The off topic thread (3 Viewers)

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Jun 26, 2007
:disagree: You see, this is why I don't exactly respect your opinions. All your arguments are based upon generalizations, that of which are highly biased. I could easily say that many Europeans would not know how to locate certain places on the US map, including States such as Rhode Island, Utah and New Hampshire. Many of my friends know where Greece is located, perhaps that's partly why they are my friends, but you can't hold this supposed worldy igorance against everybody here. Yes, we have quite a number of idiots here, but you should feel blessed that you live in a place where learning other languages are crucial and other cultures are so close by.

Just like I might not understand the typical European (although I think I do), perhaps many Europeans don't understand the typical American. Too many people are trying to relate the American goverment to the citizens, and while many here are idiots, not all of us are. This is something that does piss me off more than anything else.
I understand your point, Andy. But don't think Europeans see themselves as some kind of elitists who think every American is a war-minded redneck. But I do think that in general (but not all!) Europeans are more critical towards the policy of their government. You cannot imagine how fast a politician is forced to step back here if he is held responsible for a mistake.

And it's definately not the case that Europeans are not susceptible to populism. Hell, right here in Belgium we have a populistic formation that preaches xenophobia, and gets about 20% of the votes. But this party will never ever get a chance to reign, even if it has the most votes (which it once had). Maybe our electoral system makes people more critical, but I don't know actually, I'm definately no expert on this matter.

Buy on


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
This is what I'm talking about, swag, Andy. I know there are very reasonable people in America. Hell, there probably are lots of reasonable people. But idiots like Vinman, at least idiots when it comes to politics, do a lot of harm in this world. You can't really blame anyone for hating people like Vinman.
The thing is though, that's pretty much the concept of an election. If Bush is elected, that ought to mean the general American agrees with the policies of the Bush administration. Now there's obviously more to it than this ideal principle:

a) Lots of people don't even know what everyone is talking about. Politics are way over their heads. Most blame should go to these people. There is not a single reason why you should be retarded. If it's medical, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

b) Bush cheated his way into winning his first election. It's as simple as that. He wasn't elected, thus he cannot represent Americans. There would have been a national outrage if more people would have known what happened.

c) Expert propaganda. After years of training idiots, it's not hard to fool them. You do the exact opposite of what a serious politician should do. You talk in quotes. The word "crusade" might sound horrible to any intelligent lad out there, but it sure as hell sounds righteous to your average retarded Montana farmer (and to Vinman).

In conclusion I'd say something isn't right in the American educational system. American top universities might be world class, but everything else doesn't seem up to standards.
all of this coming from a complete IDIOT who thinks it was great that the towers came down, because he thought they were ugly...

and from someone who thinks because he (supposedly) reads so many books that he is somehow smarter than everyone here....

and from someone who has no tolerance for people's are plain IGNORANT !!!

it takes real genius to be banned as many times as yourself, do us all a favor and leave the forum, wore out your welcome here a long time ago


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Of course it isn't. On the other hand, propaganda does seem to work. I mean, just take a look at Borat. You remember that rodeo scene? Sure, not all people are like that, but it's dangerous enough some are.
just like you, there are IDIOTS all over the world

Seven said:
In conclusion I'd say something isn't right in the American educational system. American top universities might be world class, but everything else doesn't seem up to standards.

I rest my case


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
the US is losing money on the war, American companies are earning a shitload because of the lucrative contracts they have struck for Iraqi oil.
BTW oil and gas prices in US are way cheaper then in Europe. They are not that expensive but every government charges taxes individually and that makes the prices steep. Same goes for cigarettes.
its a matter of taxes


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
all of this coming from a complete IDIOT who thinks it was great that the towers came down, because he thought they were ugly...

and from someone who thinks because he (supposedly) reads so many books that he is somehow smarter than everyone here....

and from someone who has no tolerance for people's are plain IGNORANT !!!

it takes real genius to be banned as many times as yourself, do us all a favor and leave the forum, wore out your welcome here a long time ago

There really is no need for me to respond. Not even your fellow countrymen will support you on this one. Fact is, you know shit about politics. Bürke knows it, Andy knows it, swag knows it and Pado knows it. Perhaps it's best to pay attention here Vinman instead of performing your usual raging bull antics.

You could have tried to debate, you know, prove me wrong or anything of the sort. You could have focussed on the points I made and say something about them. You could have said you disagreed for some reason. Yet you chose to furiously type some bullshit while thinking 'God, do I hate Seven'. Jeez, you're completely driven by impulses.

This is why I fundamentally hate you. You never use arguments. You'll throw in some emotional words, but in fact you never say anything. Trigger made a stament about the first Gulf War. Your reaction was 'zzzzzz, thanks for stating the "facts".'. What you should have done was explaining us why you felt those weren't the facts. You're a completely superficial character. There's no depth whatsoever in your personality. I mean, it's a living GI Joe FFS.

And just for the sake of it, show me my quote about the Twin Towers.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002

There really is no need for me to respond. Not even your fellow countrymen will support you on this one. Fact is, you know shit about politics. Bürke knows it, Andy knows it, swag knows it and Pado knows it. Perhaps it's best to pay attention here Vinman instead of performing your usual raging bull antics.

You could have tried to debate, you know, prove me wrong or anything of the sort. You could have focussed on the points I made and say something about them. You could have said you disagreed for some reason. Yet you chose to furiously type some bullshit while thinking 'God, do I hate Seven'. Jeez, you're completely driven by impulses.

This is why I fundamentally hate you. You never use arguments. You'll throw in some emotional words, but in fact you never say anything. Trigger made a stament about the first Gulf War. Your reaction was 'zzzzzz, thanks for stating the "facts".'. What you should have done was explaining us why you felt those weren't the facts. You're a completely superficial character. There's no depth whatsoever in your personality. I mean, it's a living GI Joe FFS.

And just for the sake of it, show me my quote about the Twin Towers.
and you can debate ??

You have nothing but ignorant generalizations about everything...which shows your ignorance

Burke, Andy, and even Rainforest Liu could see this

And the "facts" about the first Gulf War are that Saudi Arabia asked us to get involved, for fear of Iraq coming after them after they invaded the fact that my country warned Iraq not to invade Kuwait in the first place....these are facts that are pretty well must have missed that chapter of your book while you were jerking off

I love your generaliaztions about me...keep them coming

lets see, I'm a big, muscular dunce who knows nothing about anything, and whose main hobby is to beat black people up while I'm working

Seven, I love can I hate such an ignorant person who doesnt know shit about me, or anything else for that matter ?

Let me ask you you wear your hockey helmet all the time, and did you take a short bus to school ??


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
well you are saying that since opening this thread, which makes it hard to realize if you mean it or joking about it for the 100th time..


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
and you can debate ??

You have nothing but ignorant generalizations about everything...which shows your ignorance

Burke, Andy, and even Rainforest Liu could see this

And the "facts" about the first Gulf War are that Saudi Arabia asked us to get involved, for fear of Iraq coming after them after they invaded the fact that my country warned Iraq not to invade Kuwait in the first place....these are facts that are pretty well must have missed that chapter of your book while you were jerking off

I love your generaliaztions about me...keep them coming

lets see, I'm a big, muscular dunce who knows nothing about anything, and whose main hobby is to beat black people up while I'm working

Seven, I love can I hate such an ignorant person who doesnt know shit about me, or anything else for that matter ?

Let me ask you you wear your hockey helmet all the time, and did you take a short bus to school ??
I'll make it really easy for you. There's one big difference between us.

I say: 'Vinman, I hate you, because ... '

You say: 'Seven, I hate you'

Do you get the point?

But to get back to my original point: people like Vinman, IMHO, are extremely dangerous when handed some sort of power. In this case Vinman's power is his ability to vote. You see, Vinman has had the power to help elect George W Bush twice. He's one of the million people responsible for what you could easily call a scandal.

There are two answers to this. Either you say not everyone can vote and people have to have a certain degree of intelligence or you say everyone can vote and you take the blow afterwards. I tend to go for option number one. I'd like to think that anyone who would want to have the right to vote should be able to tell you how candidates think about certain issues. In other words, you'd have to show some sort of political intelligence.
Jun 13, 2007
so, you must be a Hezbollah supporter ??
Well .. Let's see , would i rather support America, the country's that supply israel with all the weapons that are responsible for the deaths of my people yet continue to stand by israel .

Or would i rather support Hezollah , the only people/organization that defended my country , helped my people , and ultimately defeated Israel . Although i might not agree with most of Hezbollah's policies , i would much rather be pro-Hezbollah than pro-American .
Apr 12, 2004
I'll make it really easy for you. There's one big difference between us.

I say: 'Vinman, I hate you, because ... '

You say: 'Seven, I hate you'

Do you get the point?

But to get back to my original point: people like Vinman, IMHO, are extremely dangerous when handed some sort of power. In this case Vinman's power is his ability to vote. You see, Vinman has had the power to help elect George W Bush twice. He's one of the million people responsible for what you could easily call a scandal.

There are two answers to this. Either you say not everyone can vote and people have to have a certain degree of intelligence or you say everyone can vote and you take the blow afterwards. I tend to go for option number one. I'd like to think that anyone who would want to have the right to vote should be able to tell you how candidates think about certain issues. In other words, you'd have to show some sort of political intelligence.
I agreed with you until right here.

Should we only allow "smart" people to vote?

Or those that you and the rest of the world tend to agree with?

No, that's not what America is about.....

I hate the republican way of thinking, and I hate idiots that vote that way and don't know Tbilisi, Georgia from Atlanta, Georgia, but hey, that is out country.

We are a lot of idiots.

The only thing I can do is vote my way....and cancel Vinni out.
Apr 12, 2004
Well .. Let's see , would i rather support America, the country's that supply israel with all the weapons that are responsible for the deaths of my people yet continue to stand by israel .

Or would i rather support Hezollah , the only people/organization that defended my country , helped my people , and ultimately defeated Israel . Although i might not agree with most of Hezbollah's policies , i would much rather be pro-Hezbollah than pro-American .
I love Hezb'allah.......but I'M A ZIONIST!
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