The Matrix (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Hardy har har Martin :groan:

I can contributre when I want to and you know it. Plus, I'm incredibly charming and funny :D ;)

Back on topic, I didnt get the whole architect thing in the second part. Is he human, a machine or a program? Also, how can Neo's powers strech to the outside world (when he stops the machines with his hand), I can accept the whole virus anomally thingy, but not a freaking superman. Also, have there been "The Ones" before, that have regulary been defeated as I understand it, and if so, why does the arhitect let them choose 23 people to rebuild the city when he could just destroy it?

I feel the first part was brilliant, both for the excellent story line and the visual effect, which were unpresedented at the time, but IMO the real success of the movie was because of it's philosophy that made it deep, something other Hollywood blockbusters lacked. The Matrix was not just simply eye candy, which is pretty much what the second and third part were. The Matrix questioned the morality so to say of the modern capitalist world where we are not what we are, but what others say we are, and it also raises the question of principle, to live happily in ignorance (like tha bald traitor guy) or to fight for what you believe in, maybe even dieing for the cause, and once you understand that you'll be able to somewhat understand the stance of terrorists, who feel the only way of controling their lives is by taking them, being pawns for a greater goal. Also, the movie deals with choices, not so much with what we choose and what the result will be, but more with why we make a certain choice, as it is an inner image of our psyche. It's like the scene in the first part when Neo brakes the vase in the Oracle's kitchen, and as the Oracle says, would he have broken it if she had not said anything. It's like if you tell a man he'll die in 24 hours, and he goes out, gets drunk and gets hit by a car. Would it have happened if you had said nothing? Did you make his destiny, just tell it to him, or is it a connected circle where everything is dependant on eachother?

The problem with the movie is too many questions in the first part, that get backed up with even more questions in the second part, but none of the questions get answered in the third part.

Buy on
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
Hardy har har Martin :groan:

I can contributre when I want to and you know it. Plus, I'm incredibly charming and funny :D ;)

Back on topic, I didnt get the whole architect thing in the second part. Is he human, a machine or a program? Also, how can Neo's powers strech to the outside world (when he stops the machines with his hand), I can accept the whole virus anomally thingy, but not a freaking superman. Also, have there been "The Ones" before, that have regulary been defeated as I understand it, and if so, why does the arhitect let them choose 23 people to rebuild the city when he could just destroy it?

I feel the first part was brilliant, both for the excellent story line and the visual effect, which were unpresedented at the time, but IMO the real success of the movie was because of it's philosophy that made it deep, something other Hollywood blockbusters lacked. The Matrix was not just simply eye candy, which is pretty much what the second and third part were. The Matrix questioned the morality so to say of the modern capitalist world where we are not what we are, but what others say we are, and it also raises the question of principle, to live happily in ignorance (like tha bald traitor guy) or to fight for what you believe in, maybe even dieing for the cause, and once you understand that you'll be able to somewhat understand the stance of terrorists, who feel the only way of controling their lives is by taking them, being pawns for a greater goal. Also, the movie deals with choices, not so much with what we choose and what the result will be, but more with why we make a certain choice, as it is an inner image of our psyche. It's like the scene in the first part when Neo brakes the vase in the Oracle's kitchen, and as the Oracle says, would he have broken it if she had not said anything. It's like if you tell a man he'll die in 24 hours, and he goes out, gets drunk and gets hit by a car. Would it have happened if you had said nothing? Did you make his destiny, just tell it to him, or is it a connected circle where everything is dependant on eachother?

The problem with the movie is too many questions in the first part, that get backed up with even more questions in the second part, but none of the questions get answered in the third part.

oh oh, that architect guy is half lithuanian :D
there ends my knowledge of the matrix.. :down:


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

Majed, dont try to find a super realistic answer to the fact that neo could stop the machines in the real world. That happened beause he was "The one" and he was almost a ruler in the matrix. Maybe his own presence in the real world was in some way connected to the machines.. because his mind was very powerfull in the matrix and in the same way in the real life.
I know that is impossible, and is out of context... but that its the idea of the guys who did the movie.
I guess it bothers me so much that i dont want to accept the fact that he has super powers.

at the end of reloaded, Neo found out that the 'one' is infact not a person with super powers. the 'one' is just a person in the matrix who represent the remainder of the unperfect equations that make the matrix.
i guess it also turned out that he was smart. he should be anything extra!! :groan:


De Nada Martin :)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Do you know, that I completely didnt realise, that Neo died?
I was so :fero: that Wachowscy killed Trinity that arghhhhhh :fero:
So after that I was sitting there so unhappy, that I couldnt think about anything else.

After the movie, I was going home and my friend asked me, how did I enjoy the movie, and I said: I didnt enjoy at all cause they killed Trinity :fero: And he said (cause he knew my feelings about that): well, at least they both died, and I said: WHAT?? :dazed::eek: When he died? :cheesy:
That's twisted I know ;)

++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

I think that the only one i can answer in the Smith question.
What i think.
Smith was transforming everybody in himslef, as he was a virus. He turned Seraph, and the little arabian girl too. But things changed when he killed and transformed "The Oracle" into himself. The Oracle was a very important, and powerfull program inside the mtarix,,, almost aspowefull as neo could be. When smith did that, he evolved ino a very powerfull being.
Neo, meanwhile he was fighting against Smith, he realized that he wouldnt be able to beat him, because Smith was too powefull for him, he was so powerfull that he could even dominate the matrix entirely. I dont know who said something like, Neo and Smith were coonected for some reason. Well... i think that Neo let Smith kill him in the last scene.... when you see that Smith morphed neo into another smith (which mean the end of everything because now smith was like a god). But Smith killed neo, and at the same time he killed himself because he was in some way related to neo...and Neo knew this.

This is my theory.
Brilliant theory Hydde :thumb:
Plus fits me prefectly :angel:

And good explanations by Majed and Hydde, some thigns were not clear for me, before I've read them :)


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2002
When i saw no 2 (i didn't see no 1) i didn't understand what was all the fuss about matrix. But although critics have said that 3 is a bad film i like it quite a bit.

Anyhow Lord of the Rings>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Matrix


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
excellent, hyyde. oh , neo died? i just realized that :D but really, trinity when she was dying : "kiss me. kiss me, neo..." that was just so farkin funny.

Oh thanks thanks Vit ans Sally!!!

Jajaj and sally... yeah that scene was unreal you know! ,jaja and those kissings secenes beetween both, i think were overussed. A good example is when Triny kiss him in the Subway station. The show the scene,, with a very poppy love song.

After that scene,,everybody in the cinema was like "so what??? :lazy: " :p

And in that scene when Trinity is dying.... when they show her wound (More or less 7 iron bars totally inside her stomahc ,heart and Lungs)........and she still have breath to talk more or less 3 minutes!!!!:eek:

Jejej and she was so calmed and lovely with neo...............when in the real live i can just imagine a real human with all those bars inside without breath even to scream of pain...saying those cursi things!! ;)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I'm so sick of reading so much about the Matrix, people write so many huge essays. They're interesting and each one provides a different view, but when u think about it....who cares that much...

I haven't even seen the 3rd movie, so maybe it's too early to be sick of the series, but i'm not expecting that much from it. I guess that might enhance my enjoyment of it if anything.

++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
3. What is the architect?
He's a computer program specially designed to formulate a chicken recipe with 11 different herbs and spices :p;)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I just remember a parody that "MTV" did about matrix reloaded with justin timberlake in one of those "mtv movie awards"..

jaja it was jut TOO FUNNY. The architect was talking all his bullshit... and Timberlake was looking at him like "what da fok???".

I the end the architect said something like "IN Conclution... i have not fokin idea what im talking about!!!!".

I almost died laughing after i heard that guy said that!!!! :LOL:

because when i saw the "reloaded" for first time... i was hinking the same!!! (i have no idea what u are talking bout dude)


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
I avoided reading this thread for a while, I didn't wanna know about the third part till I see it first.

I finally saw it.. it was atotal piece of sh*t IMO.
there are a lot of things that doesn't make any sense.. you need to read more about it, see animatrix to understand it.. wtf. why don't they explain everything in the movie itself..!!??

the only good movie out of this series is the the first one, it had a meaning.. the 2nd and 3rd were just like superman movies to me.

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