disagreements are born.

i dont have nothing against anyone mentioned in this thread. in fact, i like all of you. but who gives a flying toss what other are thinking. people jump in to defend others who are their friends. just ****ing leave it. or better go and help liliana, she's depressed, maybe its because of me. but you just laugh about it, wherer i or she is to blame for some particular incident. yet here all of you are fast to jump in prove your truths. you may disagree with me but this is the reason why i, as mac said, sat back and watched. with quite some entertainment.
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