The Wish List and General Discussion Thread (16 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Dec 9, 2009
Juventus are in the market for an additional left-back and could soon try to sign Wayne Bridge (30) from Manchester City on loan or in exchange for winger Mauro Camoranesi (33).
Jul 13, 2010
Juventus are in the market for an additional left-back and could soon try to sign Wayne Bridge (30) from Manchester City on loan or in exchange for winger Mauro Camoranesi (33).
Loan is always good. Bridge is better than DC, at least at the defence. So why not? if Pepe would run all the game, then Bridge can be in defence.


Senior Member
Dec 9, 2009
Juventus are still looking for a left-back and a striker to complete the team. For the left side, It is almost done for Arsenal left-back Armand Traorè (21): a deal could be found in the next hours, as stated by La Gazzetta dello Sport. For the offesinve line, the main option are Real Madrid's Karim Benzema (22) and AC Milan's Marco Borriello (28), but Juventus have also shown interest in Ath. Madrid striker Diego Forlan (31).


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2008
Camoranesi allo Stoccarda per Tasci? Trattativa nel vivo

Secondo quanto rivela Skysports il difensore ventitreenne dello Stoccarda Sedar Tasci sarebbe a un passo dalla Juventus. Il giocatore sarebbe pronto a sposare con entusiasmo il progetto di Marotta. Non è escluso che si arrivi a uno scambio con Camoranesi.

17.20 L'approdo di Mauro German Camoranesi allo Stoccarda è "quasi fatto". Lo ha riferito un portavoce del club tedesco, che ha precisato: "La trattativa con la Juve prosegue. Adesso l'obiettivo è che il giocatore possa arrivare a Stoccarda entro domani per sottoporsi alle visite mediche".

11.00 Via di fuga. Dopo la trattativa fallita col Birmingham e le voci sull'Hercules, la Juventus ha trovato un'altra soluzione per il futuro di Mauro German Camoranesi. Il centrocampista italo-argentino sembra infatti aver trovato un accordo con lo Stoccarda.

La conferma arriva dal dirigente del club tedesco, l'ex giocatore Fredi Bobic, che ha annunciato alla Bild: "Aspettiamo ancora le visite mediche, ma con Camoranesi tutto sembra andare alla grande".
Per l'ufficialità manca solo la firma sul contratto, attesa nelle prossime ore. In Germania, Camoranesi ritroverebbe l'ex compagno di squadra Molinaro.

According to Skysports revealed twenty-three of Stuttgart defender Sedar Tasci is one step away from Juventus. The player would be ready to embrace with enthusiasm the project of Marotta. It is not excluded that there will an exchange with Camoranesi.

17:20 The port of Mauro German Camoranesi in Stuttgart is "almost done". I said a spokesman for the German club, who said: "The negotiations with Juve continues. Now the aim is that the player can come to Stuttgart by tomorrow to undergo a medical."

11:00 escape. After failed negotiations with Birmingham and the voices sull'Hercules, Juventus has found another solution for the future by Mauro German Camoranesi. The Italo-Argentine midfielder seems to have reached an agreement with Stuttgart.

The confirmation comes from the German club's manager, former player Fredi Bobic, who announced the Bild: "We are still waiting to medicals, Camoranesi but everything seems to go great."
For the official lacks only the signature on the contract, expected in the coming hours. In Germany, Camoranesi find itself the former teammate Molinaro.
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